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Fucking DayZ. Awesome DayZ.

Yep, so the bastards have decided that they won't be dropping the beta on us before the end of the year.
When I get on a PC I'll add the full dev blog but it was kind if a bad news good news situation.
While it's annoying, they've sweetened it by telling us that helicopters will now be added to the beta, and that is a game changer for me. DayZ is nothing without helicopters and what the standalone has been crying out for. I hope I read it right🤣

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An end of year report from the DayZ team. Video below my brief ramble:)


Now, of all the people entitled to be cynical about this game, I think I have the right to make my own report.


I played the DayZ mod back in the summer of 2012, on a work laptop. Other than Civ, I hadn't really played any PC games for quite a while. 


I had to buy Arma 2 to access the 'free' mod. I fucking loved it. I cannot overstate this. The way the game drew you in right form the first moment you spawned on the beach. I've never before or since found a game quite like it. Though EFT has elements that elicit similar feelings, there's nothing quite like that DayZ mod back in 2012 and 2013.


Well, people clamoured for a standalone version. The mod was buggy as hell, my first death was from falling a few feet off a ladder, and yeah, everyone demanded a standalone game, with it's own team, rather that relying on a couple of modders.


So, we got what we asked for. Dean got the go ahead from Bohemia to begin working on DayZ, separate from Arma.


But this wasn't enough, already after a few months people were demanding to play the version of DayZ they were working on. Dean and co were kind of noobs here and provided dates to try and placate people. They didn't meet dates and the hate starting to generate was pretty mental. When they finally released an early access version of the game I think it was a bad decision and under duress. Diddums might remember the DayZ forum in this times, fucking mental people on there with a ridiculous sense of entitlement. 


So they released aversion of the game, on a engine that couldn't cope. It was a bastardised version of the Arma 3 engine. What happened next? Dean left and after a period of time Bohemia bit the bullet and they decided to switch to a new engine.


Dean leaving the game's development was ultimately the best thing to do, he was a good modder but not a great lead developer.


Then massive decision to switch to a brand new engine came alost too late, might still be too late, we'll see. But, as the video says, I think 2018 will finally be the year of DayZ.





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The first update of the year has arrived. Mre than any other game I have ever played, I want this to be good.



Dev Update

The year of DayZ is here, and the first two weeks of it are behind us. We looked over the state of the game  and came up with a selected subset of experimental features that will get us to a playable beta game state as soon as possible.

Even with this goal of fast implementation in mind, we understand how critical it is to, after all the time with legacy builds, get the game out in a good state. Making sure that the long standing issues that bother us all the most get fixed for once: performance, stability, cheating prevention, and functional gameplay mechanics.

0.63 Experimental and BETA are still going to represent an Early Access game, so there will be issues. On the other hand, we will also work with a faster iteration speed to fix the remaining issues, to implement remaining content and features from our BETA/Experimental goals, and to go through all your valuable feedback.

The past two weeks were spent on actionable items mostly within the player character feature set. After we're done with the new player character, you'll see more stuff done on the infected side of things. The same goes for vehicles and helicopters - once they are working and we have them in some presentable state on 0.63, you'll be the first to know!




Full update can be found here:



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8 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Nice one Phil. This will be on the list. Just because of you first though mind :wub:

Well now Lee, I'll be matching Rib and buying this for you. Not so much a present as a guilt trip into playing it with me😙


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Well now Lee, I'll be matching Rib and buying this for you. Not so much a present as a guilt trip into playing it with me[emoji11]

[emoji23] I didn't need a game to be bought for me to play with you flange! Thank you so much mate, that's amazing. [emoji173]

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Latest status report here:


Tldr -

Peter is finally done with having apple tree and stone texture spamming in the game, and hints at our new dynamic ambient loot spawning. Finishing off the dev part, we have Mirek teasing bits about the infected movement, and our Audio Designer Filip sharing his latest and greatest.


Link to full blog:







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Latest status report here:


Tldr - 

Getting close to 0.63 being released to experimental, also runs well on console.


"With February in full swing, we're approaching the moment where with each week, the 0.63 experimental release is becoming more and more likely. We're about to start team-wide play-tests to get our internal servers as full as possible in order to get proper data on server synchronization and performance. With that said, there are still elementary parts (like swimming and vaulting) of the game that are very much work in progress, and for that reason, we are still not feeling very comfortable talking about any potential 0.63 Experimental release dates publicly.

Together with Eugen and Baty, we've compiled a to-do list of sorts (basically our Experimental goals from the BETA Status Report) where we want to provide a simple overview of the current state of each key part of the 0.63 update. We'll check if and how we can publish it (we still need to work out some specifics with our team leads, also during the play-tests I mentioned), but suffice to say - there is a lot of work in progress, and less things that we would already be able to tick off as "ready for Experimental". 

While we don't want to give in to some unnecessary rush, there is also the other side of things that kind of makes us want to progress towards the 0.63 Experimental PC release as fast as possible. Our release schedule for this year is pretty tight. The main goal is to have the PC BETA and 1.0 all happen in 2018, and we're also getting much closer to bringing DayZ to console players. Our good relationship with both Sony and Microsoft opens interesting opportunities for cooperation, and since we've always had our focus aimed at the existing PC community of players first and foremost, it's in our own best interest to bring you solid PC releases ASAP so that we can also satisfy the large audience waiting for DayZ on consoles. 

Despite the not-so-huge amount of work going into our console builds of the game, we're basically able to run our regular PC 0.63 builds on both consoles with no major issues in gameplay or performance, and so the progress towards PC releases of 0.63 Experimental and Stable is critical also from this point of view - not only we really want you to have something to play already, we also want to grow our community further. 

Let's see how that works - we'll keep you posted! Meanwhile, see you in Chernarus!



The full report has masses of detail, see below:




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I did not realise they wanted a console release. However, I really hope they hold it back because when trying 7 days on console it just doesn't do the game any justice, plus they really need to consider the MP possibilities. The console version must have scope to have larger parties in the same world.

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23 minutes ago, BO7H B4RRELS said:

Good stuff, Phil. Thanks for posting that. I haven't played DayZ in quite a while. I'm overdue to play.

Via the FG App

It sounds like the new version will be ready pretty soon, so I'll be getting back on it properly.


Lee has the game now, as does Tronic and possibly Crispy, so I'll be 'persuading' them to try it out.


It would be cool to find a sweet time spot to play with you as well man:1310_thumbsup_tone1:


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On 16/04/2018 at 11:40 PM, phil bottle said:

Getting closer, hoping this goes live (or at least in experimental servers) very soon, it's been a long wait.



Good to hear and see progress on the stress test. Been waiting patiently to ser what's in store.

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Good to hear and see progress on the stress test. Been waiting patiently to ser what's in store.
Yeah, while there are some ok DayZ type mods for Arma 3, I want to play the real thing and I'm hoping they're finally getting it right. Seems like it but I'm dying for a go on the new engine. I believe they're just working on the jumping mechanic and bug smashing now before releasing this to the player accessible experimental servers.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


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