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Destiny Calendar: Crota


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Event Title: Crota
Event Author: Sennex
Calendar: Destiny Calendar
Event Date: 05/31/2017 11:00 PM to 06/01/2017 01:00 AM

Crota run 





Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Good run last night @Sennex @SensaiNemesis @TigerBurge @Greboth @crispymorgan


Shame we couldn't get Crota at the end, I just mistimed a few swords, the last one just a fraction early. I think if we'd had a few more go's we'd have done it.


Good job on bridge and singer. Swordbreakers dropped aplenty and i got the chest piece so just need the helmet now.


Why is it that slashing Knights to pieces with massive swords is so god damn satisfying. Love that part.


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