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The Great Revival

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Well, I can't say enough how made up I certainly was yesterday. Compared to what my normal Friday would be, yesterday was a little mental. Thank you for being around, as always.


Clearly, one day isn't enough and I absolutely know I can't do this on my own. We need keep the topics and posts and to be honest, like Rich said in the other thread, this is the ideal opportunity.


Destiny 2 is seriously big news. There's so much stuff to learn and uncover that I think its obvious that this will be one of our main games. Please find and share as much info as you can. Equally, anyone who hasn't had the game before I URGE you to give it a try. You won't be disappointed.


Call of Duty will be back soon and I feel there's 2 parts we should try and give a try - 1) the new CoD as it seems this is closer to what everyone has wanted for years and 2) I think we should be having some CoD reunions across all old games. Clearly the latter will consist of who has which consoles and which games but we should start trying to work this shit out. Black Ops 3 is probably owned by most PS4 owners and that game was one of the decent CoD games.


Let's make use of the Calendar more often. Anyone can add events on there. Even if you find out a game release, add it on there. It's not that hard and it adds value to what we offer overall. If you make game events then for the community then it has a RSVP system which is a pretty neat tool.


Rich is working on the video section and it would be great if you all started to think about saving your clips more often. Upload it to the videos section and then it should create a corresponding forum topic for it with a link.


There's tons more we could do but thats a start for ideas. ALL of these can be picked up by anyone. We fall together, we grow back up together and smash the fucking world together.

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I started out yesterday responding to your 'Call to all FGers' post, basically saying 'Lee you are banging your head against a brick wall'. Well congratulations mate, your head was hard enough  to beat that brick wall down. Top stuff and you deserve all our thanks


I've got loads of stuff i could post on Destiny 1 still, and started with a Vosik challange thread yesterday, hope it helps people and maybe gets people intrigued anough about it to try and beat it, and will do more. WOTM is a great raid, but the two challenge modes are not easy, but we like it tough!

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20 minutes ago, Baabcat said:

I started out yesterday responding to your 'Call to all FGers' post, basically saying 'Lee you are banging your head against a brick wall'. Well congratulations mate, your head was hard enough  to beat that brick wall down. Top stuff and you deserve all our thanks


Well said Bob. Couldn't have put it better myself.


It was awesome to see the traffic on here yesterday but we all have to take a little bit of ownership to keep it going now. I think the real hard part has been done and we can start to look to a bright new future on here

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Spot on, all of you. This place needed a kick up the back side, in fact it wasn't the place, it was us. We've shown ourselves that we can do it and that we don't need whatsapp to function as a group, forum and especially as friends. Like stretch, I too see a bright future.


To ForeverGaming and to Lee, for giving us that kick up the ass 🍻❤️



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Thanks Bob, Stretch and Rich. How I see it, is I just made the first move, all of you did the rest.


Bob - Absolutely share what you have for both Destiny 1 and 2. I want us to get a little momentum whilst we work up an action plan for Destiny 2. We should all be out there planting the seed of FG and how we're the community to help, share and have lots of fun.


Stretch/Rich - I will continuously say one person can't do this on their own. Thanks for offering your support.


We are a family that helps each other so if you spot something that's an opportunity, a thing that isn't quite right, info that you know people will be interested in.... Share it. Speak up. Post. Do something. It really isn't that hard.

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I'm down for revival games, just give me plenty of notice as I don't own some of them.


The way I see it we have the foundations, and a core group of willing people.  What we need to do is think about bringing more traffic and people through.  That will mean dropping into game chat, sending friend requests and putting our name about.  We are a unique gaming community, we play games and have a laugh.  We are pretty good (I'd say slightly above average - higher if we drop diddums), but more importantly no too  serious.


Was great to log in at work this morning and have loads to read.  Although I did miss my Morning FG from Lee :(


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Lee you need to give yourself a bit more credit mate. I basically let this place run in to the ground and you revived it from the ashes and got all these lazy fucks to post again. For more community games, Planetside 2 is free on PSN, as is World of Tanks and a few others. Planetside 2 is fantastic for a night now and then because we can have a fucking huge team and we can all hop on Discord which circumvents the chat limitations of PSN.


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Discord is a PC / Phone app and as far as I know there isn't a PS4 app so it would have to be seperate.  Not a perfect solution but the best solution if there is more than 8 online.  I still don't understand the 8 player limit but oh well.


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How can you use it on a phone/tablet if you're wearing headphones on the ps4? I agree with you about the 8 limit technically Greboth but I struggle with that amount of chat voices anyway!


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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1 hour ago, Plumbers Crack said:

How can you use it on a phone/tablet if you're wearing headphones on the ps4? I agree with you about the 8 limit technically Greboth but I struggle with that amount of chat voices anyway!


19 minutes ago, PlasticGaming said:

ear buds that have a built in mic like apple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dave, Rob is right and actually it sounds absolutely fine when you stick ear buds in from your phone so you talk on discord.


Then I just put my ps4 headset over the top of them. It actually sounds very close to jut being in a ps4 chat ironically, just having 2 headsets on at the same time.


We can do a little test one night to help you and a few others if that helps?

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3 hours ago, Diddums said:

Lee you need to give yourself a bit more credit mate. I basically let this place run in to the ground and you revived it from the ashes and got all these lazy fucks to post again. For more community games, Planetside 2 is free on PSN, as is World of Tanks and a few others. Planetside 2 is fantastic for a night now and then because we can have a fucking huge team and we can all hop on Discord which circumvents the chat limitations of PSN.


Thanks mate, kind words. You didn't in my eyes, we all have good days and bad days, I can see how hard this truly is. I am tiiiiirrreeed this weekend just over the last few days but you adjust and keep going and smiling.


You know I really enjoyed Planetside 2. I'd be up for that and anything else for that matter.

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