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Demoralization in video games


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I was saving this one up for when I start a blog, but fuck it, it's dead here lately so it's time to get some tongues wagging. I have noticed, mainly in team-based games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, that if i start losing badly to a well organized team, I start "losing hope" so to speak. I will usually go into try-hard mode and bust out the take-easy guns, but if that still fails, I usually go on the back burner and simply ride it out, as I feel there's no point in trying any more.


I have also noticed this a few times with nemy teams, theyll start off strong, and if I'm on a team that's doing well, they seem to sag off and start sucking more. Either that, or my team miraculously gains some skill.


On the flip side, I've also noticed that if I'm on a decent streak, I tend to get "in the zone", where I pay extra attention to my surroundings, who's around me, who's facing what, where the exit and choke points are, lines of sight, etc etc. It's when I get into this mental state that I go from being a mediocre player, to downright irritating to the enemy team, and sometimes I tear it up really hard.


This only happens in about 10% of the games I play, and I get into the "given up" state in about 30% of the games I play. For the rest, I usually just either have a laugh or roll with the crew and see how it goes.


Has anyone else noticed this? Am I weird or is this normal?





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I go balls deep from the start, it's very rare that i don't try hard. With cod, for instance, there were long periods where i wouldn't get a chance to play, so when i finally did play i'd want to try to see how well i could play. I definitely get what you mean about team mates slacking towards the end of a game. The proper weird one's are DOM game because you're kicking ass at half time, no one leaves the lobby, then in the second half your team can hardly get a kill. Makes no sense but then randoms never do.



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Regardless of what game I'm playing, I'll get frustrated if:


A) I know I can do better than I currently am.

B) I'm losing due to cheap tactics.


Let's take FIFA for example. If I'm simply being outplayed, that's fine. I can lose 3-0 and be fine with it. If I lose 1-0 to someone I've dominated against however, that's me done for the night. I'll get red cards all the time and try stupid shots. The same thing happens in FPS's.



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There is nothing better in Call of Duty than a brilliant comeback and there is nothing worse than throwing it away.  I had a horrendous defeat on Cranked earlier where we blew a 40 point lead and after being 8-1, I finished 11-12. I noticed a few people quit on the opposition which made way for some better players who managed to turn the game on its head.  Thankfully, I usually recover and not be too disheartened.  Some lobbies frustrate me and I just have to get the hell outta there usually after bad misfortune continuously or the opposition being rather jammy.  If i try too hard to get even, I just become sloppy and increasingly frustrated. COD is enjoyable 90% of the time but technical woes and irritating opponents and even teammates can turn joy into grief.


Sometimes I play too much and despite being tired, I keep on going and my play deteriorates which leaves me playing more as I try and salvage the session to finish on a strong note - that sometimes makes things worse as I then think I'm back in the mix and continue to play, only to fade away and then have to repeat the process and try and clock-off for the evening.


I think Call of Duty affects the majority of the community in the same way - we're all humans after all but some can just write things off but most get riled at inconsistencies and misfortune and that is all part of the experience.  

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I got bored with BLOPS2 because it was pretty much too easy... (me and my Chicom FTW).....but I'm liking Ghosts so far because I don't know the maps yet and from I what I've seen (only played a few hours so far) I do like the new maps, they're an improvement on recent games.


I have 2 state of minds usually, reckless and thoughtful, how I play depends upon which one is in the ascendancy.


Usually if I'm vocally quiet it means I'm concentrating on that very conflict.


^does any of that make any sense? my brain has taken a beating today so I don't know what crap I'm writing.


Think I'll jog on at 4pm :blink:


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Yep, makes perfect sense.


I find I have three modes though, reckless, thoughtful, and "in the zone". The latter seems to be when I'm just in full form, everything going perfectly. It's also usually when I'm playing solo, and anyone who's ever played with this lot will know why.


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Reckless, thoughtful, and in the zone are perfect man.  I know exactly what you mean.  Reckless is when I'm not paying attention to spawns/details.  Thoughtful can go both ways.  Sometimes I over think and I die to indecisiveness or my planning works out and I have a decent game.  Being in the zone is when I don't need to think about spawns, I just feel them changing and automatically start moving that direction picking and popping everything in my way.  The maps/spawns are still too new to me to really get in the zone at this point.  I have moments, but not really in the zone.  




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The zone: the perfect balance....I love how when you're in the zone you know it and you know everyone in front of you is going to find out pretty effing quickly.


But if my team is losing badly I tend to camp it up and get sneaky kills.


Claymores with scavenger in MW2 used to be a hoot, you could have three set up at a time, then bouncing betties and now IEDs are my favourite friends when things aren't going well :)


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phil bottle, on 14 Nov 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:

The zone: the perfect balance....I love how when you're in the zone you know it and you know everyone in front of you is going to find out pretty effing quickly.


But if my team is losing badly I tend to camp it up and get sneaky kills.


Claymores with scavenger in MW2 used to be a hoot, you could have three set up at a time, then bouncing betties and now IEDs are my favourite friends when things aren't going well :)

I could only ever set up 2 in mw2. When I place a third down one of the others would blow up.

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