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Rise Of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration [PS4]


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1 hour ago, phil bottle said:

Let us know how it goes, this was completely off my radar 

I played it last year on xbox one when I had one. If you like the first one, you'll like the second. It's not drastically different in any way, but does have it's improvements. There's a crafting aspect. You collect materials, I.e. tree branches, and you can craft your own arrows. Berries go towards health. In later game you get raw oil and can make specific arrows (I think it was arrows, might have been something else). In combat you can eventually craft what is basically a Molotov. I didn't often find myself running out of ammo.

There's a survival dlc that comes with it. I haven't played it yet, but it looks interesting. Especially being in Siberia. That's all part of the challenge mode. With the challenge mode you replay levels for best score type thing. The anniversary edition comes with all the card packs, so there's lots of options to make the challenge easy or harder. Basically before you start the challenge you select a few cards (if you want) that alter total point percentage. For example, there's one that makes all enemies heads big. While hilarious to look at it decreases your points by 25%. There's another card that starts you off without any ammo and that increases your points by some percentage. Then there's the cards that are purely flavour; certain outfits, certain weapon skins, Lara trails a rainbow behind her (not even joking with that one).

I really enjoyed it story wise as well. More history shrouded in mysticism. Perfect touch of both for my tastes. A comic series (I think there's possibly two different ones running right now) started right as the first game ended (which I haven't read) and leads in to a book (which I have read and wouldn't recommend. Story is good, but the writing leaves a lot to be desired) which then leads to this game. Basically what I'm saying is there is an aspect of the story that you might be like "who the fuck are these guys?", but that's not something a quick Google search won't solve.

Soooooo, ya. I like this game.

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12 hours ago, Rumelylady said:

I played it last year on xbox one when I had one. If you like the first one, you'll like the second. It's not drastically different in any way, but does have it's improvements. There's a crafting aspect. You collect materials, I.e. tree branches, and you can craft your own arrows. Berries go towards health. In later game you get raw oil and can make specific arrows (I think it was arrows, might have been something else). In combat you can eventually craft what is basically a Molotov. I didn't often find myself running out of ammo.

There's a survival dlc that comes with it. I haven't played it yet, but it looks interesting. Especially being in Siberia. That's all part of the challenge mode. With the challenge mode you replay levels for best score type thing. The anniversary edition comes with all the card packs, so there's lots of options to make the challenge easy or harder. Basically before you start the challenge you select a few cards (if you want) that alter total point percentage. For example, there's one that makes all enemies heads big. While hilarious to look at it decreases your points by 25%. There's another card that starts you off without any ammo and that increases your points by some percentage. Then there's the cards that are purely flavour; certain outfits, certain weapon skins, Lara trails a rainbow behind her (not even joking with that one).

I really enjoyed it story wise as well. More history shrouded in mysticism. Perfect touch of both for my tastes. A comic series (I think there's possibly two different ones running right now) started right as the first game ended (which I haven't read) and leads in to a book (which I have read and wouldn't recommend. Story is good, but the writing leaves a lot to be desired) which then leads to this game. Basically what I'm saying is there is an aspect of the story that you might be like "who the fuck are these guys?", but that's not something a quick Google search won't solve.

Soooooo, ya. I like this game.

That's a really great description, will definitely check it out now!


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Awesome write up Sarah. That's twisted my arm to add to my shopping list. Lara Croft games have always been fun due to the amount of different puzzles you have to solve throughout the game. Challenging but achieveable.

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