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Your Videogame Shopping List


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After a fairly quiet period of games; seems they are coming in thick and fast now which is great and also terrible at the same time as money and fitting them all in wont be easy and I may even have to overlook a couple that I was particularly looking forward to.

I've bought Gears of War 4 for PC today and I'm definitely looking to pick up Battlefield 1 next week with just Planet Coaster my only other must buy for the year. With FIFA 17 a game I'm already playing quite regularly; these 4 will eat into my time and keep me occupied long into 2017. This means I'm gonna have to neglect Dishonored 2 for now along with Skyrim Remastered and will even have to overlook Civilization 6 which is definitely a major time sink even on its own. 

This will also be the first year since before 2007 that I wont be playing a Call of Duty game and I'm quietly thankful that MW:R isn't a standalone at this time else I would've had to rethink my entire Christmas strategy. Infinite Warfare is one game I have absolutely zero interest in and I'm certainly not being baited into buying it with the remaster as leverage. Unlike previous years where Call of Duty has dominated; there is plenty of choice elsewhere thankfully. 

What's on your shopping list for the rest of the year? 

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I'll split this between PC and PS4.


BF1 - loved the Beta and the latest footage has me drooling

COD - Partly for the MW remake yes but I also want to see how IW plays.

I've pre-ordered from Amazon and it clocks in at £98 for all three games.


I'm mostly playing the free mods on Arma 3 (and on Arma 2 again too recently funnily enough) at the moment (plus I haven't finished either Deus EX or Doom) so I may wait for sales on most games.

Skyrim re-mastered - I get this for free as I have all the Skyrim DLC on PC.

Dishonored 2 - Dishonored on Xbox360 kind of bored me. On PC it was so much more satisfying. I'll look out for a bargain on this.

Civ 6 - I had to ban myself (and Mina) from playing Civ 5 so this is a no no.


So - other than the ton I'm forking out for BF1 and the two CODs - I'm not planning on laying out for another game before the end of the year (other than BF1 DLC I suppose:221_see_no_evil:).


disHonourable mention

Watchdogs 2 - lol no ficken way until it's under a tenner:lol:

Mafia 3 - the sky:blink:


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Well hyped about the games coming out.

My list of pre-orders:

FIFA17 - Received last week and loving it so far. There's so much they've added to the game!

BF1 - Looking forward to this the most!!

Cod - I get it every year and enjoy them so an extra tenner for cod4 was too good to pass up

Final Fantasy - I think this will have to go next to BF1 for games i'm looking forward to the most, still need to see the film as well :221_see_no_evil:



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11 hours ago, phil bottle said:

I'm also expecting update patches for Star Citizen which lately are like a whole new game in each one. 

This game does make me question whether to invest in a PC in the future. Looks incredible.

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1 hour ago, GazzaGarratt said:

This game does make me question whether to invest in a PC in the future. Looks incredible.

You have plenty of time to save, I'd say it's at least a couple more years before this is finished. I backed it nearly 3 years ago and the project just keeps getting bigger and bigger from its original aim. If they pull it off properly it will be awesome. 


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BF1 maybe. My BETA experience wasn't that great. The game didn't play well at all for me. I'm waiting to see what my Internet will be like once I move to San Jose

Fallout 4 perhaps. I've been playing Skyrim on the PC lately. I just love that game and I might get Fallout to have something similar, but yet different

Perhaps Mass Effect once we know more. ME2 was one of the best campaign I have ever played (in my opinion anyways), ME3 was one of my favorite multiplayers. If they can duplicate either one of those I going to get it for sure. 

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Battlefield 1

TitanFall 2

Skyrim Remastered... will be added to my library. But that is free... so not sure it counts as "shopping list" 

Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the WiiU...whenever that drops. 

... I think that is it. I may pick up CoD:IW in April. If they do a stand alone MW4 may be a Christmas n00b on that one. 

For Honor looks cool, had an alpha code but was never able to get in. ..also looks like it could be really bad. hah. 

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I'm not sure whether to get Fifa 17 or  PES? I like the pes gameplay better on the pitch but Fifa seems to have more game modes etc.

i think I'd like a cod or BF game as I used to enjoy the online multiplayer back on the PS3.....would be good to play with some people I know rather than just randoms. 

And I'd like to get final fantasy remake as this was the game myself and Lee played a lot and loved back in the day 😊

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7 minutes ago, Findmartin said:

I'm not sure whether to get Fifa 17 or  PES? I like the pes gameplay better on the pitch but Fifa seems to have more game modes etc.

i think I'd like a cod or BF game as I used to enjoy the online multiplayer back on the PS3.....would be good to play with some people I know rather than just randoms. 

And I'd like to get final fantasy remake as this was the game myself and Lee played a lot and loved back in the day 😊

FIFA 17 is really good this year and I highly recommend that over PES. I've been more of a PES fan and it has come a long way in the last few years after a poor performance last gen but this year it's not really gone anywhere and is looking a bit threadbare features and content-wise. FIFA 17 is a massive step up from last year and the gameplay is massively improved. With tonnes of  modes, teams and on the pitch quality; it's the only one to consider this time around IMO.

BF1 will be hugely popular on PS4 here so that's a great choice whereas CoD has lost all interest and barely anyone talks about or plays it nowadays.  

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On 12/10/2016 at 11:17 PM, GazzaGarratt said:

Bf1, Fifa 17 and probably something else other than CoD for shits and giggles. I never truly played a Battlefield game properly so I'm looking forward to trying to play it thoroughly this time round.

I've fixed my own post :91_thumbsup:

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