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Rise of Iron first thoughts


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Just done some of the first quest and Im really pleased with it. Storyline and cutscenes are well presented and missions are so far enjoyable. Hoping it's more to come over the first month.

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7 hours ago, Capn_Underpants said:

Short. Very short. 

I didn't realise when I posted this, we'd completed the main storyline :221_see_no_evil:

Have you done all of the quests Sam? I still have a number of quests open so I still feel there is plenty to do, but I'm abit gutted there may not be more cutscenes.

Also, Didds and I ran the Sepiks Perfected Strike. I expected it to be different but not too much....the fact that most enemies spawn in exactly like the normal sepiks strike just let me gobsmacked.

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9 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I didn't realise when I posted this, we'd completed the main storyline :221_see_no_evil:

Have you done all of the quests Sam? I still have a number of quests open so I still feel there is plenty to do, but I'm abit gutted there may not be more cutscenes.

Also, Didds and I ran the Sepiks Perfected Strike. I expected it to be different but not too much....the fact that most enemies spawn in exactly like the normal sepiks strike just let me gobsmacked.

Yup,  all done with minimal effort. Lol the raid better be good! 

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Well, here I am, and you all probably know exactly what I'm going to say but meh, here we go.


What a crock of shit. Everything in the entire expansion is recycled shit. Everything. Bad guys, maps, zones, explorable areas, it's all the fucking same shit we'ev been doing for the last two years. The "new" Devil's Lair is exactly the same as the old one. They've literally copied and pasted the entire thing, except that now the bad guys have a bit of red, the walker is now a few ogres and Sepiks is now "perfected". Lee and I were actually laughing at how lazy they were, down to the invisible snipers, having to hold your dinklebot next to the crashed spaceship thingy in the middle, it's exactly the fucking same. The zones you "explore" are exactly the ones we've been exploring for ages except that they've tacked a new single room on the end for that fresh feel. I havent' done the new strike yet, maybe tonight, dunno. The new PVP mode is fucking awesome, kill confirmed is excellent although I don't think the killfeed needs to tell us every time someone picks up a tag. Great fun, and always fun to see that Mida is still as OP as always and warlocks are still cunts.


This, as with every other xpac in Destiny, is worth a tenner. Not £25. I'm still gobsmacked that we as gamers let these greedy fucks get away with it. If it weren't for the fact that all my friends (yes you lot, you cunts) play this, I would've told Bungie to get fucked. 


The raid had best be good. 


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I've enjoyed what I've played so far, the light leveling is still dumb, release a raid a few days after launch that you need to grind a stupid amount for in one or two things just to be ready to go...nah will get to it eventually .

Enjoyed the 2 quests hot great satisfaction from finishing last part of ghorn quest myself but as with everything these days it's all down to the best primary in the game red death,  imo no need to swap out unless eventual burn weapons return.

So pvp love supremacy and even with op as shit warlocks is the place to have most fun for me, embrace the bullshit and actually get to use different weapons for a change.

Bf1 will quench the burnout

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1 hour ago, Diddums said:

Tried the 350 strike last night, thoroughly enjoyed it. Didn't make it because the last boss is ridiculously hard. Good effort from Maz, Rod, and Dave though, we'll get im next time!

I found the best way to beat him is to have someone completely devoted to keeping the Ogor distracted.

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After speaking to Chris I wont be infusing much at all if blues keeping dropping to 365.

I personally think you should focus on infusing your Crucible specific gear people use first, if you want to infuse. That way the light level drops post match should be higher than your highest light level.

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