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Destiny Expansion Sept 20th


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It's not that far away and I'm enjoying the light variety of games I'm thinking this will be a decent buy that some or most of us will get into. I don't think anyone is in for the grind which might make this more of a buy in my opinion.

I'm absolutely getting this and hoping we can experience the 4 raids together to see what we can do with them.

What's the interest from everyone for this expansion?

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Probably not for me. My gaming time and ability to game when others are on just isn't practical for Destiny. For example I have never done a Raid because I am not on when others are or just don't have enough time in one session to do it. Strikes were ideal for that but they got boring pretty quick and don't produce gear equal to strike gear. 


I think I'll wait for BF1 and invest in that. 

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They sometimes shit in the liquor tent too. Hell yes, I pre-ordered this. Looking forward to it

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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I have no plans to get it and have deleted destiny off my ps4 at the moment

However with my new found nightly freedoms and the fact I miss epic gaming nights of old I could be persuaded to reconsider..however my only definite buy at the moment is bf1

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"As of right now"

That's Rob speak for "I'll get it cos I want to play with you guys" :D


No you would be surprise when I write off a company I am generally pretty to the plan. Unless the entire lot of you drop Rainbow 6 completely for months on end or my Nintendo 3DS breaks I won't be playing Destiny.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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I have no plans to get it and have deleted destiny off my ps4 at the moment

However with my new found nightly freedoms and the fact I miss epic gaming nights of old I could be persuaded to reconsider..however my only definite buy at the moment is bf1

There's a few of us that have recently started playing it again.  Just back in and see how it goes, maybe you'll want to get it.  




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There's a few of us that have recently started playing it again. Just back in and see how it goes, maybe you'll want to get it.

I am kind of in limbo where gaming is concerned at the moment so that's not a bad idea...I feel a reinstall coming on.

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I am kind of in limbo where gaming is concerned at the moment so that's not a bad idea...I feel a reinstall coming on.


I'd love to shoot some alien again with you.  I took a big break from it and PS4 in general, it felt good to come back to it.  It's such a smooth, relaxing game, perfect for talking shit and playing.  




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It's installing now, I agree I can hope back on after a long break and just chill and shoot shit...think I definitely burnt out on the grind before.


Yeah, it became a chore there for a while.  A break was good.  It doesn't feel like a grind to me at all anymore.  It's just fun to bullshoot and shoot stuff.  Glad to have you back.  :)




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