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What Specialists is everyone rolling at the minute? I've currently got Ruin equipped with the Gravity Spikes and that is excellent for doubles/triples and even quads in some modes. Just gotta execute the move before getting killed as if you don't your ability gets reset. Also tried Seraph with Combat Focus which can boost your scorestreak when activated for a period of time - you can really climb the ladder especially in objective modes such as KC and Hardpoint when activated. Firebreak is also good fun with its flamethrower. There are really OP but available to all and some are great fun to use! 

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I'm using Ruin with Gravity Spikes as well.  I'm probably going to go with the Sereph using Annihilator next.  Seems fun.  


With that being said, I honestly wish that the Specialists feature wasn't in the game.  Seems to be jumping on the Destiny Super Ability train.  That's not what I don't like about it though.  It just feels out of place.  It doesn't feel right in CoD, IMO.




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I have been using prophet...

Using the Glitch ability (teleport back to a previous position)

My theory in choosing this seemed sound... Useful ability, when getting shot, glitch back in time so I know what's coming and get the drop in my attacker... Or if being chased glitch back and end up behind my chaser...

However, I often don't think about it until it's too late...

Or when I do glitch backwards, I find myself disorientated so it really dosent give me much advantage...

I suppose it will all come together with more practice...


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I have been using prophet...

Using the Glitch ability (teleport back to a previous position)

My theory in choosing this seemed sound... Useful ability, when getting shot, glitch back in time so I know what's coming and get the drop in my attacker... Or if being chased glitch back and end up behind my chaser...

However, I often don't think about it until it's too late...

Or when I do glitch backwards, I find myself disorientated so it really dosent give me much advantage...

I suppose it will all come together with more practice...

Sounds just like me. I moved on to H.I.V.E




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Cool man, I'll be on around the same time.  




On topic:  I'm still using the Titan Smash.  It's not my favorite, but I want to keep leveling it up just to level on up all the way to get all the xp rewards, then I'll switch.




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I've been rolling Tempest since the start until last night i changed to Scythe. Immediately can get more kills with Scythe, although it's very satisfying getting kills from the charge left from Tempest.

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Found a good use for glitch...

Used it quite a few times for this now, rush into a small tight room where there's 2+ tags close together, when you know there's enemies still in the room, slide from the doorway through the tags then glitch back outside the room...

I'm still alive and have more tags for the team...


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Found a good use for glitch...

Used it quite a few times for this now, rush into a small tight room where there's 2+ tags close together, when you know there's enemies still in the room, slide from the doorway through the tags then glitch back outside the room...

I'm still alive and have more tags for the team...

Smart Jonny. How are you liking it

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Smart Jonny. How are you liking it

I'm really enjoying it actually...

However I just wish I'd take a bit more time and care when playing... I still keep non stop sprinting around thinking I can outgun almost everyone, like the old days...

I'm my own downfall at times... I'll just keep trying, and in the words of the almighty Auptyk, try's and "GET BETTER"


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I'm really enjoying it actually...

However I just wish I'd take a bit more time and care when playing... I still keep non stop sprinting around thinking I can outgun almost everyone, like the old days...

I'm my own downfall at times... I'll just keep trying, and in the words of the almighty Auptyk, try's and "GET BETTER"

I've made my self play more cautious and be aware of what's around. I'll try to straight out rush and get wrecked
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Not keen on tempest... More of a liability than a help IMO... If I can get the kill with the tempest I could have got it with my normal gun...

Yeah, I stuck with this from the start and kills aren't great with this special. The charge is the most annoying thing out.

I suppose in a fucked up way, when you do get kills with it, it feels quite rewarding as it's such a pain!

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Reaper is my favorite. Purifier is a lot of fun.


Not keen on tempest... More of a liability than a help IMO... If I can get the kill with the tempest I could have got it with my normal gun...


I'd say that about Annihilator. I've gotten plenty of triples and quads with the tempest and it's one of my favorite starting specialists. 

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Ripper for the "oh shit" commando lunge one hit melee! And anihalator for the one hit kills at range.

Currently doing the sparrow/vision pulse challenges and there's nothing good here really. Bow has drop and travel time to takes into account. Vision pulse is good in theory apart from it gives your position away on the minimap too when you activate the pulse. Could potentially be counter productive in some game modes

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