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Iron Banner blows goats


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You guys seem to think that light dictates how strong you are, when in reality the difference it makes is negligible. The only statement I'll agree with is that the drops could be 290, but anyone with 280+ light can tear people to pieces.

Light is directly responsible for how strong you are. If you haven't realized that by now, then I am honestly shocked; it is how its been in this game since Day 1. 

Its why they put "recommended light level' on the raid, nightfall, and heroic.


Regardless of all that, here is the math that determines how well you do in the game when attacking any target


The math that determines how much damage you do, versus the enemies damage reduction of your target, is the same in PVE as in PVP.


For every 25 light you have above your target, and its weapons, you enjoy a %5 reduction in damage. This is in addition to another %5 auto added for being different light levels.


Example: Here is how it breaks down:

level 40 guardian, Light level 305, being attacked by a level whatever, light level 170 character

(305-170)/25*5%+5% = 32%


305 light level defender


170 for attacker

divided by 25

multiplied by 5

and then add in the last 5 for the auto-penalty


this equals 32% reduction in damage. Or if you prefer, if you hit for 100 points of damage, the defender only ends up taking 68 points.


NOTE: This does not take into account Critical hit bonuses. Only damage reduction per bullet hitting a target. Burst weapons are still reduced but each bullet quickly adds up. 

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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With hard mode raid put next week the gap is only going to get bigger and herein lies the fundamental problem with this Leveling system before you hit a level cap from normal mode raids and just got weapons from hard,now it's better gear this is just wrong unless there were other avenues to earn said gear.

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Bart, I realise what you're saying and I understand the concept perfectly, what I'm saying is that in Iron Banner, it's not as big a gap as the numbers make out. Yes it does make a difference but you don't *need* 290+ to compete. I was spanked a few times by a guy who was 26x the other night. Low light just means changing your play style a bit, not that you should stay away.

In PVE it's a very different kettke of fish however.


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With hard mode raid put next week the gap is only going to get bigger and herein lies the fundamental problem with this Leveling system before you hit a level cap from normal mode raids and just got weapons from hard,now it's better gear this is just wrong unless there were other avenues to earn said gear.

I hope bungie haven't screwed up the value of IB but maybe they have. The beauty of year 1 IB was that it meant you could get max gear without RNG getting in the way, just had to play Banner and be patient. Without top level gear to buy that key element has gone away

Hopefully this is temporary ( apparently the very first iron banner didn't give the highest level gear), and I will get to level 5 this time out just to start the gun collection but I hope next time out the gear is more relevant.

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Bart, I realise what you're saying and I understand the concept perfectly, what I'm saying is that in Iron Banner, it's not as big a gap as the numbers make out. Yes it does make a difference but you don't *need* 290+ to compete. I was spanked a few times by a guy who was 26x the other night. Low light just means changing your play style a bit, not that you should stay away.

In PVE it's a very different kettke of fish however.

Actually think 260+s should be doing IB as the gear you can buy would really help them, might be a grind but wins will come often enough to rank up
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I'm rank 3.5 and only had the warlock bond drop that is of lower value than the one I'm carrying

That sucks. Apparently drop rates have been increased except nobody has seen any evidence of this. Apart from the guy at the bottom of the leaderboards in every game, he gets loads

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^ :lol:





I get fuckall from IB but it doesn't bother me that much. When I want high level shit I just hang around you guys and take all your shiniez from the raids, just like I got the Vienna Singer from Sam's clutches yesterday and the 310 dish cloth :P


I can see why it annoys people though, but then again this boiles down to me and nothing else. The reason any hope for loot has been killed for me is Gjallerhorn. I spent a year playing considerably more hours than most and never got one, which pretty much breaks yuor hopes of getting anything, which is probably why I'm not bothered about getting shit or not.


That said, getting the Black Spindle yesterday was properly exciting, thanks Sam & Lee :D


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You guys seem to think that light dictates how strong you are, when in reality the difference it makes is negligible. The only statement I'll agree with is that the drops could be 290, but anyone with 280+ light can tear people to pieces.

Bart, I realise what you're saying and I understand the concept perfectly, what I'm saying is that in Iron Banner, it's not as big a gap as the numbers make out. Yes it does make a difference but you don't *need* 290+ to compete. I was spanked a few times by a guy who was 26x the other night. Low light just means changing your play style a bit, not that you should stay away.

In PVE it's a very different kettke of fish however.


Sorry, didn't know if you knew the math involved.


Also, PVE works the same way. It appears as if it doesn't because mobs have a higher HP range.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I think the concept of Light mattering in PvP is flawed to begin with. The whole idea of PvP is about testing skill, speed, and guile against an opponent in fair competition. Imagine the Olympics with level advantages enabled. Joe Blow wins the pole vault because he had a 310 pole. It's plain stupid.

I think they're floundering around trying to come up with an 'elite' Crucible event, but level advantages is not the way to do it IMO.

Implement a tournament system or something. Enter IB and the game queues you up until it has 48 players, which it divides into 8 teams of 6. Play round 1 matches and the top 3 players from each team move on. Round 2 the same. Now there's two teams of six consisting of the best players of the first two rounds. The final game is played and all players on the winning team get the max reward, no level advantages, no parties.

Just an idea. Maybe have a separate tournament for fireteams of 3 and/or 6. Idk, just throwing shit out there.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Well, got my Titten to level 5, couldn't be arsed to do another char so stayed playing on him. Haven't bought anything and haven't got any drops as it's all pretty rubbish, but it's been a good laugh playing with you guys, I really love the banner.


I do think that supers need to be removed from the banner. They're so OP now they just ruin everything. Stormtrance is immune to everything. I've seen one take a golden gun and simply carry on. I also fist of havoc'd one and he also didn't even flinch. Regenerated health so fast that by the time I had him in my crosshairs I was dead. 


Hammers. Seriously. What the fuck. That shit pops and people just run, there's pretty much nothing you can do, you just have to take it or run. 


The shadowshot or whatever it's called is rubbish. Yes it's killed me loads but as far as supers go, it's probably the weakest of the new three. It least you can still stick a shotgun shell down the hunter's throat when he gets you.


Great fun. Back to PVE for a while now methinks.


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