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Iron Banner blows goats


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It is just not worth the headache. 

I've gotten maybe 2 motes of light. I am 150 points outside of rank 3. In the old IB I would be swimming in engrams right now.


Are you guys having nay luck this go round? No one on Reddit appears to be having any luck either, so I am hoping it is just the vocal minority.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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It should drop stuff at 300. Let the raid and Trials drop stuff at 300+

Besides for the look of the gear there's no point in it. Like the nightfall at its current point there isn't any reason to do it.

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It should drop stuff at 300. Let the raid and Trials drop stuff at 300+

Besides for the look of the gear there's no point in it. Like the nightfall at its current point there isn't any reason to do it.

That's fine, even 290-300. Something better than vendor gear or regular drops is all I'm asking for. Cosmetically the gear looks great, but I don't place enough value on that to spend a week grinding IB.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I started it and in 4 games 2 of the sidearm dropped one had 297 attack but it seems like light level makes way too much difference, my 293 AR is performing better than 288 red death ffs.

Did drop a legendary engram but it's all about the pulse rifle and cloak if I get there.

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I love the banner because it tempts people who otherwise wouldn't set foot in the crubicle to have a go, which means more folks to play with. Raids are fun but you can't beat the unexpected LOL moments of PVP, like wiping out an entire team sitting in a bubble all smug with a fist of havoc. 


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I love the banner because it tempts people who otherwise wouldn't set foot in the crubicle to have a go, which means more folks to play with. Raids are fun but you can't beat the unexpected LOL moments of PVP, like wiping out an entire team sitting in a bubble all smug with a fist of havoc.

Or watching your new dance moves lol
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I love the banner because it tempts people who otherwise wouldn't set foot in the crubicle to have a go, which means more folks to play with. Raids are fun but you can't beat the unexpected LOL moments of PVP, like wiping out an entire team sitting in a bubble all smug with a fist of havoc.

I'm surprised any titan is using anything but hammers.

I can see banner getting worse when the hard raid comes out the gap will get too big for those of us forever 290...Bungie messed up again with the leveling system imo.

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Yea, pretty much.


I have yet to see someone in the Banner that wasn't 290+ Light level.


Whereas before, there were people in the 20's in it.


IB only penalizes people for not being at the top of the game, which is why I laugh at Dave's statement. 


Back to the point of my original post though. Bungie stated they were increasing drop rates for IB participants. Sadly, they appeared to have lied. The number of threads on Bungies forums, Reddit, and even facebook posts all point to the fact that no one is getting anything on the level that we used to.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I've had sod all drop but I love IB anyway. As Diddums says you get so many people who never play Crucible coming out for IB. IB is crucible on easy mode, not hard mode.


This statement makes zero sense, I mean honestly think about it.



Removes level adjustments. Everyone is the same level, everyone has 200 hit points, and the damage curve is set to zero.


Iron Banner:

Level Adjustments in full effect. All adjustments are in place, no one is equal unless they have the exact same armor, weapons, and spec. Thats the entire point of the Iron Banner. Nothing is fair in the Iron banner, because its very purpose and goal is to be Crucible hard mode. (which is even backed up in the games lore)


What this literally means is that if you are level 10, and you enter Iron Banner, you are at a disadvantage against anyone that is level 11+


How is Iron Banner Easy mode again? How is NOT leveling the playing field easier for everyone?


What incentive do lower level people have to play in the Iron Banner again?


Gear drops. 


That is the only incentive there is to play in Iron Banner.


Oh wait, no one is getting gear drops (Which is the point of this whole thread)........

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Only somewhat related, but fuck it. Something that bugs me is Bungie's insistence that the only path to max light is the raid. There are simply too many people who can't get 6 friends online for 4+ hours and who shouldn't be forced to find a PUG.

Simple solution:

Nightfall should have matchmaking and drop one guaranteed raid tier item (300+) per week.

On the Crucible side, Iron Banner and Trials should be merged, we don't need multiple flavors of special events. It should happen once a month for a week and it should provide raid tier rewards. Maybe 2 or 3 for good effort and 5 to 7 for a dominant performance.

Just thinking out loud here.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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This statement makes zero sense, I mean honestly think about it.


Removes level adjustments. Everyone is the same level, everyone has 200 hit points, and the damage curve is set to zero.

Iron Banner:

Level Adjustments in full effect. All adjustments are in place, no one is equal unless they have the exact same armor, weapons, and spec. Thats the entire point of the Iron Banner. Nothing is fair in the Iron banner, because its very purpose and goal is to be Crucible hard mode. (which is even backed up in the games lore)

What this literally means is that if you are level 10, and you enter Iron Banner, you are at a disadvantage against anyone that is level 11+

How is Iron Banner Easy mode again? How is NOT leveling the playing field easier for everyone?

What incentive do lower level people have to play in the Iron Banner again?

Gear drops.

That is the only incentive there is to play in Iron Banner.

Oh wait, no one is getting gear drops (Which is the point of this whole thread)........

Understand the theory but IB brings people to crucible who rarely play crucible. Forget level advantages, shoot the noobs.

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You guys seem to think that light dictates how strong you are, when in reality the difference it makes is negligible. The only statement I'll agree with is that the drops could be 290, but anyone with 280+ light can tear people to pieces.


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Only somewhat related, but fuck it. Something that bugs me is Bungie's insistence that the only path to max light is the raid. There are simply too many people who can't get 6 friends online for 4+ hours and who shouldn't be forced to find a PUG.

Simple solution:

Nightfall should have matchmaking and drop one guaranteed raid tier item (300+) per week.

On the Crucible side, Iron Banner and Trials should be merged, we don't need multiple flavors of special events. It should happen once a month for a week and it should provide raid tier rewards. Maybe 2 or 3 for good effort and 5 to 7 for a dominant performance.

Just thinking out loud here.

This right here.

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Just try telling groups that there should be more ways to max level than the raid, I did and basically got told to stfu.

Single players should have and do have as much right to progress through the game as groups...lfg groups should not need to exist.

That is my one true problem with Destiny. ..I'm now stuck on 3 characters with 90% of the game useless to me.

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