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Why the blithering fuck does this game take so goddamn long to register anything? Once I've killed someone, why does it take the game long enough to let them kill me as well before actually killing them and crediting me with the kill?


Why, when I've been using a shotgun all fucking day do you think it's fine to spawn me in with my primary? And no, not after I died with a heavy either, or without special ammo. Full special ammo, get killed, respawn, got a fucking auto rifle in my hand. Have you got any idea what a daft cunt I look like trying to get in someone's face to blast them, only to fire one or two auto rifle shots and then get killed? 


Why do we have to search for special ammo? Why not just spawn with it?


Why is there no game mode without all the special / shoulder charge / super / other bullshit? 


Why, when in a random group, do I always get the team full of idiots, and why is the enemy team always full of little bitches? 


Why do snipers get an easy bounty of 15 headshots but us shotgun users have to get 10 buckshot bruiser medals, which is approx. 15.239x harder to get than a pussy ass headshot?


Why the fuck does Thorn have this goddamn fucking stupid Void kills part, if Thorn doesn't have anything to do with Void?





I'll continue this excruciating load of shit later when others are on, as rolling with randoms is less pleasant than brushing my teeth with barb wire. 


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Why the blithering fuck does this game take so goddamn long to register anything? Once I've killed someone, why does it take the game long enough to let them kill me as well before actually killing them and crediting me with the kill?


Why, when I've been using a shotgun all fucking day do you think it's fine to spawn me in with my primary? And no, not after I died with a heavy either, or without special ammo. Full special ammo, get killed, respawn, got a fucking auto rifle in my hand. Have you got any idea what a daft cunt I look like trying to get in someone's face to blast them, only to fire one or two auto rifle shots and then get killed? 


Why do we have to search for special ammo? Why not just spawn with it?


Why is there no game mode without all the special / shoulder charge / super / other bullshit? 


Why, when in a random group, do I always get the team full of idiots, and why is the enemy team always full of little bitches? 


Why do snipers get an easy bounty of 15 headshots but us shotgun users have to get 10 buckshot bruiser medals, which is approx. 15.239x harder to get than a pussy ass headshot?


Why the fuck does Thorn have this goddamn fucking stupid Void kills part, if Thorn doesn't have anything to do with Void?





I'll continue this excruciating load of shit later when others are on, as rolling with randoms is less pleasant than brushing my teeth with barb wire. 


stop playing that rat-ass crucible crap, and come over to the PvE dark side...:)




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Two things.

First off, shores of time. I don't even bother any more. If that map comes up, it's back to orbit and try again. That is the only map which can fuck me off more than call of duty did because there are always snipers camping C. Not sometimes, every. Fucking. Game. Without. Fail.

Also, hand cannons. I tried using hawkmoon in pvp and well. Fuck that. Never again.


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Oh and one more thing, if I'm rolling solo, is it too much to ask to NOT put me up against a full fucking fire team? I just played, solo, against a team of 5+1. Seriously, what the fuck are those morons at Bungie thinking?


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I dunno, maybe I need to upgrade it or something. I finished with my highest KD being 0.45 with the damn thing. With my shotgun and auto rifle I finish usually at least 1.5ish, so triple. I guess it's just not suited to my run'n'gun playstyle.


And on that note, I've sharded both my Two to the morgue shotuns. I am pretty close to getting the self res perk on my 'lock so I thought I'd hop into the crucible and give it a go. Only shotung I had was that fucking 2TTM. Again, piece of shit. I've still got one left in the rare event that it comes in handy in PVE but it won't be setting foot in the crucible again, and neither will my warlock. I miss the face smashing Titan too much. With that thing I feel like a battering ram on legs just running around and stomping anything that gets in my way, but as a warlock I feel way too squishy.


Also, not being a Titan in PVP sucks. I seriously feel bad for all those who succumb to my shoulder charge. Sorry guys, I know what it's like now.


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Stuff like this shows pretty much anything works if you can use it.

2ttm I found better than secret handshake but not as good as found verdict, hunters are the pvp powerhouse its close between Titan and warlock but Titan for me shades it as I'm crap with Nova bomb and lately thorn is the beast weapon.

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Agreed. I like my Titan because he's specced out for armour and recovery, so he can take quite a battering before going down. This of course mashes in nicely with my in-your-face playstyle, but is probably also the reason I hate snipers as much as I do, which are of course prevalent on Shores. 


Thorn I don't like for two reasons: that damn burn it has which often kills me even when I'm around a corner, and the fact that I suck with it. 


TL:DR: I can't aim for shit so I need weapons that help with that :P


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Come back later Mike. You're coming up against people who have all their abilities unlocked and use weapons you can't use until level 20. Once you have all your abilities and decent weapons, get to knkw the maps. You can decimate in this game if you practice a bit.

And on that note, oversoul edict is my new favourite not-a-shotgun in pvp. I did the "earn 25 more kills or assists than death in the crucible" in two games with it.


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Daft as it seems the first gun you get in the game is a decent pvp weapon.

Just don't treat it serious as it is really full of bull and as you say unbalanced and you'll enjoy it a bit more, oh and the connection suck's too.

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Daft as it seems the first gun you get in the game is a decent pvp weapon.

Just don't treat it serious as it is really full of bull and as you say unbalanced and you'll enjoy it a bit more, oh and the connection suck's too.

Well, I won 1 game. Lol 1 more. I'm not taking it seriously. I know I'm a noob. But when they put all max levels against 10s and 5s I'm concerned.


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Level doesn't mean much in terms of character or gear. Everything is rebalanced for PvP and low level players could easily be experienced players starting a new character. I rather like the pvp, though it took me a while to warm up to. Here are some tips to hasten you along your way.


The mini map is a proximity motion sensor. When someone gets close to you, you'll see them and they'll see you. There's no way to be 'invisible'. If you crouch, you'll appear on enemy maps intermittently rather than continuously, so that helps a little.


Like any pvp shooter, it takes a while to get a feel for the maps and the spawns. Pay careful attention to places that heavy ammo drops and take advantage of it. Rocket Launchers and LMGs fuck shit up in pvp.


In Control, scoring doesn't work like Domination. It's still team death match, but for each flag you control, your team gets bonus points for every kill. Continually throwing yourself on a flag isn't a good idea, since every time you get killed, the other team is closer to victory. Be selective about how and when to take a flag, but once you have it, find a position of advantage from which you can defend it.


If you can team up with two buds, play skirmish, it's 3v3.


Good luck and god speed Guardian 

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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