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Crotas End Raid Discussion - Potential Spoilers


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I hold my hands up, being a level 29 sucks, and adds pressure to others.  I have 33 gloves and boots.  I got dicked on the commendation so I'm having to go round the board again.  In the mean time, my son is grinding crucible (child labour, it's awesome) and a gnats todger from a commendation and 120 marks, so should be good to get a chest peice or whatever.  I'm holding out for that helmet that blinds enemy, as it is way more use than anyhting else


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I got to have a few hours on the raid today got an invite from a random I met a while back, he obviously remembered me as when I joined he was saying how I was pretty good lol

Anyway we beat the first part and I have no idea how but the second part was a wash, we did get 2 people across the bridge and as a level 30 seemed to stay alive quite well the lower levels dying stopped us.

What I got from it was level 30 minimum with hopefully some 31's is a must.

I also need to look into some higher damage legendaries but it's going to be hard to replace my grim citizen.

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So I had my first go at Crota's  End yesterday, pretty much a blind run as I haven't looked at any you tube stuff and the guys I was with were pretty inexperienced at the end of it.


(Went with  a bunch of randoms from LFG. That's a  good service although did lead me to a major screw up yesterday at the start of the raid - I'd responded to two LFG groups looking for players, got two new friends and managed to join one lot in voice chat and one lot in the raid - as the names were all a bit new to me it took me quite a while to work out WTF was happening. I was probably responsible for 3 wipes across two Raid groups at the same time).


Finally got it sorted and have to say really enjoyed the first two set pieces of the Raid. The light the lights section was so exhilarating, heart was beating out my chest, was really fun. Next up was the bridge section, took a bit of working out but actually was a place where there's no hiding - you cant get carried through this raid. We wiped a few times, but getting through finally was a great moment


Things went a bit downhill after that as no-one in the group had got much further. Went through that shrieker corridor no problem but after that got to the place with the shrieker count down and the wizards. That bit of the raid did not seem to have been very well done, making it stupidly tough by the mechanics of big shields, high health and a countdown is lazy in my book. Didn't get past that.


So overall enjoyed the first half but unwinnable battles are never fun. Beauty of VoG was tough battles, but you could win with average luck and not messing up, that didn't feel the case in the bit of CE I fell at. Also overall it doesn't seem to have the grand scale of VoG.

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