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Day Zero


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Right, I'm out of the loop of who and who isn't playing CoD anymore and who is or isn't on the PS4.


Who here is planning on being on either Day Zero or Day One? I think it'd be handy to just get a list of who will be playing around release and trying to get ourselves together again. I checked over the FG clan forum and was surprised to see it's beyond dead. Are we hitting the game as a clan?


What I'm trying to say is, I miss you bunch of loonies. I miss Bees screaming in my ears and other Kyle too for that matter. I've missed all the banter too from not playing much of the last three Call of Duty games. Most of all, I miss raging at a bunch of noobs who keep killing me and won't die to my bullets :P


I'll be on Monday 3rd assuming the PS4 or the CoD servers don't have a giant fart like every year and stop working.



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What I'm trying to say is, I miss you bunch of loonies. I miss Bees screaming in my ears and other Kyle too for that matter. I've missed all the banter too from not playing much of the last three Call of Duty games. Most of all, I miss raging at a bunch of noobs who keep killing me and won't die to my bullets :P



Sam..... PS4 Party Chat!


A few days ago I was playing Destiny with Chris, Chip and Ryan and we had Bees playing Ghost but in the same party chat as us which was a bit of a laff! Love the fact you can just jump in and start speaking to people independent of the game(s) you're all playing


I have pre-ordered AW and aim to pick it up at 7am on the Monday, have a brekkie possibly, practice a bit in training mode if it's available then hit MP. Play on and off all day/evening, get eye strain, rage at the lag and stupid things they've done to what was a really good FPS game, then after a few days, probably go back to Destiny.


If the Destiny expansion packs are as good as they seem, I may not get any DLC for AW


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I've got AW for the PC but if it's good; I may get the PS4 version too at some stage. I have to work half a day on Day Zero which sucks balls but I'll be hopping on from 2pm onwards up until Coronation Street and Eastenders B) I will then have a gander at the campaign on day 'one'.

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Just ordered from Tescos with my vouchers :D so I'll be trying it out on Monday evening, postage permitting.

I've played previous CoDs but it would be good to learn from experienced folk like you guys...I feel a terrible K/D ratio on the horizon.

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Don't have a PS4. :P

This makes me very sad... :(



I shall be on Sunday night/Monday morning

Ah, not you again! Haven't heard from you for ages!! Are you the only one picking up the game from the old Scottish bunch?



I will be off on Monday for Day Zero. No doubt, there will raging. Hope to see you on Sam!!! Love to hear you rage as well.

I'm hoping I won't rage, it's been a long time since I've got that angry at a game, haha. I'm sure it'll take me one or two games before I'm back into it.

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