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Forever Gaming Team Up Calendar


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I love the calendar and how it lays things out. It's still early days on using it amd we'll find a flow with it.

//Jsin - Is there any way of making it so the creator of the event/timeslot has control so the entry can't be changed? Or maybe just multiple id's so we can show availability?

Not sure, but if people can't change an entry, then they can't sign up for it. If you think only the event owner should be able to change the times then that's something we can just agree on as a group. I don't have an issue doing it that way. This isn't my calendar, it's our calendar, and should work however best serves the community.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Well I think I "fixed" my connection issues.


I have a Netflix addict living in my house, so I went to their website and lowered the quality of the videos, and poof! No more lag or disconnects :P


I'll for sure be able to do Sunday.

Aaaand nevermind. 


No one but me is home, and I'm disconnecting every 5-15 minutes.


I really want to like this ps4 but the connection is so killing it for me lol.

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I love the calendar idea. My problem is not knowing when I'll be on. I will use it whenever I can

Same here, I lead a very " I have no fucking clue what I'm doing kinda life", with the businesses and shit.

I will use it when I know for sure what I'm up too. Also I usually wait for my wife to go to sleep. Lol


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Okay, okay, I'll stop being a douche about it. Please don't hate me. <3

Cheers to Trevor and jSyn for throwing their names in for my Heroic/Nightfall strike event. I didn't notice until just now, but it made me all warm and fuzzy.

Chris, I love you bro, I signed up to do the weekly with you on Tuesday.

@Sam - Just treat it as a way to advertise to the group when you're going to be on and what you'd like to do. It could be as specific as Weekly Heroic Strike lvl 28, or as vague as anything but Clash. It's up to you. The only thing is we shouldn't have 5 people with 5 things happening at the same time, so where appropriate, just glom on to what is already there.

@Stretch So let's agree then that only event owners can change the times? Owner being the person in the 'who' field? So if someone has an issue with the time, they should mention their availability alongside their name in the comment section.

@all Don't forget to update the number of people in the title. It allows everyone to see if there's availability without actually opening up the event and reading the comments.

VoG this weekend, we have 4 definites and a couple maybes. Let's not miss this opportunity for loot!

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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OK as instructed by Hedwig and with a certain amount of trepidation, I've put my name down for Sundays VoG, real world events permitting. stretch can you text me an hour or so before hand to remind me please?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Anyone on tonight or tomorrow for random events. Could do with a little explanation of the VoG too, no idea what I'm doing :P

Added an Iron Banner/Strikes thing to 7-10pm BST, Can be changed/edited as liked, just to see if anyone is around tonight.

Please make your way over to here my lady:


If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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