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So how many are actually down and available at certain times for raids? If you really want me to I can be the boring orgainsed fart that sorts out some fireteams and raid times but you lot need to tell me are you up for it.


We need to start getting more FG parties together so if randoms are required its only 1/2 needed per raid.

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No probs Greeboth and Bob.

Anyone else up for some more? Any NA peeps around to group up?

I still haven't even got anywhere near finishing Wrath of the Machine. I feel dirty not getting that done.

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I should be available all night to gaming and happy to get some raiding done.


We also need to get you through Wrath of the Machine at least once Lee.  We might as well grab the Outbreak Prime quest for you too while we run through it as it only adds about 10-15 mins to the raid time.  Though the questline for the gun takes a while and requires another completion of the raid.


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Destiny 2 is exactly what this community needs. With Clans in game now and pretty vast game to explore with future content, it only seems logical we absolutely get fully behind our clan and make it a more awesome clan to be a part of. I was so hoping for Clans in-game and now they have, I feel we have a serious opportunity to have a whole lotta fun with the entire FG and find some beautiful new people to come and join in the fun and frolics with us all.


I want to know who would be a part of helping me give it a really good go at this and see how far we can go. This game has brought many of us together on here and I can absolutley see this taking us to places we've always wanted to get to.

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As questioning as I am of D2 I will most probably end up getting it so happy to try and get the FG clan to a better place.  Well....once Bungie's site works well enough to actually allow me to join the FG clan anyway.


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If Rob is in then I'm out. I'll start my own thanks 

Woo! Is that all it took to get you out?! Man I should play more of your favorite games! XD

I cannot wait to hear "God dammit Tommy" again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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We need to start scoping out shit in the next 3 months ahead of D2 so we get into the best place for when this game comes out. We absolutely should be the place that wants to help people and do lots of clan based activities. We probably need a separate thread for this shit so we know what to look at beforehand and get our name out there.


I also think we need to run the shit out of some of these upgraded raids whilst we still have time dedicated to Destiny 1.

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2 hours ago, Capn_Underpants said:

I'm excited for D2 and will help however I can!

Via the FG App


Thanks Sam! I'm sure they'll be loads of things to try and help out with and help outsiders understand about the FG world and Destiny. Would be great to have you help with some bits 🖒

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Question,so who runs the clan page on Bungie.net? And whoever it is can they add me and Chad to it as admins or whatever. I know it was a U.K. person who started it. I have some friends that are going to be playing D2 and want to get them I'm on the clan stuff 

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