GazzaGarratt 11,149 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Picked this up Sunday but haven't had a chance to get pissed at it yet.That won't take long...when you lose 16k of blood echoes after getting through a country mile of stuff is excruciating. Yet somehow brilliant at the same time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Right, I think I'm done. It's just too fucking frustrating. I haven#'t even managed to kill the first boss and I'm ready to throw this game in the bin. I can understand the game being hard. I can understand the challenge behind it all and the combat system is a masterpiece, but why the fuck are the checkpoints so far apart? Why do you have to get all the way to the other side of the map to unlock a shortcut? I love a good challenge, but this feels like it's being hard just because it can. It's ridiculous. Die. Run again, die. Run again, die. Now your weapon's fucked, so you do less damage, but you're still back at square one with all the bad guys waiting to kill you. Only way to repair weapon is to kill all the bad guys again, with your now weak ass weapon, and get back to the checkpoint which again is a billion miles in the wrong direction. Can't upgrade, because haven't killed boss yet. Do a nice, sneaky run, proud of self, get very far, some fucking dog jumps out of the shadows and literally kills me in one bite. If it's not a dog, it's some ogre thing. Again, one shot. Or some other thing with a massive fucking cleaver. Again, one shot. This is just fucking stupid now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jason 1,245 Posted April 14, 2015 Author Share Posted April 14, 2015 Right, I think I'm done. It's just too fucking frustrating. I haven#'t even managed to kill the first boss and I'm ready to throw this game in the bin. I can understand the game being hard. I can understand the challenge behind it all and the combat system is a masterpiece, but why the fuck are the checkpoints so far apart? Why do you have to get all the way to the other side of the map to unlock a shortcut? I love a good challenge, but this feels like it's being hard just because it can. It's ridiculous. Die. Run again, die. Run again, die. Now your weapon's fucked, so you do less damage, but you're still back at square one with all the bad guys waiting to kill you. Only way to repair weapon is to kill all the bad guys again, with your now weak ass weapon, and get back to the checkpoint which again is a billion miles in the wrong direction. Can't upgrade, because haven't killed boss yet. Do a nice, sneaky run, proud of self, get very far, some fucking dog jumps out of the shadows and literally kills me in one bite. If it's not a dog, it's some ogre thing. Again, one shot. Or some other thing with a massive fucking cleaver. Again, one shot. This is just fucking stupid now. You can level up as soon as you see the boss, or find what's called a madmans knowledge. Consuming that give you a point of insight, which allows the doll to come alive and then you level. So I suggest you farm some souls and get yourself stronger, leveling up will make you have a easier time. The enemies of a area don't get stronger when you do. If you see me online hit me up with a chat invite, I was in the same boat as you with dark souls 1,that game beat my ass for a while. Not that you'll see me online cause of damn life... Haven't been able to play since weds :-( Also Get Better haha BEARDED, FOR HER PLEASURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Ok, finally got the first shortcut unlocked. What do I need to upgrade shit? I had about 10k of that currency shit you get every time you kill something, can that be used for anything? I've used a bit to maintain my bonesaw or whatever it's called, but how I actually gain levels or points in a stat? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jason 1,245 Posted April 14, 2015 Author Share Posted April 14, 2015 Ok, finally got the first shortcut unlocked. What do I need to upgrade shit? I had about 10k of that currency shit you get every time you kill something, can that be used for anything? I've used a bit to maintain my bonesaw or whatever it's called, but how I actually gain levels or points in a stat?Do you have any insight? Small white number below the blood echoes, you need 1 point to talk to the doll. BEARDED, FOR HER PLEASURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 No sir, haven't seen the boss yet. Is that doll the key to upgrading shit? there's nothing I can do before it's unlocked? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,149 Posted April 14, 2015 Share Posted April 14, 2015 Just found out that you need 10 insight to then allow yourself to buy the small resonant bell, which allows you to co-op with your friends. You buy it from the bath in the dream just outside the building. I just used 7 of them trying to kill an infected beast boss and died every time [emoji20] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jason 1,245 Posted April 15, 2015 Author Share Posted April 15, 2015 No sir, haven't seen the boss yet. Is that doll the key to upgrading shit? there's nothing I can do before it's unlocked?Yep, all you have to do is see the boss, so run past everything if you have to. Lol BEARDED, FOR HER PLEASURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted April 15, 2015 Share Posted April 15, 2015 Cool, I beat the boss on the third go and unlocked the doll. Upgraded some bits and pieces and fortified my cleaver. Repaired everything and headed in again. Ended up in the sewers, after exploring loads of side passages and stuff. Got killed by those crawly henchmen things in the sewer so I'm back at the central lamp. lol. I'm enjoying this game the more I play it. One thing I love is the voice acting, it's so bad it's become part of the charm of the game for me. Cockney spoken by Asians is hilarious, I love it. The Doll has an excellent voice too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,149 Posted April 17, 2015 Share Posted April 17, 2015 Why do games do this to you? I've beem killed too many times i lost count at the blood starved beast boss. Then yesterday i turn on my ps4, waiting for the shopping to arrive, so give it one go and...boom. Boss killed pretty easily. WTF. So happy though, now its time to find where to go next. Anyone seen a 'twin' blood stone shard? Need this to continue upgrading my axe. Kirkhammer looks amazing, but is too slow for me when transformed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 Why do games do this to you? I've beem killed too many times i lost count at the blood starved beast boss. Then yesterday i turn on my ps4, waiting for the shopping to arrive, so give it one go and...boom. Boss killed pretty easily. WTF. So happy though, now its time to find where to go next. Anyone seen a 'twin' blood stone shard? Need this to continue upgrading my axe. Kirkhammer looks amazing, but is too slow for me when transformed. Yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jordie1892 685 Posted April 19, 2015 Share Posted April 19, 2015 If anyone's interested I'd highly recommend this youtube channel: For anything from lore videos to game guides, he's really helpful. I should have posted this before... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VGon_BGon48 207 Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 Its pretty awesome I'm still working on the beginning portion of it but hopfully I get further Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 If anyone's interested I'd highly recommend this youtube channel: For anything from lore videos to game guides, he's really helpful. I should have posted this before... I actually stumbled across this guy the other day and subscribed. I don't just subscribe to anyone, he's the third channel I've subcsribed to but he's excellent. He explains things well, isn't some hyped up overacting idiot (looking at you Morningafterkill) and is very easy on the ears. Good quality content too. Its pretty awesome I'm still working on the beginning portion of it but hopfully I get further A few of us here play it, might be worth asking around for some co-op action. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venom 105 Posted June 1, 2022 Share Posted June 1, 2022 This looks like quite an old thread. But I have just platinum the game so thought I would post. Elden ring was my first fromsoft game and I’ve decided to go back through the others. Bloodborne is first up. The changes in combat and healing where nice I i didn’t play eldenring with range or sheild anyway so I used a similar build with the trick axe. It was a fun weapon to use and very nice at clearing adds through out the levels. Going through the base game was a lot of fun. I had a much easier time then with Elden ring. I think mainly because I’m better now then I was but the bosses are definitely easier in this game. The levels in this game are much better than most of the levels in eldenring. Also there was a lot more variety in the combat in these levels. Yarnahm was a really cool starting area. Then the unseen city was one of the coolest looking areas of seen. The amigdalas you can know see on the side of everything was a really cool change. Then the late game areas where very different and that was also really cool. The forbidden woods was a great area and absolutely huge. Even though Eldenring was open world I found my self not knowing which new area to explore even more in this game. Early on I found the bosses to be a bit similar but that changed at the shadows of yarnham. After that a lot of the bosses where very different and varied. I really enjoyed the shadows fight and it’s probably my favourite group boss fight so far (beating out godskin duo so this may be a low bar). Killing Rom without killing all of his spiderlings was very cool even if it did tank the frame rate when there where 30+ spiders filling up the screen. (I did kill him the other way in the chalice dungeons and see of spiders is definitely the best method). Martyr logarius was one of the more difficult fights in the base game and also one of the best. Especially his second phase. The one reborn was a cool spectical. My favourite base game boss was mergos wet nurse because getting hits on her in the clone phase felt awesome. Overall I think this final boss beats out eldenrings but Gerhnam sythe phase felt a bit unfair. Then the moonpresence was also a badly designed fight. I had one death where I got my vials taken and then all my health but the boss was outside the areana so I couldn’t rally to get it back. Then I did anouther attempt where he stayed close and got destroyed easily. So yeah. The checkpoint in between was a nice touch that eldenring probably should have had. GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venom 105 Posted June 1, 2022 Share Posted June 1, 2022 Now the dlc is where shit got even better. The first level was hard. It would have been nicer if it was a newer area but it was still really cool having the distorted cathedral ward. Ludwig was a cool boss and a real step up from anything before him. At first I thought he was a bit unfair but after a couple of attempts his charges became easily dodge able and the fight more fun. Then the next area was very cool full of short cuts and paths around the central staircase. It was a bit on the easier side but very unique so it’s good. The living failures is an okay encounter and provides a lamp near Maria so I don’t really mind. Maria is by far the best hunter fight in the game and she might be why I dislike gerhnam fight (as I did her first) her 3 phases building on each other was really cool and its much better than all the other mediocre-bad hunter fights in the game (gasconge is cool). The fishing village was a very cool and unique area. And the orphan of kos is my 3rd favourite boss (mohg being 1 and malenia 2). He was by far the hardest boss (excluding chalice dungeons) and he was amazing. Most of the boss took 1-3 attempts and all of them took less than 10. Other than orphan who took just over an hour. I’ve heard he’s the second hardest boss in the series with first being malenia. Malenia took 11 hours and many other eldenring bosses taking 3+ so I do definitely think I’ve improved a bit. He’s one of the most aggressive bosses in the game. His opening cutscene is one of the best I’ve seen and he’s a lot of fun to fight. He’s the perfect boss for bloodborne combat style. You’ve got to stay close and be as aggressive as he is or you’ll always be in a losing position in the fight. Lawerence was a much worse fight. His first phases are just high damage versions of early game bosses. So that pretty meh. Then his unique phase means you can never hit him and it takes forever. GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venom 105 Posted June 1, 2022 Share Posted June 1, 2022 And finally the chalice dungeons. These where a mixed bag. Bloodbornes combat system is good enough for this kind of thing to work and it kind of dose. Up until the final 2 chalices. My main problem is the material system for these is one of the worst most unesseary systems in any game. Like if they want prerequisites they already use them they don’t need for you to have to farm materials to make the chalices in the first place. The defiled chalice was okay for the start. The first boss was fine. The watchdog was annoying at first when he would do the charge attack but once you’ve learnt that tell and dodge for it. He was actually an okay fight. It was all about baiting attacks and conserving stamina. Which was very different to all the other bosses in the game. (Other than maybe ebritas, but you don’t have to fight her like that) then there was the amigdala. The room is way to small for a boss his size. He has a bunch of one shot attacks and you have to stay close when he dose them cause they are literally the only time he gets close enough to the ground to hit. Because only like half the attacks are punishable you can have minute long waits in-between hits on him. It makes the fight take forever. My kill on him took 12 minutes. His phase when he rips of his arms gives even less windows and it’s now to dangerous to go for the head so you have do settle for less damage on the arms which have a jank hit box. Overall the bosses in this dungeon probably took 15 attempts and they are harder than Ludwig/Maria but easier than orphan. But they are much worse fights than all 3. Now the final chalice dungeon. The final boss of this dungeon was a unique fight and much easier than like the previous 6 bosses in this quest. But it’s one of the more fun fights. The first boss of the dungeon would be much better in an arena without pillars every where. You characters gets and stuck. He attacks through the pillars your camera gets disconnected. His moves set was made for a open area and they stuck him in a tight hallway with giant pillars everywhere. The second boss is a huge beast in a tiny room. This is also quite a fun boss that’s ruined by it’s enclosure. This fight was very different to all the ones before as well cause you could never commit to a large attack. My main annoyance with this chalice was loosing 2 red jelly (rare crafting material) when I went into new game plus for some unknown reason. Overall I like the concept of the the chalice dungeons but I think they should get bosses to match there arenas and maybe do the reduce health challenges on boss that don’t spam one shot attacks. I do think that simply removing the materials required in making chalices would just make the wholes system 2x better. Overall the platinum took 29 hours and was a lot of fun. But I would recommend against the chalice dungeons just for the sake of the platinum. If you want to do them I think they're fun. If you think you need to do them they are just annoying. I probably prefer eldenring just cause I like the harder bosses but there are definitely a lot of things bloodborne does better than eldenring (like level design and normal enemy’s) Plus the dlc is better than elden ring in quality. If the whole game was at dlc standard it would beat Elden ring by a mile. Despite that it was still an amazing game and anyone who hasn’t played it and like Elden ring should give it a go (base game is free and dlc is like 15 pounds it’s amazing play it). GazzaGarratt and J4MES OX4D 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,149 Posted June 2, 2022 Share Posted June 2, 2022 Love these updates Charlie! @Venom You making me feel that itch of Bloodborne again! J4MES OX4D 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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