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Different types of gamers


I’ve been meaning to start this topic for a while now, and with Doc playing The Last of Us, it has rekindled my interest. Different people prefer different types of games, obviously, let’s talk about the reasons why.



Here are some benchmarks

Entirely story driven: Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls

Mostly story driven: The Last of Us, Uncharted

50/50 story/gameplay: Mass Effect, Fallout, Metal Gear

Mostly gameplay: CoD, Bayonetta, God of War

Entirely gameplay: Sports games, puzzle games (Tetris), Dark Souls


Some folks prefer story driven games, others require good gameplay, still others demand both. Personally I like them all; I think there’s a place for them all, though I lean heavily in favor of story. I’d much rather choose between things I like and dislike, versus choose among things that are all samey same.


When it comes to people like what they like, I have some theories. I think gamers can be lumped into two broad groups, those that ‘play’ games and those that ‘experience’ games. I’m not sure how else to describe it. I believe it has to do largely with how emotional of a person you are, or perhaps it’s imagination. Are you a dreamer or a realist, prone to wandering thoughts or locked into the here and now. Are you empathetic or indifferent towards others.


How you are as a person in real life, I think characterizes the sorts of games you’re drawn to. I’m very emotional, very empathetic, and a romantic in every sense of the word. A good story driven game sucks me in and stirs all sorts of emotions, which to me, makes for fantastic entertainment. But if you’re less touchy feely, a story game may leave you bored.


At the other end of the spectrum are gamer ‘athletes’. I think these people find enjoyment in the physical aspect of gaming. Hand eye coordination, speed, dexterity, reaction time. To them, playing a game is a precision sport. I’m thinking of MLG types. Or if not the physical aspect, then the competitive, where the game simply provides a forum to compete against others.


Finally there’s the strategy aspect. Strategy is present in both story games and competitive games; sometimes it’s the entire point of the game (Portal). People who like strategy games are probably those who enjoy problem solving in real life. People who spend a lot of time in contemplation and who plan more so than get out there and do.


So my question is, what type of personality do you have and can you see a relationship between that and the type of games you enjoy?


Here’s a little diagram I made to help visually describe what I’m talking about. The circle is drawn around my most favoritist games.



If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I think for some people it also has to do what mood they're in. If I'm in the mood to watch a movie or a read a book, then I'd probably be in the mood to play a story driven game. But if I've had a long day, I usually would rather play something that doesn't require a lot of thinking or attachment. 


But when it comes down to it, games that are heavily story driven tend to make my favorites list. 

A nice even split is just up my alley.

I have near-zero tolerance for completely story-driven games. It just feels...I don't know...lazy.

"Why have actual, not-cliche gameplay, when I can give you feels instead?!"



Having thought about it I'm kind of impatient, that's why I generally get bored of story driven games, I traded the last of us in, I also don't like to have to put too much thought into gaming its probably why I have always liked cod and now battlefield, there just really easy to pick up and play.

I do try occasionally to diversify, I'm actually hoping I give destiny a good go as at the moment it sounds pretty complicated.

That’s a rather interesting question.


I guess if my gaming interests describe my personality, someone would probably conclude I have ADHD or something.


I don’t think I really have a type but I would say that I mostly like the story telling aspect of a game. What I really look for is a good quality product that well put together (so I find it hard to explain why I play BF4 so much).


Skyrim as far as I am concern is probably one of the best games out there because it. Having the main quest is great, but you can basically play that thing for years without even being on that main quest.


Mass effect is another favorite of mine. Again it has some of the same aspects.


I didn’t however like Borderlands2. I found it rather immature and childish.


I played Crisis 3 and Lara Croft. I didn’t complete those games because after a while it just got so repetitive and didn’t see a point. Might be the reason why I can’t play any CoD for more than 30 minutes anymore.



I thing I have also noticed is that I seem to like games where I can jump in and play for 30 minutes or 5 hours  straight and it doesn’t diminish the experience. I tend to have a very interrupt driven life based on family and work obligations so being able to play a game to relax is something I do.

I've come to console gaming late in life and have only played CoD (and briefly BF4).


I like to play MP for a couple of hours to chill out with friends who I've only known since starting playing on-line with MW2


I would be classed as a "weird" player (by my son) as the most I've completed of the campaigns is about 20% (MW2) getting progressivly lower to "is there a game on this disc?" with Ghosts. I like the aspect of playing against a human not a machine but I'm not overly competative. Some of the best laughes I've had has been playing "Sneaky Beaver" and "Hide and Seek" with Bees, Euan and others, winding up the other team


So there you go, perhaps for me you could put it down as interactive distraction :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

Guest Inception.

Indeed, those who experience and those who simply play is an accurate way to categorise players. I myself are amongst those who experience, I find; I fell deeply in love with Ezio and his story-arc (Assassin's Creed II, AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations). I have replayed each of those games at least three times each year for two years now. I often get very emotionally attached to characters. Even in games that aren't exactly story-driven, I still have my emotions stirred and ripped apart by the deaths of characters - certain Call of Duty games, for example. The same goes with books and movies; I become heavily involved.


However I still enjoy games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield and so on all of the time. As said, mood is a factor. 

I'm generally a naked gamer, i'd post pic to prove but not sure the page will allow for scrolling that far ;)




I like a bit of everything, i mainly play games for gameplay but can easily get sucked into a massive story based game. The one thing that's put me off playing story based games is that i couldn't chat to others whilst doing it, my love for gaming is purely based around my love for you guys. Much homo? Muchly! With the PS4 having party chat, i can see myself playing more story based games like TLOU or Far Cry (when it comes out) Although like Dave has said, some of the most fun i've had is us just messing around in a private lobby.



I'm not sure really.

I love the competitive aspects of all games. Whether it be old school Command and Conquer all the way to COD. But i'm sure that's a personality trait, as i love learning. I love to win but analysing why i lost and learning from it is almost just as satisying.

With that said i love Final Fantasy games. I get really involved with the storylines on the series. Just a shame it's not quite a sociable!

I don't game much because I spend most of my time buying games on Steam :lol:


Multiplayer games have become very popular with me in recent years but it's nice to escape and play a deep story-driven game once in a while. 


I tend to avoid games that are short. I'm playing games more frequently and for longer periods than years ago and some games can be done in just a weekend over 5-6 hours. Back in the day; games like Goldeneye I could piss about on for months and not get bored but my expectations are higher now and with me and others playing more; if I go for a single player game; it has to be on an epic scale like Skyrim. £40-50 for a measly game in this day and age and with money; ain't worth it.


I love FPS games best but strategy, sports and RPG's are massive genres for me. I mainly play MP on shooters because of their longevity and infrastructure. Usually they offer more depth than the likes of GTA and you can really have a few good sessions on them. Civ and Total War are fantastic games I like in the strategic area and any RPG's whether being an MMO, single player or niche like survival games are also on my hit list.


I still go back to classic games like System Shock 2 and I always keep my eyes open on Steam for any games that come out of nowhere. I tend to avoid racing games now though. After GTA; racing just doesn't do anything for me now. I used to play Gran Turismo on the PS1 and that lasted me years but half our on the likes of Forza and I just wanted to get out the car and shoot someone.


Work and football gets in the way sometimes but there's always plenty of games to play and keep an eye on. Except on the Xbox One  :ph34r: 

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