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Random cool photos you've taken


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Didn't we have a photography thread?


Let's see some cool photos you've taken!



I'll kick it off with something I just dug out of my photobucket. It's the HMS Ocean, when she was parked up in Greenwich to stop the terrorists from killing London during the limpdicks.




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^ :lol: Should add that to the forum header image somewhere.


Came across this in my yard. I really enjoy this image. The leaf was stuck in the snow and the wind was blowing it over and around. When I went back later in the day the leaf had snapped off and the snow melted away a little. Glad to have been able to catch it!




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A few pics taken over the years at work.




Female driver had a seizure and drove completely into someone's bathroom.




Asian female reinforcing stereotypes, confuses "D" for "R" and drives into an apartment building, knocking the upstairs balcony loose.




High speed crash into a phone pole, this one was fatal.




Ranger sideswipes a Sable, the tow hook on the bumper peels the door skin off almost totally intact.




Giant warehouse fire, toxic fumes, was called out to assist in evacuation of neighborhood due to toxicity of the air downwind.

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Italy is awesome. We took 792 photos in 2 weeks when we went. I miss the food, I gained about 8 lbs in those 2 weeks, but it was completely worth it. Pizza, gelato, and beer. Repeat.

We did exactly the same thing!! God damn i miss the pasta there, but not the price of the beer. 10 euro for a pint did not sit well!

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We did exactly the same thing!! God damn i miss the pasta there, but not the price of the beer. 10 euro for a pint did not sit well!


We bought package beer, it wasn't too bad.


Italy has you covered, with a single, two pack, three pack, etc.




The Napoli pizza:




My wife, for some reason, was invited into the kitchen.  The employees were really keen to get their photo with her.  The guitar player seemed to linger at our table, too.  Very friendly, those eye-tallions.




Gelatto, it'll make you punch ice cream in the face.






No public intox laws, deli sandwich + beer = normal lunch in public



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Our local PD did away with horses. Reminds me theres nothing like the stench of a huge pile of horse shit on a hot summer street. :lol:


I've never seen them myself but from video The Killers are awesome live!



Kind of crappy but the images and vids aren't that bad for being taken with a Canon G5.

George Clinton and the 420 Funk Mob 04.14.07 (RIP: Garry Shider with pants on.)




Support vids:

(love the grandpa wave at the end) ^_^


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