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New hero shooter coming out next month on PS5 and PC. Looks a bit like Overwatch with the pace of Halo. Seems fairly polished but I think it's a bit too slow paced and I'm not sure if there is room for another new shooter IP limited to multiplayer. I'd probably give it a couple of months tops. 


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It has a chance of surviving. With Overwatch really struggling, combined with the fact that some of the developers that have created this game have come from building the gunplay in Halo and Destiny, it should feel really good and smooth to play. Didn't anyone try the open beta at all?

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Concord taken offline after two weeks with refunds to be issued.


Concord reportedly spent eight years being made but it is being taken offline soon after launch.

Probably the biggest failure in gaming history and a very expensive one too with it costing an estimated 9-figures and taking 8 years to produce. Absolute catastrophe for Sony and you have to wonder how the game made it this far. LawBreakers was a warning back in 2015 and with many massively established games pre-pandemic being F2P, a £40 hero shooter in 2024 in a over-saturated genre was never going to have any widespread appeal especially with barely any marketing and very unappealing design. They were never going to drag people away from the likes of COD, Overwatch, Valorant, Apex and even Destiny 2 especially with such a steep entry fee.


They made no attempt to liaise with the community until a month before release which was fatal and anyone with a functioning brain could’ve told them in 2019 that this would be a bad idea and to give it up. Feel a bit sorry for the devs but they’ve really failed to assess the market in the last 6 years but this is all on Sony for allowing it to happen and taking such a backseat.

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32 minutes ago, MrBiron said:

It's cost Sony £100m apparently 😲 Can't wait for the PS+ price to go up to cover it.

I can't wait to find out how many projects were cancelled for this too. I imagine Bloodborne 2 was one of them. 

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It was a baffling game to release, something no one asked for in a rather busy space. It had such an uphill battle right from the start...


I imagine it will be back as a free to play, albeit temporarily as I can't see it ever being worth running. Sony will end up having to accept this one.




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On 9/6/2024 at 2:18 PM, J4MES OX4D said:

And so it begins



I actually thought about buying it from Argos cos of this lol.


Personally, I'm rather sad about it all. Probably because I have a soft spot for the developers. Same culture issue we keep coming over and over. The gaming world and gamers can't wait 8 years for an idea to develop into a game these days. I appreciate we may not have wanted another hero game now, but i'd expect theres a good game in their under the hood. Good game, wrong time to execute.

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