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Battlefield 2042 - patch 4.2.0.

phil bottle

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3 hours ago, James5497 said:


Let me know if you do 👍


I went to put it on download earlier after Lee messaged me about maybe doing an FG event and it turns out I have already downloaded it 🙂 So yeah let me know when you are about one of the evenings and we can jump on. @phil bottleare you on pc or ps (from memory it was given away free on the latter recently wasn't it).




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3 hours ago, Luseth said:


I went to put it on download earlier after Lee messaged me about maybe doing an FG event and it turns out I have already downloaded it 🙂 So yeah let me know when you are about one of the evenings and we can jump on. @phil bottleare you on pc or ps (from memory it was given away free on the latter recently wasn't it).


Yep, I have it installed on PC and PS5. Maybe tomorrow if you fancy? A few others have it as well, so maybe we can squad up.


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14 hours ago, phil bottle said:


Yep, I have it installed on PC and PS5. Maybe tomorrow if you fancy? A few others have it as well, so maybe we can squad up.


Yeah I will try and be about tonight 🙂 I think James and Lee were showing interest as well when I was speaking to them last night




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Yeah i'm getting into a space of putting random events up to play lots of games and hopefully people can join up if they want to. Will check my BF2042 as i'm sure it needs installing again.

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Sorry to disappear last night, Felicity would not go back to sleep (no idea why as she is fine this morning) but yeah how did the battlefield session go? Was it enjoyable? My limited go I thought it looked prettier and there seemed to be a little more cover within each point. That said still big expanses to run across with no cover between points.


I remember that being one of the worst maps on launch so hopefully some of the other maps were better?


Gunplay felt fine though I was hitting targets like a mile away with an SMG which did not feel right and the UI is not particularly friendly, probably less so now as they have tried to put in all the class stuff and that (which I am not sure even works?). The change of controls from launch threw me as well at the start but that's just something to get used to if I get to playing it again.




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I was struggling a little bit, I'm not used to playing BF with a controller so much and I find it difficult to concentrate in a group chat. Nothing to do with the pair of wankers @Diddums and @Macca89 constantly reminding me of the football team I support, all fucking night 😅😭🙈


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But other than that, it played well. Should probably switch off matching with kb&m players and I found I was getting wrecked in mid to long distance exchanges while getting used to the recoil control. If we plan to play any more I'll need to get some practice in with a controller.


It's a massive shame there's no crossplay with PS4.


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From the games we played that night, my overall lasting impression was that it was fun to trying it out and a refreshing change, without setting the world alight. The actual map and world looks extremely impressive on PS5 but i'd have to agree with @phil bottle that my I'd take crossplay with PS4 players over a slight graphical change now that map sizes have been made smaller anyway. I did feel I was running in a few games like forever, only to be shot - I think most FPS games though there is abit of map awareness you have to learn before immediately dismissing the frustrating marathon parts of it.


Guns felt pretty good to use, even it felt like I didn't get one properly working for me. Class wise, I didn't notice anything specific which I would love to find out more on. I used to enjoy just going around and fixing stuff on BF4, 5 & 1 so more to help the user feel like they can do that more would be beneficial.


Breakthrough was a decent mode, although naturally I wanted to have the ability to 'win' rather than just defend so Conquest was still good to play. I think if some spawns were better it wouldn't feel like you had to run miles to get some action.


I know they won't want to see a huge group take on lots of randoms but I still think the Squad size of 4 holds it back for me somewhat. I need more time to understand what guns are available too so I can feel like I can properly contribute. You wouldn't be shocked to hear though that on one game I ended up Top of the Captures Leaderboard 😅. Still can't take that objective play away from me.

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