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  3. Thats where I sit abit. Fantastic they've created something like this to see how far they can push the boundaries of games. Just not sure it would actually be enjoyable in any way.
  4. Good point, have changed it haha
  5. Yesterday
  6. Been looking forward to this game since last year!
  7. Played a few hours now, and I love this game! Maybe too many attack combos, and I can only remember 3 or 4 of them 😂
  8. I will get this downloading tonight and give it a go!
  9. Hey Rich @tronic44 Is Andy Serkis as interesting to work with as this?...
  10. Ok I found it can confirm I was being dumb/blind 😅
  11. Hey all! Just returning after a long time out. Do we still have a discord? It could just be me being dumb and not finding it of course 😂
  12. Finally a beta is now open for anyone that wants to give the upcoming game a go. I expect this to be still very early doors and probably with lots of things they have tweak but nice to give it a go as an alternative FC24. Let us know what you think below. Only a small download at c.28GB on PS5.
  13. Absolutely. It's not just about footballers abilities but what they bring to the dressing room and Grealish has been involved in the setup for years, has played with the likes of Stones, Walker and Foden for club and country and carries a huge presence off the field. His absence will surely be felt in more ways than one. If our midfield is as bland and limited as it looked the other day and it costs England then Southgate will be toast. I personally feel that we are going into this tournament with so many unproven players and whilst Maguire's absence is unfortunate and Maddison out of form, to drop someone like Grealish could be fatal.
  14. I know this horse has already bolted @LordBaguette but not a great idea to put your name and bank account details on a public forum 🤪 Great post though, i pick France 🫠
  15. Yeah, seems a bit gimmicky but does look very realistic
  16. I do wonder if cutting players like Grealish and Maddison has had an effect on team morale. They're both big, positive personalities and maybe that vacuum creates uncertainty in the minds of players and affects confidence. I'd have kept one of them around. But then, Iceland are almost a bit of a bogey team for England, so who knows...
  17. J4MES OX4D


    Just been released on Steam in early access and is another one of those photorealistic shooters like Unrecord. Not really interested but I hope one day a major developer utilises such aesthetics and makes a proper military-type sim out of it. We'll probably see more of these bordering on asset flips and whilst it's encouraging to see the potential, I think many will struggle to deliver a worthwhile concept over the visuals.
  18. England 0-1 Iceland A pretty shambolic way to go into the Euros especially with so many bad individual performances as well as a team collective. It's only a friendly but to lose a game like that with a big tournament a week away is not encouraging. I think we are really going to miss Maguire and Phil Foden also has to step it up like he does for club. For all his critics, Pickford is also a key player. Dropping Grealish is such a massive call especially when he maintained Henderson for so many years so that could come back to haunt Southgate.
  19. Last week
  20. First couple sentences of post, is my Monzo account.UK account. You dont need Monzo just a bank account
  21. I'll join in. So where is payment sent? Not sure if it's bank transfer? or do I need to get the Monzo app to send money?
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