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  1. Plumbers Crack

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  2. GazzaGarratt



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  3. NCA-Paendrag



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Plumbers Crack

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome aboard! What’s your name or do you prefer Mickey?
    2 points
  2. I would love it if you could tell us more about yourself in FG please. This is for FG people that come here so its a sign of thanks for being around. Take a look at the intro thread. Cheers.
    2 points
  3. ghost_freak72

    Hey Guys!

    So, I'm 19 years old Pakistani, I used to live in Dubia for a long time then i came back to Pakistan. I love to play all sorts of games, especially shooting types. I love to play COD WW2, GTA V, Fortnite etc. I joined this somewhat different community after browsing through some old forums. My gamertag is Mickey_Virus and I play on a PS4. I hope you guys will accept me in. Thanks [emoji4] Posting this thread after Garett told me. Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Here's the list. Put ypur name down for as many things as you'd like, don't be shy. I also added something on the bottom too. Let's get all the votes in before xmas day please!
    1 point
  5. They can bloody keep it
    1 point
  6. Alex had his game against Sam and Rico last night and won 2-0. I was there in attendance as a cheerleader!!
    1 point
  7. crispymorgan

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome aboard. Do you play overwatch? I'm splitting my game time between fortnite and OW at the moment. Add TowerII on PS4, he's based in Pakistan when he's not beasting a bike around a track.... Via the FG App
    1 point
  8. NCA-Paendrag

    Hey Guys!

    Welcone to the forum!
    1 point
  9. You say that every year and yet you buy CoD like I do 😘
    1 point
  10. I’m pretty sure they are going to do like Nuketown and give it everyone
    1 point
  11. What the guys say Lee...RL family first, especially at Christmas
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Perhaps they look at your gamer tag and think you may be homesick!
    1 point
  14. Also is play of the game sometimes some random gunfight that wasn’t impressive at all? The only reason I ask is I got a 5 piece grenade and yet the play of the game was someone get a single sniper kill????
    1 point
  15. Yes it’s Chinatown from MW, although I never played that game so it’s new to me. I like it, but map knowledge is key
    1 point
  16. Right the map Carentan. Whoever designed this map needs to facefucked with a dildo covered in razor blades and Ebola. To have a map that is this badly designed with multiple windows, doorways, headglitches on each individual lane is a sign of someone not all there. I turn a corner, I’ve now got to check 15 different areas before it’s safe to proceed but by the time I have done that I’m getting melted from someone in the first window. if you get a team of thumbless wonders and you get spawned out the back of the houses, fuck it you might as well leave right now. There is no chance that you are going to make the dash across the street to safety. Try go down the left along the alley? Nah fuck it, Johnny wonderballs is there with his LMG ready to light you up and there is nothing you can do. In a 7 game streak earlier I played this map 5 times and that cunting ship 2 times. No other maps in the rotation sledgehammer????
    1 point
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