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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. 605 hoursSober kills in the crucible 0 Drunk kills in the crucible 24535 (Probably) Flawless raids spoiled 23 Your psn is a pain to type on an iPad
  2. Fury I'd heard it was really good, billed as the best war film since private Ryan. I think I prefer black hawk down to either of them Liked Fury but thought end was stupid.
  3. Over 31 days played Exotic weapons still missing 4th horseman, hawk moon, and the HoW exotics although I did get elder cipher last night so shotgun is coming Exotic armour think I have everything for Titan and am missing 2 hunter and 4 warlock bits I also collect the end game legendary weapons which are about to become obsolete Got all Crota weapons , missing two from VoG (foil and timepiece) , one from iron banner (launcher) and have basic versions of all the PoE weapons. Got all the queen weapons (meh) as well and a pretty complete set of dead orbit weapons
  4. I'll get it but haven't pre ordered it yet . I'm surprisingly unexcited by it to be honest
  5. Pretty sure in BO2 it was in its own playlist, so you don't have to play it if you don't want. Yes to Rust, loved that map
  6. LOL that is so me. I think the only times I haven't tipped in restaurants is when I've been left without a drink for too long. Really winds me up
  7. Just insane. Very sad.
  8. Mmmm, need to do this but got little time, although bank holiday Monday is coming up
  9. Whilst true the price in this case includes the expectation of a tip. I'm just back from America and it's a hard thing to get used to, but in reality you the consumer is getting a chance to vary the payment based on what you think it was worth. So reducing tips would push up wages, but overall price would stay the same, it would just be more fixed with a lower variable element
  10. I miss search n destroy. That and zombies and the return of demolition means I'll be getting it
  11. That's a great guide , thanks for all the effort. I gave up on CoC mainly as I was pretty crap at attacking, might dust off my village and have another go.
  12. THuNDERLORD!!!!!!!!!
  13. First impressions were pretty good, always liked pick 10 and I think trey arch will do a good job on challenges. I sucked but after 8 months of no CoD I wasnt surprised that I did. Connection was a bit hit or miss but the jumping stuff seemed more fun than annoying.
  14. Ok will PM it across
  15. Well the real test is content. UI stuff looks really good but without a raid as good as VoG it could just be a five minute wonder Lots of new bounties to kill the same stuff in the same places is my worry
  16. Wait Sam's back, I hadn't realised, welcome back. And I still have a spare code if anyone wants it
  17. Thanks but I took the plunge and preordered , so now I have a spare as well if anyone wants it
  18. Any more spare codes out there, Charlie managed to screw ours up before breakfast this morning, God knows how but we lost it. Any others gladly accepted. Sounds quite promising.
  19. I need to get this done, so any help welcomed
  20. Me and Charlie did Crota with just one avoidable death a few weeks back. Definitely possible, sword bridge is the tricky bit as we jump that and that's hit or miss. Did you do sword bridge legit?
  21. That's unlucky, I've been thinking Crota is the way to go for this
  22. Firstly Bungie are utter arses for doing this during the holiday season when loads of people will miss out Secondly Charlie would have been one of those people but Plumber Dave is a top man who sorted it out for us. Cheers Dave much appreciated
  23. That was mayhem. Don't think there was ever more than two of us alive at any one time in the final boss. Big victory getting that done
  24. I don't know, I don't have one. Grrrrrrrr
  25. Thought that was your age
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