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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. He was buzzing this morning, although a bit tired, oops.
  2. I think so, unless anyone has stuff at the postmaster. Wish he would drop a bloody sniper rifle!
  3. Have to say, it was awesome getting that last bit done!
  4. Good summary Stetch. I was trying to remember how many chests we opened last night, I thought it was two but I seem to have 3 of those fragment things. There wa the one after the portal opening section then the one before first boss, have I missed one?
  5. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    Sorry Dave forgot to answer this. Brain not working after about 4 hours sleep. But basically what Stretch said
  6. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    Don't wan T to say too much in the blind raid thread but I think the puzzle looks more intimidating than it actually is, just about learning the pattern and getting timing right. Or be a Titan .
  7. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    One of those great gaming experiences, and we didn't even kill boss 1. Great work from everyone
  8. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    Hopefully we might have 5, be good if we could get this on!
  9. Got to go for it for the laugh really
  10. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    Sure you'll be fine at 285. Not planning on a speed run after all. I'll send a friend request when I get home
  11. I like yuri gagarin, think he is really inspirational, and one day would like to because monaut, got to space and stop being bored at work
  12. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    Lee difficult to advise on how to jump quickly as it's very dependent on what you have equipped and what quests you have done. I know the Petra and Varis quests weren't too hard and give 290 scout rifle, good place to start
  13. Drops were poor last night. First time I did it got loads of stuff
  14. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    8.30 would work, can give Charlie some leeway for my own selfish ends.
  15. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    I'm guessing much of the UK raiders ain't able to do it tonight after chatting yesterday. Unless any of your new bezzie mates want in. Hoping some of the Mericans might be around though If you want in, but at a later time Dids that's great
  16. Baabcat

    Blind Raid

    Got 3 for a blind raid attempt tonight, me , Charlie and Rodders, anyone else up for it. Would be about 7 UK time
  17. Hunter he's a hunter! And Stretch yes he is Venom!
  18. Cheers Dids, appreciate can't promise but he's there if you need him (if early enough anyway)
  19. Sorry hadn't read it. Actually makes a lot of sense and got to be worth trying
  20. If I don't get to raid by Friday I doubt I'll be able to get on that evening, but any chance you guys could take Charlie along if you go Friday, please please please! (Wife's away for 3 nights so my chances of a pass on the 4th night are exactly zero, but the boy will be ok.)
  21. Infusion has great potential - in future DLC's they wont have to screw about with etheric light and stuff, just start dropping higher level blues and let people keep the stuff they want relevant - great potential for diversity in load outs going forward.
  22. Not sure I have any good void weapons at all, this might suck
  23. might be going for level 3 tonight. Wish we could get 6 people in it but we need to find a random who will help us out and then piss off!
  24. I was just being the straight man for someone to make a joke off
  25. Dids you need to be 290 to be effective I believe , hard work if not
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