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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. Let me think about that err..... No
  2. Race you to 6!
  3. Does anyone know where you can view the weapon perk trees to see if stuff is worth reforging?
  4. Ignore this was trying to post a photo and can't get it to work
  5. Got the nighthawk and warrior. Only used 6 engrams
  6. On Treasure keys I'm not sure exactly how that works yet as i have heard conflicting views. Optimistically I'm hoping you get given one key per week (maybe out of the side chests) when you complete your first PoE run. This to me makes sense as doing the end game for no chance of good rewards would be shit. I know keys do drop out of those chests via RNG (Rodders got one last night) but I think one guaranteed per week should be on. But also I've heard the only way to get keys is RNG via Ether chest hunts or the side chest RNG. If this is true it's a major fail to me, as I ain't going to sit for hours on patrol farming ether keys, just not interested at all in doing that. Fine with this giving extra keys, but it should not be the only way of getting end game rewards (really Patrol for end game rewards, surely Bungie cant be that retarded) Will also be interested to see how often Etheric light drops - as far as I know I'm the only one in the clan who got any out of the nightfall, which suggests a very low drop rate. Really wish this was earned like motes. RNG for something that is uniquely important to progression is going to be horribly frustrating I feel
  7. Damn thought I had caught him up but does he now have 6?
  8. Any idea if the engram will decide to new gear?
  9. Epic session of destiny last night. First time in the PoE, ran 28 twice and then 32 once, last boss taking 90 minutes until we got him. Dropped a Gjallerhorn (my fourth), Last Word and three queens weapons Then ran VoG, or at least watched Chip, Crispy, Ryan and Stretch do an awesome job on the Templar with me and Charlie dead. Thanks for the fate bringers guys. Fifth Gjallerhorn drops at exotic chest. Way too many weapons and I need a radical sharding session, including (sorry to everyone still wanting one) two Gjallerhorns.
  10. 90 minutes of desperate battering struggle, but me Charlie and Rodders succeeded in taking out Valarus. Epic effort, real mad battle
  11. Thanks Ryan. Wish PoE was six people though , that would be epic
  12. Rodders and Lee Thanks for the offers of help, will need it
  13. So I have managed to avoid PoE to this point (even ran VoG hard with a bunch of LFG randoms last night to avoid breaking a promise I made to Charlie) But today my boy gets back from his school trip and we will be hitting HoW hard Ages ago we decided we would do the HoW raid together first time, which has come to mean first time in the PoE due to lack of raid. We can go random if need be but be better with one of you lot. Will be on as soon as we can (5pm I hope) although we will need to blast through quest / story / strike first. A punishing schedule but someone has to do it. Oh and I also have a VoG hard oracles checkpoint (my LFG randoms sucked).
  14. Gonna be my first time in PoE tonight, cant wait. Lev 28 FTW though
  15. Much as I like what I have seen I'm not so sure about this ethnic light thing though. Does this mean we are just going to have to grind and grind and the only way to 34 is RNG luck? Can imagine that getting stale pretty quickly. It will be interesting to see what level iron banner armour is, as this was one route to top level gear. If you still need etheric to upgrade iron banner gear it becomes a bit pointless? Anyone know?
  16. To be fair, Middlesboro is how we say it!
  17. Sounds like me on my run with Matt and Sam, think I changed my name to 'guardian down' . Wasn't sure what to make of the strike TBH.
  18. So far so good. Spent most of last night decrypting blue engrams though! Got a bunch of new guns to try out. I've kinda promised Charlie not to get too far into it until he gets back from school trip on Thursday night, so while I'm itching to do PoE I'm trying to hold back. Have worked the quest and story on my Titan. Ran the nightfall and dropped etheric light so Titan is now 33 (upgraded my high intellect Crota boots). Missions have been good, and ToO to come as well, good job
  19. No bounty today but if you have handed enough in you get a mission to ket a prize off Petra when she goes back to the reef. I've still got a few to do to get this on all characters , hope it's worth it
  20. Seen the light? Or just hate Norwich lol
  21. There's a post on the destiny forum that points to a site showing them possible spawn points. Think there's about 5 per bounty. I'm sure we'll learn them all soon enough
  22. Has it, never noticed it at all, it's big space though
  23. I found a new area yesterday, just been opened I think for the new strike. It's at the citadel ( was hanging around waiting to kill the dreg) and there's some new stairs behind the two minotaurs. Looks good
  24. Not on the same scale but ..... On holiday in France I nip to the loo and my son (no names, but you know him) goes at same time and nips to the cubicle for a number two. Massive farting and shitting noises follow, with groaning,you can tell its really bad. Another guy comes in and needs to wait for this cubicle, where Armageddon is still going on. I hang round to make sure son washes his hands and so am there for the moment he unlocks the door, walks out, looks at the other guy and says .. 'I'd give that a few minutes if I was you'
  25. Wembley, great. Except I'm going to the foo fighters in Sunderland the same day. Aaaargh
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