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Everything posted by kylebees

  1. One of the most cringe worthy jokes I've ever heard.................... What's the difference between Jesus Christ and a Painting? You only need one nail to hang a painting.
  2. While I think this fucking stupid, why wouldn't he do it? I mean, he's getting paid to just say a few lines of text. Any one of us would do it. Also, he's just following Ice Cube into the video game realm. Ice Cube has been do voice work for a few years now. Just my $.02
  3. First try, 5704. Wow, I'm probably not going to get a lot of work done this afternoon.
  4. For the first one, the guy is in college, he should know Achilles, if not for the heel, then the mythological character. Probably not as funny as the next 2. The second one is funny as there is no way it could have been car, as the letter "R" had already been used. The way the show works is they give you a clue, like CHARACTER, BEFORE & AFTER and THING for a puzzle. The contestants then spin the wheel for money. When the wheel stops, you pick a letter. If that letter is in the puzzle, it gets displayed and you win that amount of money for each time that letter is in the puzzle. If the letter isn't in the puzzle, you lose your turn. So with the second one, The letter "R" was already in the word WORLD, so there is no way it could have been CAR. I find the last one the most hysterical and the one I laughed the hardest at. DICESPIN!?!?!?!? What the fuck is DICESPIN? The look on the girl from Texas A&M was priceless. She was actually laughing at him. MORON!!!
  5. It is the wheel fortune kid. Amazing that he is even in college!!! :lol:
  6. I seriously have a headache from laughing at this!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYcps2Nx_20
  7. ^^^^ Joe is not lying. She is so sick and disgusting. What Joe didn't tell you was that my office is on her route to the ladies room and unfortunately, I know when she's having a bad day with her insides. There are days that she'll go to the bathroom 3-4 times in an hour. Quite often there are times when she'll come out of the bathroom with her underpants in her hand. It's so bad that she actually goes in her pants. I actually had the displeasure of following her to the receptionist's desk while she had her panties in her hand. She didn't realize I was behind her until the very last second. Just as she reached the desk, she slam dunked her dirty panties on to the desk so that I didn't see them. Too late. Mind you, there are other people here that have to cover the desk while she is on break or off. So damn disgusting and yet she remains employed.
  8. kylebees


    Welcome to the forums!! I hope you enjoy your stay!!
  9. For PS4, all the new maps are in normal rotation now. IT was kind of nice to get to play some of these without having to play other game modes that I don't like or don't want to play. Also, the Ripper is the new Famas. Everyone seems to be running around with it and I get absolutely destroyed by it every gun fight, whether it's on SMG or Assault. Yet, when I pick it up off the ground, it seems to take forever for me to kill someone with it. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this??? Finally, since this patch, it seems like I'm having a difficult time killing anyone with any weapons. The game also seems to have a slight lag that I hadn't noticed before. Again, anyone else notice this?
  10. Travoltified....Kyle Bees=Katie Butter :lol: Putting an actor with his pedigree would be doing the show a disservice. Not a bad suggestion Cal, it just wouldn't work. Also, good call on the Joe's Bar BQ Shack. I doubt we'll ever find out though, being that his throat is laying on some highway!!
  11. Awesome episode!! I saw the bones. It was real quick so if you blinked you could have missed it. Definitely looked like a human spine. Also, didn't they think it was a little weird that they were using machine guns but yet couldn't hit them? And oh look, a letter A on every exit. That doesn't look suspicious. Other than that, I thought it was so good!! So the only ones that haven't made it there yet are Carol and Tyreese. They must have something to do with getting them out. It's a shame we didn't get to find out what happened to Beth. But like the pictures above indicate, maybe someone ate her out.....literally!!!!
  12. I, personally, am looking forward to MLB '14 The Show. Any other baseball fans? Would love to start a league with some people I actually know. I haven't played a baseball game in a couple years. I think it will be a nice change from COD for a while.
  13. Elvis gave scabies to your mom's son!!
  14. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay and a word of advice, don't trust Diddums. He's a spy!!!!
  15. Dave, be strong buddy!! I hope that everything turns out for the best with your wife and anyone else that has been diagnosed with this shit!! Everyone and I mean everyone knows someone who has or has had cancer and it's awful to deal with. Like others have said, FUCK YOU CANCER!!!!
  16. Great episode last night. Lots of information and lots of tense moments. I really hope the last 2 episodes are as good as anticipated. And for Christ's sake, SHOOT THE FUCKING DEER!!!!!
  17. I'm going to sneak a photo of Joe (deterioration) and post it here. Please hold..........
  18. All dogs beg to lick on the Cal.
  19. I thought last night's episode was pretty good. There was some action as well as getting to see multiple storylines on different characters. It was nice to finally see where Bob came from. One thing that did piss me off though, was when Daryl and Beth were in the Funeral Home. WHY THE HELL WAS SHE PLAYING THE PIANO????? Don't they know that noise brings the walkers??? Just stupid. The other thing was, you mean to tell me Daryl didn't hear 6 men walking up on him? The guy is a hunter and killer with instincts most men would kill for and yet he doesn't hear them at all? Come on man!!!
  20. Don't stand behind a cow with diarrhea.
  21. What ever happened to black boxes? If there was a catastrophic failure, surely the black box would be pinging, no? I have yet to read one article that questions that.
  22. I appreciate you posting this vid. I just don't get how can you can be down on it from a quick clip like that? I mean you barely see any of the maps and you're already calling it piss poor. I do agree with you about the Dome map but even so, it's a smaller map that everyone, including yourself, has been asking for. Again, we barely saw any of the map to really pass any judgment on it. As for the Extinction aspect getting pulled over to multiplayer, I don't mind it. Why not? How much different is it really going to be from other killstreaks? You still die from it, so again, who cares. I'm really not trying to start a fight here, it just seems that you're so down on the game that maybe it's clouding your thoughts. That's all I'm saying.
  23. Looks pretty badass. It's not out for the PS3/4 yet and I bet Matt already has it gold. That's how good that dude is!!!
  24. I believe Chris Meloni just started a new sitcom. I'm 95% sure. That doesn't mean that he couldn't do it. My suggestion would be Patrick Warburton, aka David Puddy from Seinfeld. He a little nuts already and he's also a pretty big guy with a good sense of humor. *Shrugs shoulders*
  25. Yeah, she was in full whiny, annoying bitch mode last night. Please, dear god, please, don't take away Maggie.
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