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Everything posted by kylebees

  1. PSN (US) #9
  2. a third of your true age, not too bad!! ^^^^^ 37, not too far off.
  3. Happy Birthday Hi, my name is Dylan!!! Enjoy and have one from me!!
  4. I noticed this too Matt. More so at night than anything else. I don't mind playing solo to be honest but it's definitely better to have some of you guys there to at least bitch and complain to about the shitty randoms on our team and the camping bitches on the other team.
  5. Maybe we're all the stupid ones. This guy probably set up the fake e-bay account and purchased this piece of paper from himself. Taking it public, he probably assumed the notoriety and figured someone would step up and donate. Just saying......
  6. Had a game of KC on Tremor last night, whiling playing solo. Game starts and myself and a random take off in the same direction. He kills a guy, I kill a guy and we both see a 3rd guy. We both unleash all hell on this guy and I get nothing, no hit markers, no death, nothing. I can only assume the same for my random teammate. So I thought there might be a host migration or something. Nope, I continue to fire bullets at him an nothing. He fires at me and nothing. I tried to stab him, nothing. He tries to stab me, nothing. So he takes off and I follow. Come around a corner and one of his teammates is there and he is able to stab his own teammate. WTF!!!!????
  7. The Governor is most certainly dead!! Come on, he put a bullet in her daughter without even batting an eye. She saw what a monster he was, there's no way she didn't kill him. Also, who let's her kid play in the mud, alone, out in the wild, without being close enough to defend her if something happens? Unfortunately, that little girl died because of her dumbass mother!! The little girl putting a bullet into the carpet muncher's girlfriend was pure genius!! Loved the fact that Carol taught them to survive. If not, Tyrese would be dead!! Kickass is fine. Unlike the comics, she will have survived the last battle at the prison. My guess is that Daryl has her. It's obvious that there was a plan in place in case they were to be attacked again, whether with walkers or anyone else. I assume they have to have a rendezvous point. My guess would be where they were at the end of season 2, right before they find the prison. Just a guess. One last thing, poor Hershel is now just a zombie head!! I bet you didn't think about that!!
  8. I switched to Google Chrome on my work computer and it seems to be working now. Thanks!!
  9. Just cleared my cache and tried again, same thing. It just brings me to the post box without the quotes. Sorry dude. I hadn't had this problem before.
  10. Dave, for some reason, I cannot quote or multi-quote at all? Any ideas?
  11. Went to Best Buy on Saturday to buy a new controller. I have two and both are starting to wear. Anyway, was looking around and saw the PS+ 1-year cards listed for $29.99 on sale, normal price $49.99. I grabbed 2 along with the controller. When I got up to the cashier to pay, the cards rang up in the register as $49.99. I told him that price is wrong, so I had to bring him to where I grabbed them from. He looked and said they should be $49.99 but he would give them to me for $29.99. I should have grabbed a bunch and sold them later.
  12. Holy Shit! May be the best episode ever! I'll post more once most have seen it.
  13. Just wanted to wish all my US peeps a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy and don't eat too much!!!
  14. After a match, is there anywhere to see how many Squad Points you earned for that match?
  15. Nice!! This looks like it may be coming together quite nicely!! Let's see who else would be interested. While NYC would be ideal, I think it would be expensive and harder for most to get here. If you're interested in joining us out in Ohio, let us know. Awesome!! Would really be great to finally put some faces to all these names!! Suck it up bitch and get in the car!! You know you need some Tommy lovin' anyway!! Small miracles!! I kid!! Book a flight> I volunteer to buy the first night for any Euro that attends, with the exception of Diddums!! I might have to mortgage my house if he came!! That would be ideal Pat!! I'm really hoping this works. I think we will have a blast, plus I want to get Chris drunk enough that I can....oh never mind.
  16. My suggestion would be KC and/or DOM. So far when I've been partied up, these seem to be the go to modes that we play the most. I'm partial to KC anyway, as that's what I play solo.
  17. Jay, Brooksfield is a little over 7 hours away. That's not bad at all. I Googled hotels and it seems there's a decent amount there. I'm sure if we get a group of rooms, they would give us a group discount. I think we can make this happen!!
  18. Also known as Dylan!!
  19. Agreed. The coming attractions for next week were great!! Can't wait to watch Talking Dead tonight to see the special sneak peak into next week's episode.
  20. Well then, let's make that happen. If Jason doesn't mind having us, that would be great!! Jason, what type of places are there to stay near you? I believe you said you live in Ohio, I could do that!!
  21. This doesn't haven't to be anything extravagant. Just a long weekend somewhere close enough that we can all gather and have some fun. This is what sucks about us living here in the US, we are all so spread out. I hope we can come up with some kind of solution. @Tommy and Jay....This is in no way directed at you. I get we all have different circumstances and financial issues, I was just hoping that some internet friends could meet up and finally put some faces and voices to names. I have no problem paying some extra if that means we can get even one additional person involved.
  22. Welcome dude!! Glad to see you made here. Looking forward to reading what you have to say. Hope you stay around!!
  23. To be honest, I haven't really seen too many shot guns on any of the maps. I did, however, come across a guy using one during my 28 killstreak on Warhawk. I picked that bad boy up and it was actually pretty beastly. I remember I got a triple with it as I had a Hind up and they were all coward inside the bar. As fast as I could pull the trigger, they went down just as fast. Playertd is right though, I couldn't hit anyone more than 10 feet from me.
  24. I am most certainly down for a Vegas trip. I've never been but really want to go!! If and when we get some people interested, I will update the OP with who's interested and where they're from and then we can look into places to try and have this party!!!
  25. Nice find!!
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