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Dr Diamond

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Everything posted by Dr Diamond

  1. The problem with things like pull ups and push ups , is that they show the relative strength between different people, not the absolutes. sure, you might be 100lbs and can do 50 press ups and 30 chin ups , but you would probably struggle to carry a 200lbs guy 100m over rough terrain. wait, what, one of these ?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mk_19_grenade_launcher
  2. no worries. glad someone else thinks chopper sniping is awesome !
  3. http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/786-your-epic-bf4-moments/ SRAW chopper kills are so satisfying. they are also surprisingly good at sniping people, and getting rid of pesky recon players in high up spots. the wired guidance is pretty dam accurate.
  4. we both had ASDL, albiet from two different providers. i just found it pretty odd that i would have such a bad connection on my better internet, despite me being the only device connected at the time (wireless switched off). i even checked the speed on my ps3 and its 5 down 0.9 up, yet can only find two severs on a one bar ping??? yes, doesnt correlate. im more interested in the dude with the yellow clothing, textures not loading properly ????????
  5. okay, the spas 12 is pure murder. had my best game on locker (45-12) so far with it. i think i wiped out the same groups of 3 people several times each its quite easy to get a double kill, by which point you are probably almost dead. if you can get a third hit on the third guy, the supression can be enough to throw their aim off so much that you get a second shot. fucking awesome ive tried the uts 15 as well. its good and fires reasonable quickly, but lacks the stopping power of the spas or 870 RM. you will often get someone down to 1 health. seems like it does 49 damage or something near that occasionally, and you think two hits is enough but they have 2 health and manage to kill you. its not bad tho.
  6. you will come to hate flood zone, and either love or hate operation locker
  7. started to give the Ace 23 a go, and it seems solid so far
  8. never use quick match, always go into server browser and select what you want and put region as europe. its not perfect tho. the server browser should show hundreds of avaliable games for any particular game mode. i am lucky to get more than 5 show up. i have been playing a bit tonight, but i am lagging/rubber banding BLOPS2 style, so turned it off. i got the drop on one guy and put half a clip into his chest yet he kills me and is on 47 health. i respawn and hes coming up some stairs and kills me again. i respawn and immediately get shot in the back. turned it off. its by far from perfect sometimes. atleast objective modes have some proper spawning. if you have a retard team for domination that cant hold a fucking flag to save thier lives, then you just randomly get spawned around the map and thats when you end up with the bullshit 5 deaths in a row that you can do nothing about. i dont know why the connections have become fucked for me all of a sudden. i had no problems when i was joining ryan in games, so i think ill just join other people and see if that helps
  9. test range and invite people i think you rarely find people "camping" as you do in cod. if they arent moving, its likely because they are locking down a strategic point. this is towards no one in particular in anyway. to start to get to grips,you really have to stop thinking with your cod head on. you cannot rush in a get a triple kill on a group of people. its much, much more strategic at the best of times, it is often better to pause, look around, use the spot function, use the mini map, see where people are headed, and then make your move. use cover, stick to side paths, dont run in the open, hug walls, etc.dont flounder around too long tho, as its likely you'll get spotted and someone will sneak up on you it is a massive, massive learning curve, but if you have the patience to stick with it, then it will just click. the great thing is, you can still rack up the points to level up whilst being negative. ive seen people 0-12 with 6000 points on an domination game just from revives, ammo, flag caps, etc
  10. So i am the only one home and i am connected to my ps3 using wireless, that has a ping of about 30-50ms with 2ms jitter on average. According to the server browser ( domination and operation locker selected only), there are only TWO servers i could chose from, and these has awful connections: - when i was at my gfs with shit internet, connected by wireless, i had no lag, and a full server browser with full 4 bar connections. now at home, with better, wired internet, i have less servers, and routinely i am looking at 1 bar connections for all avaliable servers can anyone explain this ? also, can anyone explain what is going on here ? i also saw a guy in the same game with a purple and blue back pack and sleeves
  11. argh they are out of stock til the 10th of feb or something like that!. they said they would do the line -6 equivlant for a bit less, but im gunna wait for the peavy
  12. yeah im excited to play it. ive heard the bass settings are crap, which is what you w.ould expect (its not a bass amp ffs), but the acoustic models might be okay.
  13. just ordered a peavy vypr , (newer model). been looking at reviews and stuff all day and it looks like a pretty decent practice amp for playing metal, but one that can get some pretty reasonable cleans as well.
  14. yeah flood zone isnt great. full of rooftop wookies and plenty of gaps to fall down. LAVs get annhiliated rapidly due to the awkward angles and plenty of rooftops and side streets for c4 and rpg hits. only place they are usable is near A flag, near the dam, but even then its easy to get sniped from the rooftop by a headglitcher with a launcher attack choppers arent so useful either, other than at a few locations, but then you are seriously vulnerable to RPG hits
  15. stick to tdm and dom until you get a feel for things. much easier.
  16. obliteration is great fun if you have a team that knows what you are supposed to do and uses the choppers to get you to the bombs asap if your squad is made of french retards trying to snipe from some high up point and doing fuck all, then leave because you will be smashed
  17. so far i like all the maps for most game modes. there arent any maps i particularly hate. however, if you have an idiot team, conquest and obliteration on operation locker is just a total ass ramming experience. just give up. the choke points are so ridiculous that you need an entire team to push one choke point and overwhelm the other team (assuming they are evenly spread between choke points). otherwise, it is tit for tat and quickly reaches a back and forth stalemate on B. atleast in domination the flags change so quickly , its much more manageable. for TDM i like operation locker, zavod, hanoin resort and seige of shanghai. not so fond of dawnbreaker though, but its good for conquest. i dont mind golmund either, but if you dont have a vehicle its miserable
  18. Dr Diamond

    Shotguns !

    anyone given them a fair try yet ? I have only used the RM 870 and cant comment on how the others fair yet. this pump action shotty is ridiculous with full choke on. it absolutely DESTROYS. even at ranges when i should be losing to assault rifles i have been winning gunfights if i get the first hit close range it one shots almost all the time (odd occasion where you hit someone point blank and dont even get a hit marker). at the edge of its range, im still finding im sniping people from about 30m with 2-3 shells (granted they were awful players but still, its a good gun). had some great streaks running and gunning with ryan on domination this evening.
  19. m416 is miles above everything in most situations for me, although everyone is raving about the ace 23. im also running the first carbine on engineer with a silencer, and currently using the rm 870 with full choke. it TEARS through people so badly
  20. oh, and the party system seems okay lately. Ryan has just been slotting into my squad with no problems (giggity)
  21. bf is just a better game. nothing beats dominating the battlefield in a scout chopper whilst your squad repairs your stinger damage, and has you covered with stingers themselves. its amazing.sniping is also fucking rewarding, its so frustrating being sniped in this game, that its so satisfying getting a sniper kill, especially a headshot. i went on a 14 streak using the seriously OP barrett .50 cal you can pick up in game, and i got half the enemy team raging after me. it was awesome epic feeling when you c4 a tank and see the vehicle disable, vehicle kill, and enemy double kill pop up. similarly, its awesome taking out tanks on the ground with jets, blowing tanks up with attack choppers, tow boats, rpgs, sniping helicopters with the SRAW, sniping helicopters with attack boats and TV missles, racking up multi kills on operation locker when you lock down the approach to B with the .50 cal machine gun in the tower. oh, and knifing someone is the most satifsying thing in this game, and the most rage inducing when it happens to you. simply put, i love this game despite its production flaws and slight imbalances. Just wish more people knew how to play it properly !
  22. C Flag, Golmund Railway , Conquest. Tank approaches from A flag down the hill. pop it with an RPG. it takes a return shot at me and misses. I go into the two story building/house, and it hits a hole in the wall. I see a guy though the damaged wall and take him out, another appears and i get him to. Go up to the top of the building and there is a sniper with a spawn beacon. Take out the sniper, fire an RPG out the window and get another hit on the tank. turn around and take out the respawned sniper and his spawn beacon. Tank starts to hit the building again, so i run out and take out another guy who appeared. Tank drives into the courtyard, so pop it with another RPG. Run into the single story building and walk into two guys, manage to kill both of them, but now on 1 health. Tank starts shooting walls out of the building, so i hit it once more, get the vehicle disable and subsequent kill and run out to finish the flag cap. this game can be awesome sometimes
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