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Dr Diamond

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Dr Diamond last won the day on November 22 2019

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  1. Literally no controller schematics in the menus, so new players just guess at how to do things? Screen tearing has been kinda bad as has the lag. No vehicle control schematic either. Air vehicles feel horrible to control but might so be because I haven't played on a controller for years. They need to rebalance the gadgets and this stupid specialist system. You can play as practically anything with any weapon and it does away with the old "trade off" system they had in BF4. Also, these additional equipment selections are also ridiculous. Vehicles are currently weak AF. Eg. I was capping one spawn point and started to get rockets shot at me from the attack chopper. Pull out my anti aircraft equipment....3 AA missiles....chopper blown up in about 12 seconds, flares can only stop one missile and I could fire the other 2 so quickly that it stood no chance of escape. Same goes for the anti tank launcher you can take. Multiple hits really quickly and the tanks are done.
  2. Ha Im playing Warzone with some work pals, but I am waiting for BF to come out so I can stop playing WZ and join everyone again. I will see about a new GPU but was thinking that id then need to perhaps also get a new PSU to match the power draw? pretty sure Phil mentioned this before Also, is more RAM in the mean time going to help with video editing ? Its not super slow, but its a drag waiting 3 seconds each time I fastforward a video clip and it lags.
  3. Sup everyone I got a PC built by Overclockers in 2018 - as the title suggests, am considering an upgrade in the future. Currently: Ryzen 5 2600 GeForce 1060 3 GB 16 GB Ram As you can see, bit on the slow side these days, although it still runs most things fine. I've also had issues with it crashing before and had to reinstall windows a few times (Diddums told me to take the RAM out and blow on it, fucked it entirely until i reinstalled windows and it *seems* to have been okay ever since). It will be used mostly for games, mostly single player.I'm also starting to edit slo-mo Go Pro footage and its a little on the slow side loading up big video files/working with them. I've also got a PS5 and because of the hacker issues with FPS i am happy enough playing on PS5 (K&M cross play disabled). Is it worth just ugrading the whole machine or getting new components ? I'm thinking that as the component shortage eases over the next 12 months that prices will also hopefully fall. Suggestions ? Ta
  4. I have a 550W Seasonic focus + Not sure i really need anything more than 3070, i suspect that will be more than good enough.
  5. Bump Am I going to need to upgrade my entire PC to make use of the new Nvidia cards ? I kind of dont see the point in getting one if I'm going to need a new PS, motherboard and a whole bunch of other stuff to upgrade properly and make the most of it. Is there any site where you can plug in your current components and it will tell you if they are compatible etc ?
  6. What's up folks Can you add me to the Whatsapp please. Some prick called Diddums removed me from it a while back. Only really playing Warzone these days, I've added some of the regiment but i need to add the rest.
  7. its a really cool game but i think they need to add a fair bit more to do. once youve done the story, it doesnt have the same feel as something like 7D2D, where you can go and cause trouble, collapse buildings and fight screamers etc.
  8. they get aired out once a day to stop moisture build up and get some air in, but there isnt much else i can do as i have limited space. The leaf spot are due to the extremes of temp we had up here, was very cold for a week now its shot up to about 18-20 and is forecast to stay that way all week.
  9. Any suggestion as to what is affecting my tomato plants ? I was wondering if it is early blight, but it didnt look like any of the pictures i had seen. where the leaves are like this, those browny patches appear to be dried out and dead leaf tissue.
  10. from what ive heard it sounds like a steaming pile of hot garbage but it was kind of sweet seeing this blind dude crying with happiness when playing the game, because this game has something like 60+ ways of modifying the screen, audio and controller options to allow people with as many disabilities/impairments to play as possible. even if the game is total cringe, the accessibility customisation alone might hopefully set a new industry standard and every game and console moving forward have these options.
  11. I'm surprised you haven't had complaints that its misogynist
  12. If you want MW2 nostalgia we can all download MW2 for free on PC and play private anyway haha
  13. You know the feeling.... -You've dropped into a fairly quiet area with your boys and girls. -You've looted fast, got a loadout and enough cash to spare for everyone to get self revive. -Maybe 2 of you have UAVs -You've done some recon and scavenger challenges so everyone has an amour vest and 8 armour plates. Maybe even a gas mask or two. You've spent maybe 20 mins in the game.Your squad has come across one or two players and successfully taken them out. You've got 2 sneaks of the final circle and start making your way there through a very quiet unlooted area. You're all in a building, all running ghost. AND THEN IT HAPPENS..... A chopper starts to hover over your building...you're all running ghost and none of you have shot at them...but they seem to know you are there. Your teammates start shooting at them out the window and get laser beamed with headshots and go done. You sneak out the back of the building as you havent been seen, but then you go down, shot in the back in a hail of bullets. How the fuck did they know i was leaving the building out that particular entrance ? And then you check the kill cam.....the other player has their sights up and is tracking you through a solid wall, despite having no visual of you in the building whatsoever. Then their aim follows the back of your head and doesn't miss a single bullet. Havent had this happen ? what about the people headglitching and jump shotting you with a KAR98 they picked up off the ground and getting a headshot first go ? Every subsequent headpeak is a perfect headshot. What about someone sniping hitting you with a perfect headshot from 500m and then the kill cam showing them spin around 180 and zooming in on you immediately with nothing to let them know you were there ? The hacking situation in Warzone is absolutely disgusting. It seems like a solid 1/3 of my games (PC cross play) I am coming across hackers, either dying to them or ending up spectating them in the final circle. Am i the only one who thinks it is really prevalent or has anyone had any better experiences ?
  14. Grau and RPG secondary, EOD ghost Amped , heartbeat C4 come at me
  15. Bump can someone add me please :-) (DrD1amond) I need to get everyones usernames added again, trying to find a thread with them all in
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