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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. Apologies for my language but fuck that cunt Killa. Good move for Unite, HP is their weakest game mode. They're a really strong team now.
  2. Hi Diddums, if you need to talk, don't phone me. You always phone at ridiculous times. Much love.
  3. Agree with the majority of what you said, not 100% on the above though. I think it's sometimes far too easy to blame parents for their children's mistakes. If it was as simple as you said then good parents raise good kids all the time, bad parents raise bad kids all the time. It might ring true to a majority of parents but there will be plenty of kids these days who are affected positvely and negatively from other kids, teachers, internet, television and their behaviour isn't a true reflection on their parents in all cases. Don't get me wrong though, absoloutely they are the biggest factors in their children's behaviours. I was lucky. I was brought up in a good home, where my parents taught us to respect elders and to treat others how you like to be treated. We were taught right for wrong and how important it is to work hard. Is it now to easy to get what you want and are you given far too much these days? Are kids far too spoilt these days? I know a parent whose little girl demanded an iPhone, she's 8. She was given it, that's the problem.
  4. It was a like for like swap, I'm not sure whose better off, they're both fantastic players. Maybe a change up will do both teams the world of good. I really like MerK as well, seems really down to earth. Already admitted making mistakes with his video just after he was dropped, good luck to him in the future. Think I'll have a bigger interest in EnvyUs going forward .
  5. Hi and welcome. If you're anything like Dave then you're old.
  6. Ali G: R.E.S.T.E.C.P! Do ya even know wha it spellz? Cabinet M.P.: Restecp? Ali G: Yes, Restecp. 'Owz anyone out there meant to restecp each otha? If you lot in 'ere, don't even start restecpa-ing one another.
  7. wat u bein busy wif, being a twat
  8. Chookes

    The Ashes

    Also, wtf, ashes have just been. Why is it not a year before this thread is made?
  9. Chookes

    The Ashes

    Über starts a thread. Doesn't want Euan here. Why? So he can be racist.
  10. InDiana Jones. This thread reminds me I need to cancel LoveFilm, some shite on there. Netflix!!
  11. In MerK's case, not sure. May have been his three team-mates, may have been their leader HECZ, or it may have been all of them. He admits to having some problems but something must have been way wrong for them to drop him. It couldn't have been anything to do with skill because they would have dropped BigTymer or Nadeshot first before MerK. Waiting for the first explanation video from the other members, that'll be interesting. UNiTE win PAX, beating Complexity 4-1 (I think) in the final. I watched the final but it went off on me when at 3-1 up and winning 5-2 in SnD. I thought they were fantastic. There was a Raid Hardpoint game when they were down by 50 (approx 200-150) and won it 218 by 214, immense. PAX wasn't a great event, really liked the format. For anyone interested, again, MLG Official COD have uploaded the majority of the games from PAX on to YouTube. They're definitely worth a watch.
  12. Everyone's just going to abuse me all weekend .
  13. Fellaini signs for united, not what they needed but better than nothing. Sir Alex would have hijacked Ozil from Arsenal.
  14. Both, depends on teams. FeaR dropped a player because one demanded it, others teams come to a consensus. This one is a strange one, MerK was OpTic's captain and probably their second strongest player, hopefully nV snap him up.
  15. It's deffo Brede.
  16. Complexity 3 - 0 FaZe in the first of the semi-final. It was incredible close, 6-5 in SnD with a 1v2 clutch by Crimsix and 2-1 in CTF. Team Kaliber vs Unite next. For anyone interested: http://www.twitch.tv/mlgcod
  17. I don't like tea. Just putting that out there. Not sure if any of you know but I have a coffee machine.
  18. MerK dropped, I thought it would have been his choice to leave. Seems absoloutely gutted:
  19. Welcome! Avoid uberwarrior, only racist I know on here.
  20. You are the only one Tam, yes. FIFA nerd.
  21. I'm not standing beside stretch. I'm also not talking to Diddums.
  22. Yeah Captn Obvious, I know, trololol.
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