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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. I think the download has the been the best part for me so far, the bar going to 100% was really exciting. Completed that mission 3 times so far, may go back a fourth time.
  2. Thanks for the tip. I can't use it or experience it because of the cunts that are Sony but I appreciate the heads up regardless.
  3. Flowers - Roses. Chocolate - Galaxy Caramel Wine - Blossom Hill White Zinfandel Clean something - My penis Good advice!
  4. I don't have anything to bribe with. "I won't annoy you for 2 weeks" is my best shot.
  5. I'll be brave and ask her really nicely if I can extend my play time tomorrow.
  6. My wife is not working tomorrow or Thursday, today was meant to be a great day .
  7. I'm guessing that money is screwed then as I made the purchase of the pre-order so they'll take it. Thanks though Dave.
  8. I have £50 in there to cover GTA 5 but having a few minor issues with it, like getting GTA 5. They haven't taken the money yet and I don't want to give it to them, can I take it back out? I'd rather just go to Tesco tonight or tomorrow and get a hard copy now but I don't want to go do that with £50 sitting in the wallet as those cunts might take it. Their customer service are refusing to give refunds, despite not being able to provide the game. Complete joke.
  10. I used to cheat in vice city, can't remember what they were tbh, unlimited ammo and cash or something? I'll probably be wishing for cheats if I can't get past a mission, there was one with a train I could never get passed in a previous GTA. Drove me nuts!
  11. Congrats. I heard the way she spoke to Naughty Rich, I know I don't want to misbehave round her so good to see she's keeping you in check.
  12. GTA is installing as I go to work, will be on around 6 I think. Looking forward to this game.
  13. I think there should be a hat somewhere. The hat represents everything.
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