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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. Someone is totally doing to die during this.
  2. No cheating.
  3. That's mean. It's like you haven't considered my feelings before making that comment. This is just a horrible day, I felt so fat this morning looking at myself in the mirror. Sob.
  4. Foreigner trying to blend in!
  5. I'll totally buy one with Diddums money.
  6. If I get stabbed then you'll feel bad.
  7. I like only like a little jaeger, be gentle with me.
  8. I sold my ticket to Dylan's imaginary pal.
  9. Do you think Eden is ignoring us til after the event so we don't make a mess of his pub? I'm going to Madame Tussaud's on Saturday, and then the London Science Centre and then go on the tourist bus. Yay.
  10. Ugly Delap.
  11. Those pesky refs.
  12. How does that throw in affect the offside rule?
  13. I like that corner.
  14. Where did my post go?
  15. Being a man in Scotland is wearing a kilt without any underwear.
  16. So I want to preorder sooner rather than later before my wife realises she gave me permission and says no and we have to go on holiday instead with the money which wouldn't be the worst thing in the world because I'd probably get some good action and she would be in a bikini but on topic I have no idea where to go to preorder. Game have a huge message saying you can't be guaranteed a console if you preordered after August 6th. So if I go with them could I be waiting until Christmas or January or 2016? What are smaller shops like? Can I walk in to a supermarket at midnight and get one? I'm seriously confuzzled. I might just go with Game/Amazon and be patient but I lack patience. Someone tell me where to go and preorder the stupid thing.
  17. A burrito man? They can make you frap.
  18. No one is as happy as me Dave, I've just opened up a pack of Munchies. Oh yeah!
  19. I know , the odds would have been like 10,000 to 1!
  20. I'm Scottish again. Poor again!
  21. Yay, world's highest GDP. Me rich now.
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