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    techno got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Teenager pays £450 for photo of Xbox one   
    Or simply using eBay!
  2. Like
    techno reacted to Chookes in Teenager pays £450 for photo of Xbox one   
    eBay is useful



  3. Like
    techno reacted to Chookes in Ghosts First Impressions   
    One of the funniest as well .
  4. Like
    techno reacted to Baabcat in |FG| Clan Wars Thread - Campaign Update in OP 05-12-2013   
    For the benefit of Euan and Gary who expressed some confusion about how all this works, this is what I have worked out:
    Basically we get put in a 'clan war' against 7 other clans. We don't come up against them, we just compete for control of 10 'nodes'. If you've looked at the app and seen a map and lots of target description, basically ignore that. Its just for atmosphere
    Each clan war lasts a set amount of time, the first one is a week, and the next one, which starts tomorrow is two weeks I think. there is an overall league table showing how many 'cp' each clan has, these clan points are earned by owning a node.
    Each node is like a mini league table for each of the clans to compete. Each node = a game mode - so 10 game modes are represented. TDM / Dom / KC / Hunted / SnR / Blitz and 4 hard core modes.
    Each node can be either 'open' or 'owned'. At the start of a clan war all nodes are open, and basically the first clan to hit the specified target of wins then owns that mode (and gets some cp). When a node is open any time a clan member gets a win in that game mode it adds to our score - so a party of 6 winning gets 6 points. The target varies depending upon the node - some are 40 wins, the TDM one is 140 wins (but this may change in each clan war)
    So at the start of a clan war the idea is to beast some wins and grab ownership of nodes. Owning a node gives everyone an xp boost in that specific game mode
    Once a node is owned, the scoring changes massively. At that point the scores of all the other clans are frozen and whenever they get a win, those points come off the total of the team that owns the node. So if we win domination and have 40 wins, if the other 7 clans are all playing domination our score will go backwards quickly. When we reach zero the node is open again. I think the xp bonus only lasts as long as you own the node. As soon as the node is open the scoring changes back, and wins add to our total until someone grabs ownership again.
    Its meant to be deliberately hard to hold a node too long.
    Overall victory comes from the cp we accumulate by grabbing the nodes. I cant find anything much on the internet about how this is calculated apart from a hint that at the first clan to grab ownership of each node gets 12 cp, and then this drops by 1 for every other change of ownership. This explains why we got 3 for owning SnR and 6 for owning Dom - different amounts of leadership changes.
    Hope this makes it clearer
  5. Like
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
  6. Like
    techno reacted to Baabcat in |FG| Clan Wars Thread - Campaign Update in OP 05-12-2013   
    Woot woot , we are now leading in TDM with 73 wins. Only need 67 more to claim this node. I noticed Froggie and Igotmollywhopped were teamed up with MyM in TDM. Keep going guys, don't let Kyle leave !!!! 67 wins will only take you guys 10 hours or so, get on it!
  7. Like
    techno reacted to Chookes in So who's got one then?   
    He had it surgically removed, not sure why.
    At his wedding, his best man said "I hope everyone is having a ball. It's quite a fitting to use "a ball" as that's all the groom has."
  8. Like
    techno got a reaction from BoroVC in westboro Baptists v R Brand   
    Come on man its just a difference of opinion surely we're allowed that?
  9. Like
    techno got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in So who's got one then?   
    I'm eager to get real user reviews, about both console and launch titles to see if its worth investing anytime soon.
  10. Like
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Ghosts First Impressions   
    Yeh now you can use different strike packages but most of the assault streaks are being blunt shit!
    Also unfortunately they have created a campers paradise making objective games a real chore and then there's operations instead of challenges which IMO just doesn't work, I spent 3 squad points the other day looking for a set that was worth doing I gave up.
    This game is different to blops 2 and leaving out connection personally different is not necessarily better.
  11. Like
    techno got a reaction from Glen11 in [|FG|] Forever Gaming Banter Thread   
    Good luck Cal sounds all very intriguing!
    Came up against a hacker earlier, final kill can showed he had all the perks.
  12. Like
    techno got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What If Money Was No Object?   
    I have actually been thinking about this sort of lately, I hate my job... Well maybe the place I work I've been there since school so now its coming on 28 years its paid for everything I've needed and its given me the cash to bring up my kids who have recently left home.
    Now its been a struggle but I've just recently got to a place where I'm financially not too bad, yes I have debts but its nothing out of the ordinary thing is works slack next year and I could end up with near 50% pay cut due to lack of hours but I can't leave as I need the redundancy I would be owed.
    Now I have said to my wife if I was to be made redundant I'm done with that industry I am apprentice trained skilled engineer but I'm done, now I've been into fitness recently and what I've been trying to get to is I've read about all these adventures and way of living some people enjoy and I got thinking I missed out, if I'd only seen or thought about it earlier, I even thought I'd wasted my life so far when I was a little down, obviously I've raised some great daughters but it seems something was missing maybe it will turn up.
    I ride bikes some people ask as its dangerous don't you worry, nope I would rather be glad I tried than regret I didn't.
    Fair play to Steve for taking the path you did.
  13. Like
    techno got a reaction from ChaosGladiator in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Saw that video as well earlier be nice if its true.
    I may have an excuse for performing badly

    That app gets better!
  14. Like
    techno got a reaction from Chookes in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Saw that video as well earlier be nice if its true.
    I may have an excuse for performing badly

    That app gets better!
  15. Like
    techno got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    IED's fucking everywhere got sick of just blowing up it seemed everytime I walked through a doorway I took to running them myself along with sitrep.
    I did get a good kill with one saw someone camping a roof on tremor so I threw the fucking thing up like c4
  16. Like
    techno got a reaction from PrivateParts_93 in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Thought I'd post this not sure its mentioned anywhere

  17. Like
    techno got a reaction from Playertd in Ghosts - Beginning Tips - Post what you find   
    Playing hardcore today noticed wiretap didn't work, enemy sat com's don't bring up the mini map so its a wasted perk choice.
    Not sure if it works perhaps if you have a sat com operational.
  18. Like
    techno reacted to Dr Diamond in 11/11/1918   
    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them.

    It does not matter if you believe in war. it does not matter if you oppose all military action. today is not about war, it is about sharing the pain of those who are grieving the loss of dads,mums,sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and friends

    today is about putting yourself in the shoes of someone that had to stare death in the face for years in the most abbhorrent conditions on the front line, whether it is today or nearly 100 years ago

    today is about remind ourselves of the horrors of the past so that we may have a chance to prevent horrors of the future

  19. Like
    techno got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Thought I'd post this ghost sponsorship in my favorite sport this weekend.

  20. Like
    techno got a reaction from Baabcat in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Thought I'd post this ghost sponsorship in my favorite sport this weekend.

  21. Like
    techno got a reaction from Chookes in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Thought I'd post this ghost sponsorship in my favorite sport this weekend.

  22. Like
    techno got a reaction from Stretch616 in The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread   
    Thought I'd post this ghost sponsorship in my favorite sport this weekend.

  23. Like
    techno reacted to Commander_Undies in [|FG|] Forever Gaming Banter Thread   
    Give the Froggie a kiss. He bought me Ghosts the Hardened edition! I get it on Monday. Freakin' love that man. 
  24. Like
    techno got a reaction from wapntake in Ghosts First Impressions   
    Well I got the game yesterday afternoon and ive had a couple of hours on it, with getting the game a day later than most I was more eager than ever to give it a go.
    First off lag tho very sporadc it is definatly there, maybe more noticable to me as im used to geting very little lag in past cod's no way is it a major problem its just not as smooth for me as some have said.
    I started with squads, personally the only use I found for this is to get a basic feel for the game and maps, for actual gameplay its pretty useless imo as the bots are hopeless so after an hour i jumped into multiplayer.
    First impression i got is its going to be a steeper learning curve, im ususally a 1.2-1.3 kdr player but ive been struggling to get 1 kdr games but it gives me something to aim for.
    The game feels different to all the previous cods which is a positive but they dont seem that varied, all seem big and the colours are very samey, I cant actually really distinguish etween them and with them being a little dull mostly I have trouble picking out opponents.
    Gamemodes, blitz meh it would be better if it was timed rather than the 8 point halves, dom which is my fav game type usually is  somewhat different whit map size as i only started playing it in mw3, i wont go near tdm but I do like cranked at the moment for some fast paced fun.
    Im used to playing hc so ttk on core is still a little slow to me as it takes more hits to fell opponents I will always hate getting first hits in but losing the fight but this could also be down to weapon choice.
    As for killstreaks yes the dogs are so abundant its like a meet up of the blind society but this will probably change as people get squad points to unlock other things.
    Anyway first thoughts are on the whole positive as they have definatly not made a clone of a previous cod but it might be more difficult to be succesful as an average player the learning curve will be steeper as i think the skill gap has increased, i like the improved graphics but they could have made some more varied map sizes and colours etc imo.
    I look forward to getting some decent time on it this weekend to get my teeth into all the other features and learn the layout.
  25. Like
    techno reacted to burnfitbillyboy in Best/Worst Maps So Far?   
    Get out!
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