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Everything posted by techno

  1. Oooo errr Bart
  2. From what I've seen it like dids want a big fuck off sword, I won't have a clue so any pointers will be welcome.
  3. Anyone spending money on stuff like this a retarded same as cod community buying cod points if you can get it in game then that's what you do. If people did that they wouldn't bring this shit in, it's not Activision to blame it's idiots.
  4. Amazon but it's priced higher if I search elder scrolls rather than elder scrolls ps4.
  5. Even I've bought it as Dave said at 15 quid it's worth it as a novelty coaster. Oh and I will have no idea wtf is going on.
  6. Damn that shits funny
  7. Lol many will be disappointed this week, just like pretty much every week.
  8. Cancer again. Nice Robin Hood link RIP
  9. I remember playing sonic, that game did my head in, must have been on the megadrive. Can't add anything to the sonic v Mario to this day never played a Mario game.
  10. Never been a fan but geez that's a shock.
  11. Thought I'd throw this in here as it sort of touches on destiny 2.
  12. I believe explosive rounds stopped firefly from procing ...is that a word ? But explosive rounds do work against mobs and especially thrall.
  13. You said having elemental burn primaries would render non ones useless which I can understand so how about making kinetic (think that's what they are) weapons do more damage against all shield types than the wrong elemental burn weapon would. Say arc primary burns down arc shield but does less damage to void and solar than a kinetic weapon would of the same damage model therefore surely increasing weapon choice and diversity.
  14. Just wanted to start a discussion before the usual info overload hits about what might and might not be in destiny 2. Destiny is the only game I think of since older cods to bring this community together and even expand it but at the moment to most it's just dead which is to be expected with the amount of hours some have sunk in. However I was wondering what people's thoughts and expectations are for the next installment or what the would like to see implemented that will bring players back because as a social experience its been a lot of fun. So is anyone planning to buy it regardless of who gets it or only if enough members get it or is it simply dead to you now and no matter what you won't buy it. Things I think personally need addressing. Weapon diversity, it's an fps,to me year 2 was so much worse than year 1 due to 1 main reason the removal of elemental burn primaries. They were the reason to run hard mode raids, they made me think about my load out for specific missions and nightfalls in some cases it changed during missions now I soon learnt I needed red death, 1000 yrd stare and a hmg or for crucible maybe a hawksaw archytype pulse rifle and a shotgun. Weapons need cutting down in numbers but more useful and diversive perk modifiers not just range and stability add in balanced damage modifiers and rate of fire mods maybe and have some weapons to grind for but some as rng drops only. Crucible,ffs just sort out the weapon balance for crucible ignore it's pve aspect and then leave it pretty much alone this constant meddling is frustrating as fuck and it goes round in circles and is probably in the worst state it's ever been in. Lastly let's have private matches to fuck around in. Leveling needs a complete overhaul I don't think light works I'm not sure it's really necessary especially in its present form. Content needs to remain relevant,vog to me is still the best thing in destiny kings fall is good but there's too much jumping crap that I feel was added to pad out the raid after people thought crota too easy imo. 1 last thing for now varied fireteam numbers if possible add more adds depending on numbers perhaps between 3 and 6 players to do more stuff together add to that social experience. Drop last gen and don't make it feel just like a full price dlc, I'd be happy to start from scratch but I know others wouldn't even if it felt like it a little in ttk. So what's your thoughts? Because destiny 3 is going to have more competition this time.
  15. Yeah nice find stretch. Shame it wasn't combine!
  16. Your defiantly right about our differences in gaming and probably other forms of entertainment I don't get emotionally involved in any of it. It's also not about quality over quantity with me either as I can see the quality in the last of us but I had a few hours into it and it just didn't grab me, so with me it's all about the type of gameplay. Maybe as I don't get immotionally attached to stuff I can give a less biased opinion and that's all this is opinion people will make up there own minds I enjoyed the game I'm happy you recommended it and now I'm interested in what other people think of and when they've played it.
  17. I'm sorry but imo it's nowhere near a full price buy for the amount of gameplay content. I believe you also said once that you don't pay full price for single player games.
  18. Supposed new game but basically as it will probably use the same characters a full priced dlc
  19. Nothing much on the horizon for me I'm awaiting news of bf5.
  20. It's worth a play through once but not a purchase at anywhere near full price,I was lucky to pick it up at £10.
  21. Take away the extensive rubbish and they're pretty much the scenes every weekend.
  22. I'd say that's pretty lucky and good job if it's true bit let's hope so.
  23. Its monte carlo, supercell archytype
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