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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I don't think I can be arsed with the hassle and boredom of watching the loading screen until they confirm that it's finally fixed. I'm really looking forward to it but I don't want this crap patch to taint my view of it so I figure it best to leave alone. I was gonna join Sebba last night but it was a little late by the time he got on as he didn't seem to have any problems. However hearing that his mate did kinda makes me feel I made the right decision
  2. I'm nowhere near as excited for this cod as I was other iterations. With that said i'll def still get it and it'll probably be the 1st purchase for the PS4. It's not that I don't think that the game has it's faults. It's just that even with the faults it's still the best arcade FPS game. I like my instant gratification with these games, even if it comes with a dose of rage!
  3. There's probably a few security vids from the tube that'd make interesting viewing!!
  4. Totally agree with Gary. It's expensive but one of the most usefuls skills you'll get. Glad it went well bud. What car are you learning in?
  5. Nice work Harrison. It's been one of our favourite things to do so far to see what vehicles can and can't make it up. I did it in record time with the Zonda hybrid car surpisingly, so onto some of the slower vehicles I reckon, maybe a tractor would be fun!
  6. Damn that looked really sweet until all i could think of was Master Chief with his neck snapped all the way round!
  7. How many meme things can Euan get into one thread about Rich's burger incident!
  8. Finally feel a bit more human so thought i'd put something on here that was a bit more than " I feel crap"! I had an awesome weekend. I still can't believe how much beer we managed to get through and on so little sleep. It was so cool to finally meet everybody and put faces to names. Sorry for not making the big fry up on Sunday morning, I honestly had every intention until somebody kept me up till stupid o'clock. However I hope the bacon on Saturday was good enough. Eurogamer was really cool to be at,it's just a shame we couldn't atually get the energy to get there until later on! I think me and Euan went to 2 stands to play PS4 games that closed as soon as we got there. To be fair Eurogamer took a backseat for the weekend as it was all about the company we were with for the weekend. And to be honest I'm glad it was that way. To cap the weekend off I had a KFC last night before I passed out and god damn that Supercharger KFC is.............well pretty tame, sorry Rich, you're just a lightweight! A big thanks to everyone that made such big journies to be there, it was a pleasure to meet everyone of you (including Dylan!!) A final thanks to our gracious hosts Dave & Kayla. Thanks for putting us up and letting us take over your house for the weekend. Totally appreciated and I don't think we'd have got away with half the stuff we did if we were all in a hotel. To next year........Cheers!
  9. Keep going dude. Nearly there now just think hoq sweet the beer is gonna taste later on. Plus I wanna try Bee's cocktail. Sounds like good shit
  10. Bag packed (with sunglasses!) and beer cracked open. I'm soooooo excited now! I can almost taste the jager!
  11. Game on Tam! Also, top job on setting this up Mike. Really looking forward to this now
  12. Haha, it's your funeral Rich! I thought buckfast was Scottish for breakfast not some booze. Actually I suppose in Scotland that's the same thing!
  13. 17 but looks about 12 But i'm guessing he could still drink Euan under the table!
  14. 16 in a Tesco car park. There wasn't much of a clutch left after I was done! It's scary to learn but opens up so many doors in life once you get it. I'm currently working on getting my mrs to learn (no joy yet)
  15. It's all starting to sound like we have a bit of a plan! I suppose it's best to start off that way as we know it's all gonna go to shit once beer starts getting consumed. Also I 2nd the Euan and Dylan treatment. Euan loves attention anyway!
  16. I get into Euston bout 3, so i'll be at Brixton bout 4. After that i'm free as a bird i'll also chip in a few quid on the booze dude
  17. I'm sure after a couple of beers we'll be sound Cal! It is gonna be weird meeting everyone for the 1st time. Apart from Diddums where everytime is weird @Euan - I'm sure once Rich is done with you shyness will be the least of your worries/problems!
  18. We've been talking about some stuff to do together once online comes on. It's gonna be ace, I just need my PVR up and running dammit!!
  19. Tried accepting but comes up as failed everytime. I'll try again tomorrow
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