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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Get in there Stevie FUCKING Gerrard!! Bring on Brazil!
  2. They'd only scare me if I had their names come up in a spelling bee competition! They're good players, but I really think we have the quality to do this. Just maybe not the positive state of mind....
  3. A nice and easy 2-0 is where my money's going. Come on boys, 1 last push and then we're at Brasil!
  4. Also don't think i've liked as many posts in one thread before! GTA is bringing out all the awesome!
  5. That was ace chasing that dude round the map! I loved it when we cornered him up on a ledge, parked the cars next to him and then used the jerry can on the cars! Totally up for more shennanigans when i'm on next
  6. Cool, i'll be on hopefully about 8ish so make sure to save me a space!
  7. Yeah man. Looks like there's a good session going,on tonight. Time to put on my pleading voice with the mrs for a gaming night! Totally down for more racing, that heli race I spectated last night had me laughing my ass off!
  8. I'm looking forward to the game tomorrow. The last game got me thinking alot more positively about our national team. The front 4, whilst not completley on the same page, look like they could be very formidable. I just wish ww had a bit more spark in the middle of the park. Gerrard and Lampard are both of a similar build and their main competition is Michael "i can only pass sideways" Carrick!
  9. Sorry for the brief session last night Cal. The game kept fucking up so I did a solo mission or 2 and hit the hay early. Hoping I can get a better session tonight though
  10. I can do that, hold my beer! Seriously sick stuff there. Looking very strong
  11. That's awesome! It takes some serious balls to do that
  12. Haha yeah! Maybe guilty isn't the right. Maybe that the gift isn't proportional to the player. Either fuck it, i'm gonna be richa mutha fucker! I wish I could buy a shitty apartment with some and then blow the rest on a scarface sized pile of coke!
  13. Sweet! That's awesome for me but I can't help but feel a little guilty. I mean i've had 2 nights online with little to no issues and I get the same reward as somone like Cal who has suffered alot of issues. And I basically get given the nuts of an apartment without having work at it. Don't get me wrong it's an awesome gesture on their part and i'll take what they give me
  14. It sounds pretty much the perfect answers for me. It's not like you just gave a flat no answer. You gave perfectly good reasons why this doesn't suit you at this point in your life. Hopefully they'll see that and respect your wishes. Good luck buddy!
  15. I think it's great news. It probably won't solve all lag related issues but at least they are trying to do something. I'm nowhere near as excited for this COD but i don't think it's looking too shabby at the moment. Also off topic a bit: I read the article through Rich's link on Facebook and who do I see in the comments section posting to his usual "I know best" way? None other than our favourite ex-admin Auptyk! Some things never change I guess
  16. Anyone on tonight? I'm gonna give it a whirl. It sounds like i've been missing out on far too much
  17. Damn. This sounds awesome, but i'm spending quality time with the mrs tonight. However i'll try and make sure i'm on for the next session and record it in all it's glory
  18. I take it the connecting issues have gone away? Hoping to have a bash tonight
  19. Awesome news. Hopefully i'll get on for a session tomorrow post pub!
  20. Whatever happened to Lennon? Is he just rotting away at Spurs still? I'm really trying hard to think of wingers that are proven. Adam Johnson is the only person I can think of that might be worth a shot
  21. A beta that close to release date is probably going to be limited access stuff just to test server load. All the balancing stuff should have be done way before the release date. Still with all that said I can't wait to get my hands on this. It sounds like they're trying to cover all bases to appeal to FPS & MMO fans. I just hope it's not biting off more than they can chew
  22. I was thinking that maybe on the left wing he could use Cole at left back and Baines on the wing maybe? Or they could interchange? I've not heard much about Townsend but I hear he's meant to be a player with some talent but still yet to be fully developed. But still it's shows a gaping hole in these positions and there's not really alot coming through to fill it. It's such a shame people like Ashley Young have gone off the boil so much. But I totally agree with the decision to drop him and the same goes for Milner. When you're putting a player in because "he does a job" it's not really acceptable for this level of football
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