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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Good idea for a thread Bart! For your question, i haven't read about any specific changes but as the Speaker can now reclassify the shards, energies, motes etc... i guess they're all in the same loot table now Also to answer people's questions for sure about the PoE. I've ran it 3 times so far, 2 with key and 1 without. With key gave exotic 1st time and multiple legendary on 2nd, so you can get multiple drops in a week if you have the keys to suit. Doing it without key doesn't give you the main chest loot but you can still open the 2 side chests which may (or may not) have a key in them. So PoE can be ran over and over again but your drops are largely dependant on your current inventory holding
  2. Love it so far. I have to say that the comments of it feeling like a proper expansion pack is spot on. I like the way they are linking tasks with standard patrol missions which then have a relevance in the new factions and also the PoE. Did the lvl 28 PoE with Lee last night and loved it as it had matchmaking. But the lvl 32 was a bridge too far as it was just the 2 of us and that last boss was a bitch! But it's finally good to have some testing content rather than the cheese fests we've become used to. Level 35 PoE is going to be a real acheivement i feel. Plus there is still relevance in VoG and CE as they've added the new exotics to the loot table drops
  3. How are people buying the dlc? It's not showing up in my ps store
  4. So i haven't had a chance to play whilst these new bounties have been in place. Will it affect my enjoyment of the new dlc when it starts tomorrow? Also on a plus/minus side, i've got trapped nerves in my back so i've been signed off work all week now!! So plenty of gaming can be done
  5. Still got MW3 and BO2 and more than happy to have a go on them anytime, so long as Euan doesn't go all MLG on me!! MW3 knife only s&d was the tits!!
  6. Good job Lee and Chip. Nicely done without too much stress and that bubble tactic on the normal weekly was ace!! :)
  7. Good idea Lee. I'll trt and get on to have a bash at this
  8. Wow!! Haven't done a VoG in about a month or 2 due to baby and house commitments. So the first hard raid i do, i go and drop the jellyhorn and the vex!!! Fuck yeah!! Thanks to everyone that took part (even Chip!) and helped me get there. I reckon my schedule will be back to sporadic appearances until the little madam goes into her own room, but once again, thanks!!
  9. Sounds a bit freaky. I get worried if more than 5 mins goes by and we haven't sweared at each other!!
  10. Mrs is away this weekend so i'm going to be on Fri, Sat and Sun night. So hope some of you feckers are on for some shennanigans!! /Lee - Few beers Saturday afternoon?
  11. Watched a little bit. Correct me if i'm wrong but it looked like a hardcore 3 person horde mode with objectives. If so, what's not to like?
  12. Fucking hell 6 Fatebringers! I bet you wish you could give me one of those
  13. Hey there and welcome. Good to see this being a truely international forum!! Hope you like it round here and feel free to ask for any help/advice
  14. Crucible marks work for that too. You have to use the dude on the left who sells the Crucible weapons
  15. Yo dude. Welcome to the forums. We're all a pretty close knit bunch here and are more than willing to help out anyone with anything. And that extends way above and beyond gaming. For me, this place has become my other family and i hope you can feel the same way too.
  16. Hey Noah, good to see another FF fan on here! Hopefully see you soon for a few games of Destiny
  17. There's usually plenty of people on from here all hours of the day, so you should be able to get a raid team or help with whatever no problems. Make sure to send out friend requests to us. Also, if you see any of us on, don't wait to be invited to a party chat, just jump straight into it. We suck at sending invites, it's not personal, we're just shit
  18. Hey there and welcome! There will be loads of good folk on here willing to help. Just drop a few friend requests and you'll be golden. Have you applied to the clan through bungie.net? No bother if you haven't but it might net you an extra trophy (if you're into that kind of thing)
  19. I'll keep a close eye on the notifications for the group acceptance on Bungie.net and i've also put a post on our clan forum to send people this way. I'll post the messsage on the bungie forum from time to time to see what kind of response we get. Quality over quantity though imo (so no more Euan!!) Plus it would be a good idea to try and start using the calendar a bit. Would help any fresh blood get involved without having to go through too much hassle of organisation. I might not be on too much at the moment, but i'll help as much as i can from the comfort of my phone (whilst sat on the throne!!)
  20. To be honest i'm not so bothered about drops and shit. I just want to play the game for shits and giggles. Melee only ROC strikes anyone?!!
  21. They said that they wanted to learn from past mistakes. Hopefully they mean that and they go for a meaningful (albeit grindy) path rather than RNG. At least they're trying to keep the old gear relevant, which is a good step in the right direction. More high lvl gear = more variation in player set ups
  22. I've got a couple of these to run when i get back on this week. So will be needing some assistance from you lovely people!!
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