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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Charlie is Venom to the Max? We'll see what we can do dude
  2. For all the shit Dids gets, he was the only person who made it through the 1st part of that Crota raid..... Granted he was responsible for multiple wipes before hand, but let's just gloss over that one!! I really think that 280 plus will be fine. We aren't going to finish it Friday or get anywhere close. It's just a learning experience, so just bring whatever light you have and some beer and let's do this thing!!
  3. Might be on tonight, but after that i'm pretty sure my next night will be Friday. Really hope we can tie this up together
  4. Hit 279 last night so i should be fine for a go at this at some point this week. I'll be on for a good bash on Friday for sure. Not sure i can make Thursday because of some work issues.
  5. I see what you mean Bart. I've just started to acquire purples at the 260ish region. So haven't really had the infusing option. But with the example you gave it's totally worth it. I guess there's no real right or wrong way. It's just whatever the best option is considering your Guardians current situation
  6. Really going to have to put some time aside to get into this lore. The small bits i read just sound fantastic. Here's hoping that the game will actually cover some of this lore
  7. Nice simple explanation there. I guess infusing isn't really worth while till you get to the 280ish region (not the exotic method though). Small jumps on good guns is more worthwhile i guess rather than sticking with a 230 purple all the way through the light levels. Just guessing really based on the description
  8. Used 1 coin per strike and ran about 8 last night and netted myself the lesser seen "Jack Shit" exotic
  9. I'll try and have someone ready by then, but i'm not hopeful! Best of luck to you and Charlie if you do have a crack. I guess that would be a LFG team? Anyways, don't go spoiling all the fun for us!!
  10. How are everyone's light levels coming on? I was thinking (hoping) we could give this a bash next weekend
  11. Reminds me of the Lego movie tbh:"Put the thing in the thing....." I have no fucking clue with this update and it's great!!
  12. There's a setting you disable (name escapes me) in the menu. It was only made available a good while after the ps4 was released
  13. I think some people would be interested bud. No harm in sharing just in case. I can look to get my PVR hooked up again, but it's been so long since i used it! Not sure if the software still works!
  14. Here's the place for any videos, reddit info etc etc.. relating to how and what to do in the new raid. I'm sure there will be a plethera out today, so go nuts!
  15. So now it's been out a day and we know that it's also been completed, we can now set our sights on getting this done. I just wanted to create a specific thread where those of us who want to do it blind can use as a discussion point, without fear of maybe seeing something we didn't want to! Really looking forward to taking this on when we all get up to speed. I suppose the first order of the day is getting the specific entry requirements for both normal and hard mode.
  16. Wow, didn't even know there was a daily story!! Thanks man!
  17. 2.0 is the skeleton, TTK puts some serious meat on the bones. If you like where 2.0 put the game then you won't be dissapointed
  18. Totally this. There's a real good feeling about this expansion and don't want to burn through the content. Although i am dying to get on the new raid so i can die and swear lots!!
  19. This is what i'm really looking forward to. I'm really hoping that this adds a big new dimension to the game
  20. So after a couple of missions with Justin into the main story arc i am buzzing!! They seem to have finally nailed the lore, action, rpg, cutscenes and all the other elements. I'm really excited to see where it leads. What does everyone else think after day 1?
  21. Always want to do this. But i'm not in any rush to burn through the content. The first time doing VoG and CE was probably some of the most fun i've had playing the computer ever
  22. That's pretty cool man. The crucible stats were a bit of an eye opener for me
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