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Plumbers Crack

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  1. Haha
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Star Citizen   
    Shut up Phil,,,it hurts when I laugh!! 😂
  2. Haha
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Star Citizen   
    just depends on IRL drama Phil 😂
  3. Haha
    Plumbers Crack reacted to phil bottle in Star Citizen   
    Just stay on your feet sir😅
  4. Haha
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from phil bottle in Star Citizen   
    just depends on IRL drama Phil 😂
  5. Sad
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from Greboth in 7 Days to Die: And So It Begins   
    Going to a 4.00 funeral first but will be on as soon as I get back 👍
  6. Love
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from RenFengge in Valheim - First boss   
    A little bit of Burning Spear is good for me! 👍
  7. Like
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from phil bottle in Valheim - First boss   
    A little bit of Burning Spear is good for me! 👍
  8. Love
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Valheim - First boss   
    A little bit of Burning Spear is good for me! 👍
  9. Like
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Festival of the Last - D1 revival   
    Might be a bit tricky with family, etc but hopefully I can jump in 👍
  10. Haha
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Leviathan Raid   
    That’s coz I’m easily confused...I actually thought after I posted it “I thought Lee and his family were going to a yurt for the weekend “ 😂
  11. Love
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Whisper of the Worm Support Runs - Friday   
    Thanks to @Horrible_HectorHector and @reaper-2201Rob, both Plumrodders and I now have a lovely WotW! Mine popped as as I was about 2/3 of the way through the jumping puzzle and Rodd just after he arrived in the fight room.
    Thanks again Hector and Rob 👍
  12. Like
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Whisper of the Worm Support Runs - Saturday   
    @GazzaGarratt Lee I’m ~375 depending on load out. What is the best load out/elemental damage do you think? After the pipe jumping carnage during the raid, I’m not too optimistic about this one! 🙈
  13. Love
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Whisper of the Worm Support Runs - Saturday   
    Hey Shucker...just reread your intro...you said you’re stupid old, I’m 62 (can you beat that?) so send me a friend invite to PlumbersCrack56 . I tend to play with a 5 strong group of FGers who are 52 - 62 years old. Lee and the guys have got 2 of us through the raid so we might be able to do a few parts on our own if you jump in as well. Try a few strikes with us first to check us out
    Weekdays we generally play ~ 7.00 - 10.00 UK time, weekends we tend to start a bit earlier and sometimes hit up with any NA people like Chad from your neck of the woods, Chris and Hector from the States, etc
    Be good to hear from you! 😊
  14. Like
    Plumbers Crack got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Raid Night for DaveyDave   
    Wont know until later. Given you're going to "blast" him through as much as possible IIRC, and my raid clumsiness, I'm quite happy to be a reserve 
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