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Plumbers Crack

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Everything posted by Plumbers Crack

  1. Hi Steve, Hope you're having a great holiday too!
  2. Yep but a great game for us neutrals!
  3. City - Liverpool is a helluva game so far!!
  4. Be gentle with him Stretch!
  5. I reckon Dave had that lined up ready to go!
  6. RIP Clarence Clemons aka the voice of Santa Claus
  7. So, it's Christmas Eve and we'll all probably be busy over the next couple of days so I'd like to be the first to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas! God bless you all!
  8. Good to see you back Kyle and doing well! Never thought I'd see MyM777 associated with the word 'Newbie' - better start posting!
  9. I wish they'd nerf that freking dog!
  10. Nice Doc! Maybe Santa will bring it for you?
  11. Too much to type on an iPad so http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipswich I kmow the areas to avoid in times of trouble. We're also fortunate in that we have a cellar which is also where the incoming town water main enters the property so we could access drinking water there. Unfortunately, the cellar is not 100% secure and it would not be easy to do that without screwing up the ventilation to the cellar and creating a possible fire trap. During current times I'm not worried as it would create a hell of a row to get in and people would notice. The cellar is my workshop and we have a freezer there and also store bulk tinned food down there when supermarkets have special offers
  12. Like this thread but please remember some tips specifically for us town dwellers
  13. At the time of posting, we still hold Dom. Cranked node is still open, we're winning and need 18 wins to take it. Ordinary KC is also open believe it or not, we're second on 7 wins, leader only has 14 wins and it's only 30 wins to take the node. It might be the leader is on their way down, in which case it would be 37 wins to take it.
  14. Guns.... we need guns....lots of guns All joking aside, I did wonder how prepping would work in an urban UK area as we don't have easy access to guns
  15. Well, it's up and running and we currently hold DOM node in Silver division. I won't get much of a chance tomorrow to do an update as it's my last day at Work before Crimbo so if anyone else can do an update please feel free
  16. I'm confused and I'm grey! At the moment, especially with the holiday season, people getting jaded and the maps not pleasing many people I suggest people just play what they feel happiest with and we'll see if it gets any easier to understand with new clan wars as they're released The last minute info release is a bit frustrating tho'
  17. Latest from Charlie Intel UPDATE: Beachhead has revealed the achievements you can earn by placing certain places in this clan war: With the Caracas event comes the opportunity to unlock two new pieces of content. Top performing Clans can look forward to: Folklore Nomore, unlocked via the Rainswept Achievement Finish in the top 3 of the Caracas Clan War For Clans that placed 1st in Gold Division or higher for the previous two Clan Wars, Caracas will be your first chance to unlock another piece of the Body Count armor. Body Count Reaper, unlocked via the Unstoppable Achievement Win 3 Clan Wars in Gold Division or higher
  18. Next clan wars starts tomorrow at some point - check the app for details or, could the first person to grab details from charlieintel or similar post them here as I'm a bit busy ATM (ho-ho-ho) as I expect we all are!
  19. Old head on young shoulders?
  20. Cosign this thread to The Pit?
  21. Looks good, short and to the point *like*
  22. This sort of marketing I can quite happily live with.....
  23. Apparently, I should check my passport as I might be American....y'all? http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/how-british-are-you
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