ATM 5 (Blitz, Cranked,HCKC, TDM and Hunted) of the 10 nodes are held by one German clan called Wixkinder, HCTDM is held by a clan called MFMD who have 57 wins and no-one else has scored yet, S&R leader is 33 wins ahead of us and the clan hold KC have a lead of 32 but I think they're being pulled back as the node symbol is flashing (any ideas Bob?). Dom, with 300 wins, is still up for grabs and the clan at the top of the board is 55 wins ahead of second place and we're one behind them. S&D is 80 wins and the standings are 4-2-1-0-0-0-0-0
Get those apps working as I won't be doing this again tonight - it's supper then play time!