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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. Haters gonna hate.
  2. Watching that last video made me miss CoD. I just wish the wall running, seeing through walls, etc. would just go away. I want a back to the basics CoD.
  3. Definitely a game I'll pick up when the price drops. Very cool series.
  4. Connections always look perfect in these videos. Hit detection is always spot on. It's never like that though. It's always a frustrating mess.
  5. Wow, that looks awesome.
  6. So, I discovered Sam Chatmon last weekend at work. He died back in the 80's, but wow, he was good. Here's an interesting song, especially considering he was mixed race, half black/white. Lyrics:
  7. I saw you were working on a level 8 guardian yesterday, so I'm guessing you mean while you're working through the story mode? Yeah, doing bounties as you do the story is the fastest way to level up. Get XP any way you can.
  8. Reddit Buddies for life! lol I just heard about all of this last night. I was on vacation when it went down. It sucks that it had to come down to this, but if he's going to wear the FG clan tag, he needs to be respectful. Telling a little kid to f-off, the shiz he was writing on the Destiny forum while wearing the FG, and the various incidents with members here, it's understandable.
  9. Good post, Owl. I support it fully.
  10. That looks really cool. I'll play it until Fallout 4.
  11. I may have honestly considered getting a One instead of a 4 if they would have done this from the start. My 360 was acting up too right before I moved to PS4. I had a lot of games, and some I really miss.
  12. Looks great, seems like it would be badass, but like Bart, I just don't have faith in any of these companies anymore. But, yeah, that looks pretty amazing.
  13. I'd be down for this. I really want a Fatebringer.
  14. I can be on tonight for some Destiny. I'm down for whatever.
  15. No problem.
  16. Yeah, I used to watch it back in the day too. I hope it's good.
  17. http://blog.dota2.com/2015/06/dota-2-reborn/ Today we are announcing the Dota 2 Reborn Beta, which brings with it a new interface, new engine and Custom Games. Everything in the dashboard has been completely redesigned utilizing a new UI framework, and the engine that powers the game has been fully replaced. On today’s update page we will be giving you a preview of the new interface. Early next week we’ll be talking about Custom Games, and later that week we’ll conclude with various details about the new engine and launch the open beta. Throughout the beta we’ll be releasing frequent updates in order to fix bugs and make changes based on the feedback you provide. As you browse around in the new client, you’ll notice a few things that aren’t fully functional yet. Additionally, our focus has been on the dashboard so you’ll find the in-game HUD currently looks the same. We want you to help us during the beta with your suggestions and bug reports. Our intention is to keep gameplay and heroes looking and feeling the same, so if you find anything unexpected please let us know. We’ll be bringing the update out of beta some time after The International to ensure we have enough time to respond to all of your feedback. More info here.
  18. You should give it a go and see how it feels. Let me know. It's a game I want to like, but everything I read just keeps saying, no.
  19. I'd like to see this movie sometime. I was a big fan of the first one. You and those redheads, lol.
  20. Looks pretty cool.
  21. I only have 1 Dragon barracks as well. I need to get on that!
  22. Gotta be careful when googling that phrase!
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