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Reputation Activity
BrettyBoy reacted to MrBiron in I bloody love food!
I really do. Food is just awesome.
A big fat steak = awesome.
Chinese food = awesome.
Sticky toffee pudding = awesome.
Chips are just the best. You can have them with pretty much anything. So they're SUPER AWESOME AMAZING.
Although mushrooms, courgettes and aubergines can fuck right off. Minging shite.
BrettyBoy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Tea or Coffee?
Which one is better, FG decides! Tea or Coffee? I've also added Water and Alcohol for the drinkers that don't have warm drinks, you heathen lot.
Tea all the way for me. Coffee stinks. It's just like drinking a cigarette for me. Or black tar. Whichever makes you feel better.
Not too fussy about teabags either, apart from flavoured tea and Earl Grey which is basically drinking perfume. Yuk.
BrettyBoy reacted to phil bottle in Horny Bots
And no, I'm not talking about @Diddums assless chaps...
The bots are rampant at the moment, so be careful not to click on anything. We'll deal with them as soon as we see them. Cheers @jordie1892 for your report ❤️
BrettyBoy got a reaction from Riff Machine in Favourite Takeaway
This is a hard choice for me to be honest but one of my personal favourites has to be pizza from a chip shop very close by.
BrettyBoy got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Favourite Takeaway
This is a hard choice for me to be honest but one of my personal favourites has to be pizza from a chip shop very close by.
BrettyBoy reacted to GazzaGarratt in An FG Update in Isolation - What did we say we'd do again?
Its been a while since I did an FG update. So bear with (with who? where is he! I can't see it!? ffs, Lee)
I'm sure everyone's days are blending into one these days. 2020 has been one of those years for the history books and we could've said that in March, let alone December which is still just over 5 months away. Isolation has been a double-edged sword in some respect; its been great to see so many chances to spend more time with your immediate family at home but what comes with permanent home comforts is the lethargic lack of routine, loneliness, depression, anxiety which we've also seen impact so many of us. I imagine you all can relate to some degree?
For a week or two I've wanted to write something but I've hesitated because I know I have to be ready to 'Walk the Walk' not just 'Talk the Talk' when I really want to make the most of this place for everyone and makes sense to pick up the things we've talked about over the past few years. Who knows if i'm ready, but i'm willing to give it my best shot and there's no better time to dust ourselves off in the midst of some soul searching in isolation. It'd be ace to start creating some of that Legacy i talked about in the article I did back in January.
I think the best way to keep everyone in the loop is being open and letting you know a few pressing items I want to see progress with over the coming weeks and months - and I would love to get as many of you involved which I'm working on ways to get to that. Please keep reading!
Merchandise Shop - this requires me to purchase and install a whole new section for FG which i'm hoping you'll all enjoy FG Points/Gamerscore - A way to have a meaningful way that gives everyone here an added bonus for being around FG where possible Creating new sections New entire page spaces for games - we can make as many as we'd like providing we can maintain support New homepage - to remind everyone of everything we do. We aren't just a Forum any more, we are far more awesome than that Expanding existing areas Guides & Tips section - the fairly new section needs some love and there's some amazing people here that do great info tips for you all that can easily get lost Re-engaging with old FGers - life's too short to miss everyone and its great seeing so many faces come back, lets do things to get other ones back too. For me its the case of, Why Not, you have nothing to lose seeing old faces and friends. Open our doors to new FGers - we should make more people aware of what we do best - they can have a home here and we can all help them in whatever problems they have. The PPR section just shows how much we have all done to help each other and long may that continue. Regular gaming nights schedule - to help people to keep themselves free, get involved and most importantly make sure the right game is updated and downloaded! Finding more ways to help others Picking up and driving some real charity fundraisers starting with charity streams Try to get a regular pattern on sending out Feel Good Fund parcels to caring FGers
I'd hope you all agree whilst there's more we can always find to do, most importantly this is a ton to look forward to as a group/family.
Other posts to follow but if you have any burning thoughts please shout up below - a poll will go alongside this post to ask absolutely anyone here if they want to get involved in any specific stuff in the coming weeks and months.
Thank you for the last few months everyone; here's to having a better second half to 2020 for all of us 👊😎
BrettyBoy got a reaction from Antpool84 in Hi.
Hi, A few people have suggested I make an introduction thread so here goes.
I’m 29 year old dude from UK who is into video games, getting drunk, watching movies, watching TV shows, smoking, vaping and using the internet.
Since this is a video game forum, I will name a few genres I like. I like shooter, arcade, beat em up, fighting and platformer games. I’m into all consoles but mainly play PlayStation consoles.
You can call me Brett, BrettyBoy or Bretty, whichever works for you. ✅
BrettyBoy reacted to Luseth in Mega drive lovin
Seem's there are a few of us with a fondness for the megadrive in here so thought I would get some chat going (I'm hopefully going to pick one up later, I think the retro chats with you guy's has given me a kick up the arse to finally replace my broken one 😄 )
I'm sat watching some gameplay of Mickey Mouse's castle of illusion, this was the only game I owned in another language (Japanese for some reason) so for the most part I didn't have an idea what was going on but it was a platformer so easy enough to play ^_^ On the video I'm watching currently it looks like it holds up fairly well as far as visuals and the such goes.
So any other fond megadrive memories?
BrettyBoy reacted to phil bottle in Gran Turismo Weekend Crew
So, to try and gather everyone from different time zones, let's try some weekend events.
If the US crew can say when is good for them for a session. Best day, time etc and we'll book it in the calendar.
Let me know if I've missed anyone.
Also, @BO7H B4RRELS do you by any chance have the game in your household?🤗
BrettyBoy got a reaction from Riff Machine in Hi.
Thanks, man.
Thanks, man and yeah, I understand. It’s good to know what others are into.
The last single player game I completed was The 3D All Stars version of Mario 64 for Switch, I beat the game and also obtained 100% completion in that game last month
BrettyBoy got a reaction from Riff Machine in Hi.
I’m personally going to stick with the original PlayStation Plus to be honest.