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Everything posted by Docwagon

  1. Let's clear up a misconception about shotguns real quick. In the ranges you are going to be shooting in a home defense scenario, the buckshot has not spread any sizeable amount. They are not "point in the general direction and pull the trigger" weapons. They are very powerful weapons if the correct ammunition is used, but you still need to aim. I'll throw some info into my firearms thread.
  2. I was a Combat Engineer, we didn't carry the M2 or MK19. We had one Mk19 per platooon, and it was mounted on the LT's track (Yeah, I know). Our tracks were M113's, and had the M2 mounted. The SAW was the heaviest weapon we transported by hand. Most of our load out was explosives. They get heavy fast. A typical cratering charge weighs 40 lbs. I guess my point was this. Not everyone can do every job, and the PT tests don't reflect that. Even within the same job, there are multiple tasks required. In my unit, everyone had the knowledge to do everything we were required to do, but some people's build just made them better suited for different tasks. I was never the guy stringing the main line to clear a mine field, because that's best done by a sprinter, and the smaller the guy the better. I was almost always one of the guys on a recon team to scout a bridge for demolition because I could carry lots of gear over long distances and since the teams are very small (2-3 guys), having the SAW was a huge increase in firepower. It would be stupid to have me stringing main line, because I'm a slow sprinter and a large target. It would be stupid to have the little guy recon, because he's going to get tired carrying 80lbs of shit over 15km.
  3. The minimum standard already varies based on age. A 25 year old doesn't have to conform to the same standards as an 18 year old. A 31 year old doesn't have to conform to the same standards as a 25 year old, etc. The PT test exists not because its the best or because it shows combat readiness. It exists because it is easy to administer, easy to score, easy to record, and that is all favorable to a giant bureaucracy like the military. It is, in many ways, arbitrary. Passing the PT test does not mean you can effectively do your job, and neither does not passing the PT test. When I was in, there were plenty of medics who passed their PT test but couldn't deadlift my 220lb ass out of a tank hatch. If I was hurt in my tank, they were useless. I don't give a shit if some 145 lb person can do 12 pullups, they probably can't haul me where I need to go if I'm critically injured. Nor could they carry as much ammo as me, nor could they hump a 80 lb ruck as long as me. You know why? Because I was 220 lbs and pretty nicely muscled through the back and legs, and an extra 80 doesn't matter that much to me, its a smaller percentage of my weight. I wasn't a SAW gunner because I was the highest PT score, I was the SAW gunner because I was the biggest motherfucker in the squad. If they really wanted to, they would implement job specific PT tests. Other than simplicity, it makes no sense for a cook to have to have the same upper body strength as a bridge engineer. A spatula doesn't weigh as much as a Bailey Bridge piece. Its ridiculous to say an 18 year old isn't combat ready because (s)he can't do the same number of some repetitive exercise as "they" say (s)he should, but if that same person was 30 they'd pass. Is combat easier for people who are older? No, its the same fucking combat. (Now here's where some folks will say, "well, 30 year olds tend to be in leadership or admin positions, so let's stomp those arguments before they start) 1) PT standards are the same for enlisted and officers. Officers are *always* in leadership or admin positions. 2) Enlisted men in leadership positions still are on the tip of the spear. Sergeants and staff sergeants especially are right there with their squads and are as much in the mix as the lowliest private. 3) Not everyone enlists at 18. There are 30 year old newbies. In short, gym performance is not real world performance, but is used because its simple to administer, grade, and record.
  4. The Army doesn't have a pull up test, and we've been doing just fine in combat for centuries. Pullups =/= equal combat readiness.
  5. +P is more important in shorter barrels. It's less relevant in duty sized guns. HP is the usual choice for duty calibers like 9mm to reduce over penetration and increase tissue damage. Reloading is fun and can save money but I only carry factory ammo for self defense due to reliability. *stupid autocorrect.
  6. Ruger just announced them, they aren't in stores yet. You'd think, but lots of idiots haven't gotten the message. Protecting themselves against make believe dangers and creating real ones for children in their house or simple carelessness have both been recent themes in children shot/shooting themselves. Revolvers come in DAO, SAO, and DA (Double Action Only, Single Action Only, and Double Action). Double action only means you can't cock the hammer manually, you have to cock it as part of the process of pulling the trigger (example: Ruger LCR). Single action only means you have to cock the hammer before each pull of the trigger (example: Ruger Blackhawk). Double action means you *can* manually cock it before the shot, but you don't have to (example; Ruger GP100).
  7. Let's take some time to talk about kids and guns. Recent events that have come through my office have made this a front runner in my mind. Do NOT EVER NOT EVEN FOR A FUCKING SECOND LAY YOUR GUN DOWN WHERE A KID CAN REACH IT. I don't care that you can see it. I don't care you don't think you're kid can see it. DO NOT FUCKING EVER DO THIS. Why Doc? Because your kid can reach for his chocolate milk and instead end up shooting himself through the face, which is fatal. This will result in a dead child, a feeling of being a total asshole for the rest of your life, as well as possible criminal charges. There is no god damned reason to ever ever fucking ever leave a loaded firearm unattended and unsecure if kids are in your house or the possibility exists of kids in your house. Never fucking ever ever fucking ever. If you're concerned enough about a home invasion to constantly have a firearm at hand, carry it like you do out of your house. In a secure holster. I carry a snub nose revolver any time I'm not under water but I don't lay it down and walk away from it, its in a pocket holster or ankle holster at all times. Now, on a happier note, here's what's on my short list to acquire in 2014: The new Match Champion Ruger GP100: http://www.ruger.com/products/gp100/specSheets/1754.html Ummm, sexy.
  8. If you're new to guns, don't start out with two different systems. There is no reason to buy a Sig and Glocks. Pick one. The grip angle is different, the sights are different, the trigger is completely different, maintenance is different, breakdown is different, etc. etc. Why learn two systems to do the same thing? Learn one system. Then there's logisitics. Sig magazines don't fit in a Glock and vice versa. If you stick with one, parts interchange, magazine interchange, you only need one holster, etc. etc. Hardware is about 20% of the equation. The shooter is the other 80%. Don't get so wrapped up in the toys that you don't budget for training, practice, and more training and practice. If at all possible, go to a rental range, take a basic handgun course, and then rent several different styles of handguns. See what fits your hand. See what fits your wife's hand. See what's instinctive to point. See what type of trigger system you prefer, etc. I had a pretty detailed thread on selecting a firearm, ammunition, etc on the old forum. I think Jsin salvaged most of it. http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/122-docs-firearms-thread/
  9. Indianapolis, the Crossroads of America. Just sayin'.
  10. I took a real first name with fake last name (without knowing which if either was real), a real parent's name, a partial license plate, and 18 hours of my time researching across 3 states (4, now that I think about it because the car rental company was in a different state than the car was registered in) and identified a robbery suspect. A case with a partial lead is the most time consuming of all. Some robberies are incredibly easy, some you have no evidence or suspect and there's no followup to do. When you get a partial to rundown, it can be a huge time sink that may or may not payoff. In this case it did, and its an incredible feeling to finally be able to say "got you" when you put everything together.
  11. http://www.bluemoonbrewingcompany.com/OurBeers/product/Short-Straw-Farmhouse-Red-Ale Try it. Now. I'm cracking my last one open at 11:31 PM so if my pager goes off I can tell them "nope, been drinking."
  12. One of the homicide sergeants is using this as their ring tone. Reminded me of Borderlands.
  13. So after a day dealing with two different business robberies and assisting on a stabbing, you know what really grinds my gears? Roller skate cars. Fucking seriously. You take a *car*, shove gigantic rims with tiny rubber band tires under it, and make it look like a roller skate and that's COOL? Seriously? Let's see. The car now rides worse, performs worse, handles worse, the fuel economy is worse. You have literally made it worse in every way except ground clearance, and you aren't mudding in your '78 Caprice you urban fucktard, you aren't climbing over anything taller than a curb and you won't even do that because your tiny ass tires will get a pinch flat and ding your giant radar dish rim. Leave the lifted and giant tires look to the hillbillies driving through the freshly plowed on his way to the tractor pull. You have successfully shown that all you care about is appearances, even if that appearance is stupid, so that you can impress other idiots who also have more money in "rimz" than in a retirement account. The end.
  14. Everyone involved should be punched in the crotch. The parents, the organizers, everyone. Punch. In. The. Crotch.
  15. I'm not going to randomly check on it and if I don't get any notification its there I'll never find out. If they e-mail me, I immediately get a notification there's a new e-mail.
  16. I dunno. I have no idea how Twitter works.
  17. While we're on the topic, by fucking union wants me to get a Twitter account. Can't you just e-mail me with updates about contract issues and the like?
  18. Its not the attention whoring so much as the stupid that turns me off to people on Facebook. Casual racism, extreme political views, mindless passing on of chain "like this or Jesus will kill your puppy" or urban legend BS posts, etc. I've had people who are fine with me and my wife in person talk about how evil Muslims are, etc. They would never say that shit in my real life presence, not sure why its ok online. It tells you what people really think, though, when they don't have the social stigma of being an asshole in person to hold them back.
  19. Facebook has truly made me think worse of people.
  20. Reminds me of a story. Remember the "things your dad taught you" thread? Remember I said "Never take Eddie to town" on that one? Yeah, same Eddie. I worked as a laborer on a construction site in my teens. My dad and Eddie were both experienced carpenters. There were several other guys, many that I never learned the real names of, but the one of note for this story was Thomas J. Turdbucket, Esq. I have no idea why they called him that, but that was what everyone on the site called him. Tommy Turdbucket or Tommy for short. Tommy spent the majority of his pay on weed and didn't have a car, so Eddie took him back and forth to work. As such Tommy was familiar with Eddie's truck and where Eddie kept things. Anyone who's worked outside in the Indiana weather knows that in the fall and spring the weather can swing quite a bit, temperature wise, from morning to night. Eddie kept a sweatshirt behind his seat in case it got too cool and he hadn't dressed for it. Well, one day Tommy got cold and decided he'd had enough being cold so he went to Eddie's truck to get the sweatshirt. This would have been comical enough, as about 3.25 Tommies can fit inside one Eddie. Tommy comes back to the site and yells out, "Hey, Eddie. I borrowed your sweatshirt." Eddie is on the other side of the house hanging brick freeze and can't see Tommy. Eddie, "The red one or the gray one?" Tommy, "The gray one." Eddie, "....that's my wipe rag." Tommy, ".....what's a wipe rag? Like for oil?" At this point we all look over and see Tommy in a gray sweatshirt with...chalky stripes on it. Eddie, "No, for like when I pick up some whore and need to clean my dick afterward. You didn't put it on, did you?" Tommy now doesn't know weather he should shit or go blind. He desperately wants it off, but doesn't want to touch the outside again to pull it off. Tommy, " *random spluttering* WIPE YOUR DICK??? *random spluttering*" and runs back toward Eddie's truck. I'm not sure why. He apparently gets the shirt off in some fashion and comes back pissed at Eddie for "being a dirty motherfucker who leaves a dick wipe rag in his truck." Eddie points out that Tommy should have asked to borrow the shirt before going into his truck in the first place and he can kindly shut the fuck up about it or walk home that day. Tommy shut the fuck up.
  21. Heh. I start hallucinating around the 36 hour mark with no sleep. I'd probably be throwing pipe wrenches at ghost clowns by now if I had that little sleep AND the frustration of trying to fix a technology glitch.
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