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Everything posted by Docwagon

  1. I know you aren't sassing me.
  2. At inservice at the academy.
  3. I has excitement. Hopefully it's not for the new consoles only.
  4. Awesome, glad to see you!
  5. Turian Sentinel: http://kalence.drupalgardens.com/me3-builder#43!1B04555!!23X51364!B03AGG Debuff with warp, chew with a decent AR with inferno ammo, set off fire bursts (or teammate's tech bursts) with overload. Turial Soldier: http://kalence.drupalgardens.com/me3-builder#24!4506515!!23X51364!D3BAG I keep concussive shot, but its also perfectly fine to skip it and get the 6th rank of proximity mine. The important part is to get all the bonuses for stability and rate of fire. He turns in weapon that relies on heavy recoil as a balancing factor into a buzz saw. The Hornet is great with this build, as is the Eagle pistol.
  6. Yes. http://social.bioware.com/n7hq/home/?name=Docwagon1776&platform=ps3 Substitute in your own name, of course.
  7. It does. You'll also get lag as someone joins. I'll be on tonight.
  8. The AI is fairly predictable once you get it figured out. Usually when I get in a tight spot I did something stupid or I failed to notice something flanking me. There are several long range baddies like the Geth Prime or the Ravager that if they get a line of sight on you and hit you with all three of their shots will probably drop you. Scanning the horizon for them helps. The most dangerous enemies in the game are 3 shot powerhouses and rapid fire enemies. Marauders and turrets, for example. Other than insta-kill, which is generally reasonably easy to avoid if you don't get blind sided, they'll drop you more than anything. My goal is always to take out the mid level bosses and chargers as quickly as possible. Killing the marauders and brutes, for example, and then concentrating on the Banshees. The biggest thing, though, is learn to use soft cover. Sometimes you want hard cover to duck in, recover, and have your weapon stabilization up a bit. Usually the trade off in mobility sucks, and if you aren't sniping your damage output goes down. Shoot around the right corner of things and duck back in when incoming fire is approaching. Some enemies cheat (homing missiles and lasers from Praetorians, for example) but you can increase your survivability quite a bit by doing so.
  9. The max number on consumables is 255. You won't be able to use that many in any given match, but will be able to build your capacity up to either 5 or 6 (can't remember if everyone can get the 6th of if that was a special event). The max number on weapons is 10. Once you max out a weapon you won't get any more of its cards. Character cards give you access to that character and then new ones give you appearance options. It used to be you could get character cards for characters you'd maxed out and get exp, but at least for the rare and above characters you won't get them after you max out appearances. I'm not sure on blue and silver characters after all the updates. I still disagree with Jason on recruit packs. I'd recommend Veteran packs from the get go. Play a character that relies more on powers, like an adept, who aren't so gear sensitive. You'll max out your commons soon enough anyway, but the uncommon (silver) guns are where you start to do enough damage to be useful. You'll also start upping your capacity for consumables and you'll start getting gear for the gear slot. That 4th slot can be a major boost to any character. Oh, and gear in the 4th slot is not consumed after a game, its like a weapon and stays. Consumables in the other 3 slots ARE consumed unless it glitches and doesn't eat them.
  10. Even if you have dental insurance, its basically a discount plan. I paid over $6k for my wife last year. Anyway, looks like you need to pay for one more button on that shirt, you sexy beast, you.
  11. She's really happy with it.
  12. Technically leased instead of bought, but I've bought it for 3 years: New car for my wife, replacing her 2008 Taurus. We really liked the Taurus but since my grandmother died there are never more than 3 of us in the car. We use the truck for our annual Christmas trip, so trunk space wasn't quite the concern it used to be, etc. We elected to downsize to a midsize sedan or small SUV. We have a good relationship with a Chrysler salesman at the dealership I bought my truck at a few years ago so we stopped in to see what our options were. The owner is running a "employee pricing for everyone" promotion, we had a $500 loyalty rebate floating around from my truck purchase, there's a bunch of Chrysler incentives to lease the 200 or the Cherokee right now, and in general the stars were just sort of aligned to do it this month. In short, we traded in the 2008 Tarus and got a 2015 Chrysler 200 Sport stickering at $29,505 with options for $274.01/mo for 36 months, $0 out of pocket, and $4250 back to us. We drove the Taurus an average of 8000 miles a year, so 10k/yr is enough for us which helped keep the costs down. We did drive a Cherokee Latitude and it was really nice as well. The cost would have been within $20/month. We went with the 200 primarily because the seats are so comfortable. The fact its stupidly quick for what should be an econo-box and still gets 36mpg highway helped a bit, but really the Cherokee got reasonable mpg and was surprisingly quick and agile in its own right. We drove it on a 350 mile round trip yesterday and averaged 35.8 mpg, so its right at its advertised fuel economy. http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/sedans/1410_2015_chrysler_200s_awd_first_test/
  13. Matches aren't quick. A fast match is still hovering at 20 minutes or so. 30 minutes isn't terribly uncommon if you aren't playing a well coordinated squad. The only real complaints I have with the game are how long it can take to get a match going and the "X button does everything" control layout. X sprints. X also takes cover. X also activates objectives. X also revives downed teammates. Chaos ensues. It sucks to be running from a Banshee and your character takes cover instead of sprinting or trying to revive a guy who died at the objective and start the objective instead. It's a great game, though. Look forward to seeing you.
  14. Maybe find a sketchier ad service, like something for midget porn or the like?
  15. I took John McPhee's Diagnostic Pistol class today. He videos you as you draw, fire two rounds, reload, and fire two more. I learned more in those 4 rounds than I've learned in years. It's amazing to watch yourself on video, especially with the "Coach's Eye" (program that lets him draw on the screen like NFL commentators) and see what you are actually doing vs what you think you are doing. He radically changed my grip, stating I'd basically been shooting one handed my whole life with my left hand just sort of hanging out. It's slowed me down a bit on the draw as I break the old habits and get the new grip right, but its money once you are shooting. Its so much stronger and more stable than my PD academy's "70/30" grip style.
  16. Glides. Very smooth sound, but maybe a little high pitched the first few times you try them.
  17. There are so many characters in MP that its tough to get bored with.
  18. I put the disc in just in time for Kyle to go eat dinner...then remembered I hate MW3 after 3 games and promptly went back to ME3. If you want to play some BO2, I'm up for it. I'm not as sure on MW3.
  19. We equate to awesomeness.
  20. Alright, I'm home, grass is mowed, will be on in a bit.
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