Love the game.
I would go out and buy a new PlayStation if I could (had to sell my old one last month) for that game alone.
But my son brings his with him from time to time when he visits. So could play if people where up for it on some weekends. ð
Hey all,
Haven't been making much noice lately, and been around even less.
For personal reason I will be taking a break. Don't know if we are talking weeks or months.
Hope you all are doing well. âĪïļ
Using the server downtime to share this achievement with you guys here in FG ð
Enjoy! This is among some of my fondest memories/achievements in Destiny.
2 gamers who wanna run the legend campaign with me at launch?
Yes I know servers will be shit. Will still give it a try.
Only thing I ask is that we go in blind. Watch all cutscreens and so on. And cast anyone who spoils anything to the depths of hell.
I actually didn't have the tape deck myself. I had the big big floppy disks! ð I still remember the sound they made!
What was the commands...
Load dir
Load "Whatevergamewasobthedir"
Something like that? ð