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Noct last won the day on April 13 2020

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    Umbra Noct
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    Mega Drive / Genesis

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  1. tbh i genuinely listen to absolutely everything, that ep has just been on repeat.
  2. some nu metalcore ❤️
  3. Thought I'd contribute here. An Aussie band I've been into for the last few years, a pretty nice mix of Nu-Metal and Metalcore, for those interested.
  4. Threw some of my own CoD clips into the drive there too!
  5. Here's all of the known info, at the time of typing this. Taken from reddit.
  6. I won't lie, since the "Go Fast" update I've been enjoying how the game feels a lot more than before. I don't expect the new content to be groundbreaking, but with the changes that are incoming, will hopefully be a breath of fresh air. Escalation Protocol definitely has me excited, as I feel the game has needed a horde-esque mode. The Summit was mostly to do with the big end of year expansion, and maybe after. Overall, I'm more than likely going to enjoy it. From what's been shown so far it will definitely be better than Curse of Osiris. Not expecting it to be much better, but I'm hopeful.
  7. With the exception of the story and arcade modes, yes.
  8. Exotic: Either the Ace of Spades, or The First Curse. (Even it's twin, The Last Word) All three of those guns were fun as hell and pretty unique in comparison to the rest of the guns in D1. Legendary: The Supremacy My go-to sniper rifle in D1 and the rarest gun in the game, I really miss it.
  9. Noct

    Far Cry 5

    That was exactly my reasoning for it, even if it turns out that the campaign is lackluster, you can never beat the feeling of you and your pal taking on the world. Co-Op has never technically made anything worse, in my book. There is a lot in this game that even some people are worried there may be "too much".
  10. I miss striving to find a god-roll, I miss re-doing the older raids (pre-Age of Triumph) just for the sheer fun of it. D2 just doesn't have that. Static rolls, boring as fuck raid, just generally dis-interesting endgame. This game was so heavily balanced towards catering to casuals, and the competitive PvP crowd that they lost touch with everyone in between. The "Infinite" Forest was the PERFECT setup for a horde-type mode, and even the locations very name was quickly proved to be bullshit. That being said I still have the game installed because DLC 2 is already paid for. I am nearing my breaking point with this game, honestly.
  11. Noct

    Far Cry 5

    Picking up the Gold edition for this one. Honestly Primal never interested me and FC4 was boring as fuck. This one's got the ability to undertake the campaign in co-op, no minimap, no view point-esque towers, extensive UGC tools, creative DLC ideas (for Far Cry), AND Far Cry 3. Already a massive step-up from previous titles and it has me legitimately excited for it. Something I haven't felt since FC3.
  12. The only real reason I will get back into this game is if it adds worthwhile content and an actual reason to keep playing. That is all.
  13. I have no idea how to embed here, I forget completely. (Lee - It does it automatically if you copy the link in) So yeah.
  14. In comparison with the older games, it's a step back in some aspects, and a step forward in others. The story is relatively lackluster if you preferred those of the first two games, as the game itself is focused on competitive 3v3 multiplayer. That in itself is fine in my book. I loved the previous campaign and enjoy this one. There is also an arcade 'gauntlet' style mode. The only multiplayer mode is ranked. I am disappointed there's no 1v1 mode but that's no big deal. Characters are based on classes (Assassin, Vanguard, Ranged, etc.) as opposed to having a vast amount of moves for each. It's easy to get into, but hard to master completely. As a fan of the previous, I really enjoy this but there are a few drawbacks as stated. If you have no past experience in the previous titles, I'd say it's a very accessible and enjoyable game.
  15. I used to have it for a while when it first came out. It was a solid game that was pretty expansive and even hard in parts. I don't have it anymore though.
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