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Everything posted by crispymorgan

  1. We don't have enough zenyatta. Might do some quick play.
  2. Can't remember which map, but we had the strat confirmed at character selection. We picked characters and did it. In the words of Zarya.... Visuwalize, the eegsecute. Via the FG App
  3. Does anyone have an old capture device kicking about they don't want or would sell cheap? Via the FG App
  4. Some of the mouth breathers that watch football in the UK do monkey impressions towards black players. Via the FG App
  5. £6.64 at music magpie Via the FG App
  6. So far the only advice we have is "stack ults" and "play less". Via the FG App
  7. getting better at overwatch seems like a pipe dream at the moment
  8. Might get the Bastion or Orisa. London Spitfire of course.
  9. We need to talk about what didn't work so well last night. Were the team comps suitable? How many deaths occurred to rushing solo? I thought when we grouped up with orisa rein and healers with DPS we were unstoppable.
  10. until

    At our level most characters are a valid pick.
  11. until

    I'm down. Bastion/Orisa/Soldier/Hanzo. Making good progress with Tracer
  12. Played one of the first games of silenced Fortnite. Victory Royale! Nareet, Myself and Lord Bread steam roller-ed every squad we encountered. 'Twas much fun.
  13. 4v4 proved to be every bit as rubbish as I feared.
  14. Meltdown and Spectre are going to cause me a great deal of heartache and overtime. ironically, I'll be able to buy a better CPU.
  15. I'm keen to do this. If we get rolled then so be it. Via the FG App
  16. I like that idea. My pc and ps4 are next to each other so I can keep tabs on messages etc. Via the FG App
  17. It's a ryzen CPU. No stock cooler I believe. Via the FG App
  18. Owners of Noctua CPU coolers* can obtain the NM-AM4 Mounting-Kit free of charge via this form. A proof of purchase (electronic version, photo or scan of the invoice) of both a Noctua CPU cooler and either a socket AM4 mainboard or socket AM4 CPU are required.The NM-AM4 SecuFirm2™ Mounting-Kit is also available for purchase at some of our resellers. If you need the kit urgently, please consider ordering it via a local reseller.
  19. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/P9HcQV Robs list with less RAM and no windows 10 license
  20. 1080 Graphics card for £450. seems like a solid buy. https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/inno3d-twin-x2-geforce-gtx-1080-8gb-44997-laptops-direct-2870578
  21. I've been meaning to do this for a good while now. Would be cool to get some of those cool overlays too
  22. we need a drop box or similar, because youtube compression is hideous and then it'll get re compressed....
  23. anything goes, because fucking D.va usually gets POG for pressing triangle.
  24. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/guide/zsfrxr/excellent-intel-gaming-build Thoughts on this?
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