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Everything posted by crispymorgan

  1. sunday 22nd?
  2. I just want a race where if you bin it, you don't just give up because the race is so short.
  3. Would anyone be up for a christmas endurance race? say an hour or so of nurburgring.
  4. I just went to preload the game files. It downloads 6 mb. bummer.
  5. Had this kicking about a few years, never opened. Can anyone make use of it?
  6. I'd love to play the original. But honestly? I'm actually genuinely scared to. Alien has always scared the crap out of me. And to play this game would literally induce death.
  7. Spiderverse is a top film for me.
  8. Good then bad IMGFLIP.COM An image tagged good then bad
  9. Games for me have lost their way. The lust for bigger worlds, betterererer graphics and realism. Even sonic lost its charm in a 3D world. Would games find their magic if they were constrained by older tech, could innovation and retro collide to make a gaming future where you don't download updates? Multiplayer on the net only, no DLC, no payment plans. Sounds good to me.
  10. I'll happily play this. It requires extreme caution though, COD it ain't
  11. Could someone with a bit more skill than me design an mx5 livery? The car is silver at the moment, but ideally it would be easy for me to replicate in real life.
  12. Oooh, I love me a bit of synthwave.
  13. Which call of doody? There's so many and I don't PlayStation much.
  14. I'm deffo liking the look of this.
  15. It'll need spark plugs and a radiator every 5 minutes
  16. Micro transportation. Clive Sinclair had it right, just a bit early. Cities and all new developments need to build cycle lanes that cut through to the right places. Regulate and permit personal e scooters. Up the limit on power for bikes. Even the Citroen Ami has a role for nipping about. But as long as people are driving Porsche hybrids that are massive and worse on fuel than a small car we're not going to make any progress.
  17. I just use gigabit internet to redownload games as and when. 😎
  18. Thinking of getting the dlc for pc. Bit annoyed that it isn't cross purchase. I love the pick up and play aspect of PlayStation, but pc is better for serious accuracy when you really need to make a sniper shot for example. Only draw back is the convoluted way of need to integrate PlayStation chat.
  19. Found out there is a way to move faster, you need to bind the "low ready" function which essentially means you've lowered your gun and can move faster.
  20. Finally got round to picking this up it's basically siege turned up to 11 on the realism scale. Phil and I spent literally all night in one mission. It was hard. Could do with maybe one more person to make it a bit easier. I'm loving it though.
  21. Bought another game gear. I've recapped my old one, but it needs a new screen. This one came with a game, and the master gear converter. Going to look at sourcing my own caps rather than buying kits which should save some pennies.
  22. Haven't played it. Doubt I ever will. I used to love playing CoD games online, but I guess I'm tired of rage inducing games. I'm happier bumbling around barren wastelands and casually shooting zombies. I'm not sure if the games got more annoying, or I just got old/boring, but I just can't stans the nonsense anymore.
  23. Skins are shit. The only people that enjoy them are the people looking at you. Nothing changes in the game. As far as I'm concerned, make everything free to play and let the kids pay for my games, and I'll keep the stock skins.
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